The biological father of Jesus

in #jesus8 years ago

Jesus Crhist is not a name, is a title, Jesus means savior, and Crhist means "anointed by fire" all join means the savior that was anointed by fire, the real name of Jesus was Yeshua Ben Pandira, he was a Paramartasatya, that means Absolute Inhabitant, citizen of the 13th dimension , in other words, Son of God.  Jesus was the reincarnation of the biblical Josue, and appear in the Earth from the lemuric race, preparing to the lighting ( all in the Earth is by merits) some people say that Jesus watch the Lucifer drop in the Lemuric era, but in that time Jesus wa an initiated that prepare for his next lifes.  A Germanic mercenary was hired by the Romanian Army to protect their interest in Israel, he found a jew teenager, Maria, and rape her, the product was Jesus.  This is an ancient document found in Rusia, and it was corroborate with mystic techniques.  Jesus like to born in this way, say that Life Angels that connect the soul to the fertilised egg asking about what a superior soul could decide to come to the Earth from a rape.  Then a caring person , Joseph the carpinter ( this is symbolic, carpinter because build the Work of God)  take care of Maria in order to avoid a public lynching since she didnt have a husband and was pregnant.  The image of Mary Inmaculate that appear in the Bible is a symbolism that represent that Mary was a lighting soul and without karma, really the rape is unfair ( like crucifixion) but are  ways to save the Earth from another Yellow Planet tragedy ( asteroids belt) 


This is the weirdest thing I've ever read. I am a scifi fan, so that says something.

Please proofread.

I like to find the Russia document but i cant.

This could be a lesson for all teenagers that like to abort, no abort must not do, even a rape pregnancy.

Oh, this is the "other story" you were talking about.