OY VEY! The goyim know! Wake up people!

in #jew7 years ago

Jews funded the Bolsheviks and Communism.
Jews support open borders.
Jews support gun control.
Jews spread drug use and decadence with Hollywood and pop culture.
Jews see every non-Jew as inferior.
Jews are working to collapse white countries.

The little man behind the curtain is exposed. You are either with us Americans who love our country, or you are with the Jewish conspirators. You can't hide the truth anymore.


they are pathological white haters and anybody that isn't jewish ,they see us as cattle and there slaves as loads of them has boasted.upvoted and shared.

It's not all jews and it's not only the jews, but still... it's good to know about the jews.

That's definitely true. No doubt others are involved such as Communist groups. But the Jews seem to be the center of it. I mean Warburg actually thought he could get away with funding Bolshevism and destroying the Russian Empire, a fact that is nicely hidden from high school history books.

Yes there were many jewish bankers but also gentile Wall Street-bankers supporting the Bolshevik revolution. Also most of the leading bolsheviks were jews. First Germany was also supporting the bolshevik revolution by sending Lenin to Russia, but after the Czar was toppled, the Jews backstabbed Germany, and went to Great Britain who was losing and said: give us Palestine, and we'll get America to join the war and beat Germany. Before this the Jews had supposedly been on Germany's side...

And yet they don't teach this to middle school or high school students. Keep spreading the facts about the Jews, it's really gaining a mass movement, and they basically don't have any defense except whining and crying about "antisemitism," which is BS because most Jews are Russian/East European not Semitic.

all communisim is jewish ,communism was invented by the jews.

Its the zionist jews they are the ones in control ,so no matter whose involved they are the masters.

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