why do the jews want muslim immigration?

in #jew6 years ago

there is a gaping hole in the "outside" communities explanation of everything that is happening when it comes to the jew. why on earth, would the jew, who hate Muslims. who builds walls, and kills them on sight basically. want a shit ton of Muslims in the western world. a world they want to live in.

i like to believe the there are at least some people in this world, that are capable of true long term grand scale strategy. lets try to find a reason for why the jew would want muslims, in their safe and secure home countries. for the jew is native to the west at this point, dont get fooled by us trying to throw them out all the time. what cold they possibly gain from making their home unsafe? what they can gain, is safety. how better to teach the white man that we cant throw them out, then to show us just how bad the world out there is. teach us to hate the muslims, and we wont throw the jews out to the muslims in the next crisis. my guess, is that they got really scared last time. the jew exist alot like a parasite, in the sens that they can not survive on their own. im not going to say they dont have a use and only steal. they dont have a safe place to call their own. and are to few to properly defend themselves. i could very easily imagine life like this. if we where not defended by water, we would definitely have had to in cooperate far more with central European society. we would have needed their numbers for defense. this is the curse of slow breeding "players"

think about how this crisis will go. the last time, the immigrants where jews. it was very easy to blame them, its not like the jew is totally pure. they like their money. like now, they are in some way responsible for the problems, but we cant really blame them here. its Scandinavian nature to try to help the world. not Jewish. far bigger chance it was the white man that decided to give away our shit to the poor countries. it seems very much like something we would do. i personally will cripple myself, in order to make an interesting game. the muslim immigration however, seem like a counter move. "if you are gonna destroy yourself, we are not going to get blamed" since the jew is often dealing with the money, they would probably get blamed when we start feeling the loss of everything we give away. if its muslims that destroyed the system. not just us giving away until its all gone, the jew wont be blamed. in the end, everything is about who will be blamed. and i dont believe for a second, that all the jews want to go move to israel, surrounded by the enemies on all sides. in a relatively inhospitable land. some of the muslims even have nukes. they definitely do not feel safe down there.

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