Spiritual Awakening ! Self Actualization & Recognition @jerrybanfield's Supernatural Writing Contest - SWC


An Awakening is when the confused and frightened self transcends to a higher consciousness, a awareness full of love and peace. A spiritual Awakening should not be confused with "enlightenment", that may bedefined as an intellectual understanding of higher religious principals.


According to Dinka Ferati :

"Even though, I woke up on Nov, 11. last year, I am still going through THE hell with my Family, My husband and my kids. They still think that I am mentally sick and need medication, even though, I went through 4 doctors, one at the time, every 6 weeks with new antidepressant .
I have just finished an Awful fight with my husband and my daughter. ALL these months I am trying to get to them, BUT, their respond is ALWAYS the same !!! GO, find the doctor, GET HELP..!"


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs & self actualization
To understand self-actualization, it is important to be aware of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which depicts the five basic needs individuals have during various stages of their lives. Abraham Maslow (the creator of Maslow's hierarchy of needs) believed human motivation is based on an individual's ability to seek fulfillment and change through personal growth. Maslow asserted that individuals strive for higher needs when their lower-level needs have been fulfilled or satisfied. Let's look at the structure of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Here are a few characteristics of a self-actualized person:

  1. Problem-centered (not self-centered)
  2. Highly creative
  3. Takes responsibility and works hard
  4. Strong moral/ethical standards
  5. Honest and avoids pretense

Raja Gidh novel written by Bano Qudsia which human being to recognize oneself spiritual state.

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Bano Qudsia has written this novel drawing on the religious concept of Haraam and Halaal. Many readers tend to interpret Raja Gidh as a sermon, in which Bano Qudsia puts forth her theory of hereditary transmission of Haraam genes. Naturally the plot is woven to support the thesis. In the opinion of many readers and critics she manages to convince them that the pursuance of Haraam, be it financial, moral or emotional, results in the deterioration of a person's normality in some sense. She seems to suggest that the abnormality is transferred genetically to the next generation.

The concept of Tasawwuf..!


Tasawwuf is the soul of Islam. Its function is to purity the heart from the lowly bestial attributes of lust, calamities of the tongue, anger, malice, jealousy, love of the world, love of fame, niggardliness, greed, ostentation, vanity, deception, etc. At the same time it aims at the adornment of the heart with the lofty attributes of repentance, perseverance, gratefulness, fear of Allah, hope, abstention, tauheed, trust, love, sincerity, truth, contemplation, etc.

Determinants of Tasawwuf..

• Not too much association with others
• Not eating too much
• Not sleeping too much
• Not talking too much

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I would greatly prefer to sit with this Donkey than with the corrupt among the scholars. The donkey would remind me of the wisdom and generosity of Allah, and the merits of patience and trust.

In last I just want to say stay happy and let others to be happy put happiness in others life
stay blessed and Good bye..!
Thanx to @jerrybanfield's for organizing
"Supernatural Writing Contest "


Talking about Sufism (Tasawuf), I am thinking about my favorite writer, Syekh Jalaluddin Rumi. How lovely his writing was.

Anyway, you posts has a complete and good reference.
Thanks for sharing.

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