And Again,

in #jesus5 years ago (edited)

IMG_6307.JPGMy Lord:
Titus 1:1, " Paul, a servant of God, and an apostle of Jesus Christ, according to the faith of God's elect, and the acknowledging of the truth which is after godliness; "

The power that is effectual in ones life, it is simple. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. One wearies of hearing how no one can (speaking expressly of the professed saved), how it is impossible to stop sinning, impossible to obey, impossible to keep. It is impossible to live a godly life being obedient to the one you love with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul, all your body, all your might. That love true love can do nothing but fail every day. That this is the testimony of a professed born again saint of God Almighty. This is the testimony of a person who says they love the Lord Jesus with all that they possess. Even though love does not fail, they can not but fail every single day. I hear over and over that godliness has no place in the life of a born again saint, that if one could be godly then they have no need of Jesus?! This statement is upsetting to say the least, to always hear the lie of inability at every turn. To hear them that have professed the Lord Jesus to be Lord and yet will without blushing explain mans nature is to sin.

Beat this lie until it is dead, torn down, that not one single stone of it is left standing.

A soul who will profess godliness has nothing to do with salvation is a very empty well indeed.

To the "faith" of God's elect, what faith is filled with the great deceit of I can not after acknowledging the Truth and knowing the true born again state that one finds only in Christ Jesus. What faith has not virtue? What faith is not effectual? What faith is not in operation? What faith proves not ones state of being? What love fails? What love refuses to obey the Law of love? The Law of the Spirit of Life through Jesus Christ?

Who can without reading this explain faith? Who can give an answer to anyone that God might allow to stand before them of the absolute power of faith and what it is and contains? Who knows faith is faithful? Who knows that faith is loyal? Who knows that faith is sincere? Who knows that faith is monogamous? Who knows faith is fidelity? Who knows that to faith one adds virtue and that virtue is the proof of having faith in whatever ye have faith in? There is no doubt in love, no doubt in faith, by virtue of what? By Faith ye are saved, through this force you have power. Effective, a thing that is in effect, or an operation, the doing of something because of ones faith produces effect. A proof is found, fruit is displayed, power is revealed by that which ye yield yourselves to. Sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness. By faith you are saved by grace, by grace you are saved by faith. Faith in the Lord produces the Truth of grace, time to work it out and what it is causing you to work it out and understand. Grace is knowing what to chose and what to deny. Knowing what to chose and what to deny, one proves their faith. There is no grace without faith and no faith with the understanding of grace that the Lord gives to them that acknowledge the Truth, godliness. To live sober, righteous and godly right now in this life, not tomorrow, not forever walking and dying to sin daily, always wanting to do what is right but just never able to do it, yet always able to do what is wrong. That is the state of the old man, the man before being crucified with Christ. Who needs to have the old man explained who have truly been born again? Who could forget always wanting to do the right thing but always giving in and doing the wrong thing, doing so because they loved themselves more than any other, loved to please their flesh over the Spirit of Life that is only found in Christ.

I will never know in this life why God asked me to speak of Him, I truly feel I do one of the worst jobs of expressing the unspeakable. Yes I know all the things about who He chooses, but there are many weak, foolish base people in the world, why me? I have heard this question from many others, why you? I do not know, but I know I have but one desire, to work out my salvation with fear and trembling and to never ever listen to anyone who speaks of how true saints of God can not but fail every day. That we are made by God Almighty to sin unto death and Jesus Christ has to do it all, pay it all, we need not do anything but continue living the same as we ever were. I could back to smoking pot, selling pot, living off the addictions of others. I could back to stealing, because well through Christ we can do all things but cease from sin. I can go back to lying, doing it all for myself. I could speak with all the filth of a sailor and this fruit of my lips would be acceptable to God. I never again will buy such awful things, never again want to be leavened by them that profess the license to sin. Every false commandment of men, no matter what the name of it is, is a license to sin. It always is in the service of the flesh and never the Spirit of Life through Christ.

I love to point out that to the pure all things are pure, there is always the ability. To the unpure, the defiled and unbelieving, they who give lip service or no service, to them, "nothing" can be pure, no one is able. This is their mantra and they are upon all sides selling the lies of no one can, no one is able, nothing is pure and if they say they are pure, then they are liars and of the devil. I have heard these very words. The so called churches are filled with this teaching and it takes many names, the commandments of men, bearing many names but all lead to the same place, unable and ye are free to sin, delivered to commit all the abominations that men do. To commit them even in a house called by His Name. They do not even blush, nor can they as the carnal mind hates God, even when the mouth professes love, inwardly the mind hates God for it is not subject to the LAW OF GOD. They glory in appearance but inwardly they have no obedience, no effectual power of having faith in the Lord Jesus. Plenty of power of how they can not cease from sin, the fruits of inability abound.

I love this verse:

Philippians 4:8, " Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. "

Consider, what Truth is there of being in love with Christ and yet never able to be faithful to Him? Ought we meditate of never being able to show the true ending quality of faith, obedience? Is it really honest that God made man with a nature to sin? God did not even make satan with such a nature, satan chose to covet Gods place, envy Him, desiring to be above Him. satan chose to love himself more than he loved God. So we ought to think on this lie how God made all men not upright but weighted men down with sin from birth? We ought to think of what is just, God failed when He made man, making man born to sin, God is not equal, fair or just having done this evil to us, just then it is that He must do it all for us, pay it all, while no one can do anything but sin. So it is just that Christ died on the cross so men can keep on sinning, failing everyday, never being able to be faithful, monogamous, sincere, loyal all of which in then end is we are incapable of obedience. Paul had no idea what he was saying when he said "sin unto death "OR" obedience unto righteousness". Notice in this that word "OR", in legal terms if it had said "and" we would find the ability to combine two things, have to have two things, that would be sin and obedience to God able to be both in one. The knowledge of good and evil able to be and having to be. But is used "OR" and we know in legal terms this means one or the other, but not both. Not mixing, not sharing, it is one "OR" the other. One is able to be just one, you can be sinful, or you can be godly. There is not an absolute statement of two things having to be present, but a absolute statement of just one thing present and that we get to chose that thing, sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.

Is it pure to continue in sin, to be a fornicator, drunkard, druggie, liar, thief, murderer, busybody, covetous, envious and all the things we know have nothing to do with being pure? Ought we think upon how no one can be pure, is this what Philippians 4:8 is trying to relate to us? Is it lovely that people sin? Lovely that men sell the idea of a nature to sin? Is it lovely that we have a nature to choose? Is the Truth lovely or a lie? Whatever is good report, so is it good to tell others they can just keep sinning, keep lying, keep Christ hanging on the cross so men can serve the lust of their flesh? Is this the virtue Peter speaks of? The effectual operation of ones fact of state of being, is ever unable, born to sin, Gods fault He made you with a sin nature. All men have inherited Eves disobedience and no one can not but sin. Or is the virtue spoken of about being effectual in being able to cease from sin and stand fast upon the Rock of Salvation and not be moved, ever?

If there be any praise it is written, so are we to praise the man who can never stop sinning? Is it worthy of praise to fail every day so we make Christ more useful? Should we praise sinners, hold them in high esteem, invite them in to the body of Christ without having to Repent and be born again? Or is it that we are to praise them that do righteousness for they are righteous? Praise them that cease from sin? Praise them that turn back to God letting go of sin? Praise them that are able everyday to stand fast and not be moved? Ought we think of them who are obedient and show forth the power of having faith in Christ? Thinking of them that are effectual, showing forth the fruits proving that they are truly in love with Christ and Him alone? Proving they are loyal, monogamous, faithful, sincere in there words spoken. Truly drawing close with their hearts and giving it all to Christ, all for Christ, ought we to praise them each day. Give honor to whom honor is due so they continue in the faith that works by love and is proven by deeds. When they that are able to do righteousness, ought we not to think of them and encourage them to continue to hold fast, to watch, waiting upon the Lord knowing that they labor not in vain? To tell them they are able to do all things through Christ for He is their strength and if they possess Christ then there is nothing that they can not do. They can walk freed from sin and they can shine that light into the world of darkness that is unable to cease from sin. To be an example of Christ, as He was able to do, so ye are also able. Christ who said "Go and Sin No More", this is my Lord, these are His words and not mine. When Christ spoke these words He meant them because He knew that we are able to Go and Sin No More, if it was so that we truly loved Him. If we truly loved Him we would Keep His Commandments. Out of Love we would maintain His righteous example, fight for it, consider our ways and patiently look for the step He took before us, so we could likewise step as He stepped.

Titus 1:16, " They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate. "

Consider who they are that "PROFESS" to know God, but in "WORKS" they deny Him?

Who are these people who with their lips say I know God, but say not of works and by their deeds, by their actions they deny the Truth of God. Who are these people who take Gods Name in vain, saying they know Him but give a witness of God being weak, unable, and allowing sin to reign?

Who are they that are abominable, disobedient and unto every good work shipwrecked, castaway?

Lets examine the word "abominable" - To be worthy of or causing disgust or hatred. Who applies this word to them that say they know God but actually do not. They look like lambs, but speak like dragons, they go church, but sell doubt, praise sin. Like Paul told Corinth, your glorying is not good, as they gloried in the man who took his fathers wife. They did not separate themselves from such a man, but rather allowed the leaven to leaven them. They who make provisions for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof. They who do not mortify the members of the body, but make reason for the members to do as they please. They who sell God loving sinners, they who sell heaven being filled with sinners. They who sell it is all done for you already. They who promise liberty even as they serve corruption, also known as lasciviousness, licentiousness or a license to sin. Who are they the testify of never be able? Who are they that Christ spoke of in Matthew 7, all know the verse. They cast out devils in the Name of Christ, prophecy in His Name and do "MANY" wonderful works and yet they are not known by Him? Who will hear the fatal words "depart from Me workers of iniquity"? There will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, it will be a dark day, a terrible day and who desire the day of the Lord? What good will it be for you who do desire it?

Woe are they who this woe is spoken?

Amos 5:18, " Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light. "

Who knows sound doctrine and teaches it?

Titus 2 says but speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. Let us read sound doctrine.

Titus 2:1, " But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:

That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.

The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;

That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,

To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.

Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.

In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,

Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.

Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;

Not purloining, but shewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.

For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,

Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. "

Listen to all these works that are written of above in Titus, sober, grave, temperate/temperance/self control, SOUND FAITH (effectual, faithful, sincere, fidelity, loyal, monogamy, obedience), charity, patience, holiness, not false, not given to much wine, teachers of good things (selling doubt is not good, selling sin nature is not good, say God created men evil is not good, etc), loving their husbands, blaspheme not the Word of God, pattern of good works, UNCORRUPTNESS (also know as ABILITY, able, can, doer, keeper, maintainer, fighter, soldier, boldly etc...), gravity (the gravity, the severity of what is coming), sincerity, sound speech that can not be condemned, obedient, not answering again, not purloining, FIDELITY.

To ADORN, to wear the doctrine of God, the fruit hanging from the tree that is good, is good, for a good tree tree can not produce bad fruit.

Denying ungodliness, worldly lusts, to live sober, righteous and godly in this present world. Looking for the blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who REDEEMED US FROM "ALL" INIQUITY and to purify unto Himself a "PECULIAR" people (who do not look like the world living in sin, ever unable to obey, there is nothing peculiar about them that can not cease from sin), zealous of good "WORKS". For all men shall be judged by their works and not of the works of others.

Of course you can read on in Titus 3 more of the same "WORKS". Words but not just words, power that is found in them that truly LOVE CHRIST. That effectual operation of a fact of ones state of being in love with Christ is? Found in the contents of the words, from faith to love. Not just the words but the proof of the words alive in you being effectual. Not going to church but being the church. Not follow men but following Christ. Yea follow me as I follow Christ, but not I, I liveth but not I Christ liveth in me, follow Christ.

Philemon 1:6, " That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. "

Words that please my Spirit, "EFFECTUAL", to be able to show effective proof of having truly found Christ and being saved. To communicate thy FAITH in Christ, that is may be EFFECTUAL by the ACKNOWLEDGING of every GOOD thing which is now in me, in CHRIST JESUS AMEN. To go over this and over it till I speak with no other words but my love for Christ. The fact that I have been saved, set free from sin and death, even though I was so unworthy of it. He still forgave me and if I, then anyone, but not just anyone you must truly REPENT! God commands all men everywhere to REPENT. Do not take this time of grace for granted, realize the gravity of the situation that lies before all mankind. A train is coming and it can not be stopped, do not take that last step, one to many, amend your ways, let go of sin, REPENT, turn back to God. Confess and forsake, become broken, guilty before God, contrite, lowly, meek and seek His face. Fight the good fight of faith that works by love and is proven by deeds. Know repentance? then do the works meet for repentance. Run the race set before all, run! Dig deep, study to show thyself approved, working out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Know the fear of God is to HATE sin. Know that no one who has Christ is unable to cease from sin. Know the Truth and you will be free indeed.

Again, there is no freedom in sin, just enslavement to that which ye serve. Have ye heard they who sin are servants to sin? No one, no not even one soul walking in the lust of their flesh is a servant of the Lord Jesus. Many think they are, many pretend they are but it is not so. To whom ye yield you are servants to whom ye obey. The key word in that sentence was and is "OBEY". Obey the lust of the flesh and you are a servant to that lust. You can talk about Jesus, you can quote every scripture, you can live in the places called churches and it will not make you anything but what ye have yielded yourselves to. Obey the the Lord and be the doer of His Word and you will be a servant to the Lord Jesus. If you love sin, you will sin, if you love righteousness you will be righteous. It is the doer and not they who speak and do not. So speak and so do, it is they who do righteousness that are righteous even as Christ is righteous. His righteousness is not just imputed to anyone because the say He is their Lord. You become that which ye do, you are the words you speak when you do the words you speak. If you serve sin you are a servant of satan, not Christ. This can not be said enough for many try to turn the Truth into a lie so they can live a filthy life and pretend to be saved by the Grace of God, refusing the teaching of grace. Grace being the teacher of denying sin and death and living right now in this life "TODAY" sober, righteous and godly. The butter and the honey of the Word of God is to know to refuse evil and choose good.

Romans 6:16, " Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? "

If it be you do not believe Paul, then believe the Lord Jesus.

John 8:34, " Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. "

There are no sinning saints of God, no, heaven is not filled with sinners, it is filled with born again saints, that old man put off. That old man is not in heaven, the new man is. That is why there are requirements to get into heaven. One is you have to be born again, it is not maybe, kinda, or any other thing, it is absolutely you must be truly born again. No one serving sin, is a servant of the Lord, no one.

Romans 6:19, " I speak after the manner of men because of the infirmity of your flesh: for as ye have yielded your members servants to uncleanness and to iniquity unto iniquity; even so now yield your members servants to righteousness unto holiness. "

The word "NOW" is the key, it is NOW you do this, not tomorrow, next week, or after a lifetime of trying suddenly it is given to you, done for you. It is NOW you yield your members servants to RIGHTEOUSNESS UNTO HOLINESS. NOW is the time, NOW is the day, NOW is salvation at hand so make ye straight the Way of the Lord. NOW!

Stop playing with death, stop pretending you can not do what must be done. Stop lying, do not deceive yourselves of what the Truth truly is.

Romans 6:17, " But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you. "

Key word? "WERE", the tense is past. It is not dying daily to sin, not losing the battle and then taking it back up again just to lose again. It is you WERE the servant of sin but now you are not "IF" you have truly been saved, forgiven and set free from the bondage of sin and death. Truly born again and given the new heart that God gives all that are His.

Then the other key word is? "OBEY", the tense is present. Now you have received the Truth, acknowledged the Truth which delivered you from the state of being a servant of sin any longer, freed indeed. You go forth in obedience for that is what true faith is. To be faithful is to be obedient. Even if it is sin, obey sin and your faith is placed in sin, you become faithful to sin. It is not being faithful to sin and yet you still belong to the Lord. Just as it is not you being obedient to Christ but you still belong to satan. Utter foolishness and yet this foolishness is found everywhere.

Romans 6:20, " For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness. "

This word "FREE" is twisted very subtle when they say free from the Law. I find it difficult to get across to a degree perfected. Being a servant of righteousness ye are free from sin and the power of sin the Law. The law states the wages of sin is death and there can not be any other outcome but death. The very reason men must be born again, it is not optional, it is required for the Law can not be broken and one still be considered just, law abiding, that which the King has decreed can not be reversed. The King made a Way to keep the Law perfectly and yet one can live by dying and being born again. The chance to realize the Truth and to do what is right and no longer do what is wrong.

I find it no strange any longer how they want the whole of the Law thrown out or to take from it so they can keep what they want, or are willing to accept. All of it just so they can sin and justify themselves to still be servants of Christ, when Christ said without any doubt, they who sin are servants of sin and certainly not Him. They who love Christ do not sin, but strive for the mastery, to be a master is to be perfect in the knowledge, of great skill. This is what I desire in my heart to be of perfect knowledge of what I must do and what I can do. All for the soul purpose of pleasing the Lord, so I may obtain perfection that I found in Him that faithful night. Which was to be in His presence, I can not be in His presence and be lacking. I want perfection, I demand it, I expect nothing less of myself. I demand that I fight with all my might to be perfect as I can be,to whatever degree God will allow it to be, or expects me to be. I would rather overshoot, set the bar so high that it is a goal to always being fighting for. Than to set it so low I allow myself to wallow in filth and pretend that I have what I have not, to become complacent, thinking I have obtained, thinking it is all done for me, that I ran my race when I had never really started. I have not obtained but I strive for it, the bar is set, the standard is set, the flag that waves, the light that shines, the city built upon the hill shows that Christ is Lord. I expect nothing of anyone and everything of myself. God willing through the Son Jesus I will in the end please God with all my heart, all my mind, all my soul, and with all my might I will have done everything I could to stand in the end. If I do not make it, then at least I can say I tried with all that I had. I do not want to be found in hell knowing I did not even try to fight to not go to a place that is beyond all mans ability to comprehend the horror of it. It may be a small consolation but it beats not trying at all.

Easy in this world it is to forget, become lost, get distracted. The doubt is sold so cheaply that anyone may purchase it. The inability is king in the world of men and the way is always desired to make it easy, easy to believe, easy to do, easy to maintain, easy to the point it is done for them. Man loves to burn the Truth, to destroy it so they can pretend to not know it, or have heard it so they can go about doing what pleases them. They love to say "weakness", this is my weakness, when it has nothing to do with being weak in the true sense of the word. I am weak so I steal, kill and destroy, so I am unable. When it is the opposite, they are strong, bold even to to fulfill the passions and desires of their own flush. To fulfill the lust of the flesh is not weakness it is being bold in sin, To fulfill the passions and the desire of the Spirit of God is bold in righteousness. To be weak is to submit to another, to give up thine own desires for another. The flesh desires to be pleased, but true weakness in which men are made strong is submission to God, obedience to God and giving into His will, the Potters Hands allowed to shape you into the image He wants. It is easy to resist, easy to refuse, to be strong and proud and say nay I will not be that which You want me to be. Rather I will be what I want to be, I will assume the image I create for myself. East to say I can not do, I am weak to whatever it is that you allow to rule you. To complain, to murmur, to steal, to kill, to destroy, to do whatever sin that please you and becomes the reason you are able to refuse the Truth. As long as the excuse can be found as to why you will not choose life over death. Easy to turn from all of this and say "just a stupid book written by men afraid of death". Easy it is to mock God, to mock the Truth even when deep down all know already. Just as I knew it but refused to hearken for so long. So much time wasted. It says let no man despise his youth and yet I find that hard having wasted it on things that had no value to anyone. I look at some young person and I wonder what if I had not been so foolish, if I had started running way back when, what I could know now? I could of helped so many others just by being what I should of been, that is, whatever God wanted me to be, it does not matter at all as long as it was Him molding me. It is a "crying " shame to know I wasted that time I was given. I do not understand much, I know I am blessed to have been given this chance, blessed to have been set free weeks before I was going to die. Blessed to have been forgiven for so very much, but I regret wasting whatever all of this is now knowing God is.

I wish to God I could express myself completely, but I have not that ability to write all that in a day. I wish I could write down all my questions and allow others to read them to compare notes. Having heard what I heard, saw what I saw I would love to sift through it all and make sense of it all. It is easy to cry and I thank God for that, I much prefer to be soft than hard. Not sure where I am gong, just rambling now. Just want others to know the Truth and not hide from it, just as I want the same for myself. Nothing to be hidden so we all can be free from all if this. There is so much more to life then what we can see, it is such a shame we all waste so much of it in sin, in the doubt, in the inability, in the passions and desires of the flesh.

One can not be told to much or to often. We must keep each other in remembrance of the things that must be done. For there are many distraction in this world, many who are trying to call you off to go looking in places where no good thing can be found. It pleases God to cause others to remember, to communicate "FORGET NOT". If it be you have truly acknowledged the Truth, that you have been saved, forgiven and born again, you must fight to retain that which you have been given because you can forget. Do not let anyone tell you grace is irresistible or that once you are saved you are always saved, they are foolishly deceived and are doing no one any service by telling such damnable lies. May they Repent and God forgiven them for doing the harm they have done to so many.

John 3:7, " Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. "

Hebrews 13:16, " But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. "

Do not neglect whatever it is you have been given, see past thine flesh and deny thyself Amen.

1 Timothy 4:14, " Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. "

So much urgency, so little time, God help me, God help us all Amen.

Refresh one another with ability, let them see you being able to do what ye speak. So say, so do! It is not refreshing to show forth a false witness who is ever unable and can not cease from sin. There is NOTHING encouraging about not be able to do what Christ says to do. It is very encouraging to see someone able to do what He has said to do. I was told to tell of Him, and here I am. God be praised to the Highest, bless, bless, bless the Father in heaven for holy, holy, holy is He Amen.

This is the Lords day, the seventh day, a day made for man and not man for it. This day is the day God rested, a day He sanctified and made holy. He wrote it into stone with His own hand. The Lord said if you love Him, keep His Commandments, the question stands then, whom do ye love?

Seek, Repent and Sin No More...

It is remission of sins and not permission to sin...


Blessed be the Name of the Lord Amen and Amen...

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