The seven Life energy centers in 3D jewelry symbolic pendants and their meanings.

in #jewelry7 years ago (edited)

seven chackra pendants 3D Printed.jpg

Chakras are among the most well known topic. The spiritual alignment with the ethereal body centres that feed with the appropriate energy our everyday life has been studied for thousand of years till today. The symbols depicted in the digitally crafted pendants below each has its own positive and negative attributes.

The chakra symbols are seven and each one of them has its own potential and colour. The Chakras are multidimensional energy centres, seven of which are in our physical body. Chakras are very important for both our health and cleaning of the samskaras (mental trauma from our previous incarnations).

Below is a full collection of the seven chacras in pendants that you can 3D print in more than 30 materials and wear them as a pendant, simply click on an image and you will find the model for 3D printing.

Base Root Chakra Muladhara

The root chakra is the center of life force, and from this chakra all earth energies enter our body. It is associated with survival, security, and adrenaline, the hormone which is produced when we are afraid. When it is open and works harmoniously with the rest chakras it reinforces the instinct of self-preservation, makes us feel grounded and stable, active and the need to have contact with our bodies.

Location: Base of the spine.
Colour: Red.
Affects: Perineum, anus, bones, rectum and colon.
Health Problems: Haemorrhoids, colitis.
Connected to: Survival, security, grounding.

Balancing Exercises: All types of exercises that open your thighs and strengthen leg muscles (running, walking, yoga) or reinforce the torso (swimming).

Sacral Swadhisthana Chakra

The sacral chakra has to do with our reproductive activation, sensuality, sexuality and sexual instincts and drive. The harmonic function of this chakra allows emotions to be expressed freely, without distortion or exaggeration.

Location: Abdomen, genitals.
Colour: Orange
Affects: Pelvis, lower back, reproductive organs.
Health Problems: Enlarged prostate, bladder infections, chronic sinusitis, pain in the lower back.
Connected to: Sensuality, emotions, sexuality, reproduction, the concept of identity.

Balancing Exercises: All the exercises that set in motion the pelvis and lower back. In yoga, the asanas involving exposures of the hips.

Solar Plexus Manipura Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is associated with power, vitality, independence, dynamism, will and confidence. When it is open, it helps to accept ourselves by realizing our potential and work better with those around us.

Location: Solar plexus.
Colour: Yellow
Affects: Navel, abdomen, small intestine.
Health Problems: Indigestion, ulcers, fatigue, hepatic dysfunction, adrenal gland problems, pancreas and kidneys.

Connected to: Strength, vitality, will, independence, confidence, confirmation and dynamism. Balancing Exercises: Deep breathing, physical exercises and techniques that reduce stress.

Anahata Heart Chakra

The most romantic chakra of all, this heart chakra could only be associated with unselfish love, kindness, relationships, compassion and tender. It is also the bridge between the physical and spiritual energy.

Location: Center of the chest.
Colour: Green
Affects: Heart, lungs.
Health Problems: Asthma, bronchitis, heart problems.
Connected to: Selfless love, relationships, compassion.

Balancing Exercises: Breathing and asanas of yoga that open the chest area.

Vishuddha Throat Chakra

The chakra that affects the throat, thyroid and neck is associated with the expression, communication, inspiration and creativity. When it is open, it promotes optimism, spontaneity and creative inspiration.

Location: Base of the neck, the carotid artery.
Colour: Bright blue.
Affects: Throat, larynx, thyroid, neck, tonsils.
Health Problems: Chronic tonsillitis, thyroid, throat, neck.
Connected to: Communication, personal expression and creativity.

Balancing Exercises: Yoga asanas that activate the chest area and neck. Alternatively, sing!

Ajna Third eye Chakra

The third eye is the center of wisdom, insight, intuition and objectivity. The harmonic function of this chakra allows us to have clarity, proper understanding and full awareness of the possibilities and limits us.

Location: The point between the eyebrows.
Colour: Dark blue, indigo.
Affects: Eyes, pineal gland.
Health Problems: Chronic sinusitis, migraines, vision problems.
Connected to: wisdom, insight and intuition, objectivity and imagination.

Balancing Exercises: Meditation.

Sahasrara Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is associated with wisdom and faith, with the deepest part of our consciousness and the expansion of our perception. It allows us to properly understand the world and ourselves, without preconceptions. At the same time, it relates to the relationship with the father and generally with power.

Location: Top of the head.
Colour: Violet.
Affects: Brain, nervous system.
Health Problems: Nervous disorders and mental disorders.
Connected to: Self-realization, the expansion of consciousness and enlightenment.

Balancing Exercises: There is no way to activate and balance the seventh chakras, only by starting your own spiritual journey (by selecting the method and the way that suits you) and work for the benefit of your spiritual growth.

The Chakras are multidimensional energy centers, seven of which are in our physical body. Chakras are very important for both our health and cleaning of the samskaras (mental trauma from our previous incarnations).

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