My near-death experience - Supernatural writing contest (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

My near-death experience


19 years ago I experienced one of those phenomena that are known as "near death experiences", although time has passed that experience deeply marked me.

Everything goes back to my 16 years of age when unexpectedly my health began to deteriorate so I thought it was a viral process or a strong flu that decompensated my entire body.

During those days, special occasions were presented within the family, such as the baptism of a cousin, whom I did not attend because of my discomfort. I consider myself a lonely person, most of the times I have preferred to share outside the home with the few friends that I have to share with my family, I being so reserved the discomfort that took over my wide gap between my family and me .

However, my small group of friends were more insistent than my family, when they found out that I was sick at home, they wanted to come up with a plan to get me out and make me feel better, typical imprudence typical of adolescents of that age that I as a teenager I finally agreed.

We moved to a remote place, where the night clothed us. I continued with the ailments of my own discomfort for not disappointing my friends and I arrived with them to the place scheduled for the meeting.
While there I tried to look as happy as I could but I really did not feel like dancing or anything like that, I kept sitting in the same place all the time, to be honest, my body did not respond as I wanted, I felt weak and I was mentally ill.

While the party was going on my friends decided to take the imprudence one level higher, they proposed that it would be a good idea to continue celebrating on a beach near the town where we were, something that at the time they proposed, I had my doubts about accepting who would take the vehicle I had taken a few drinks and in a way I felt distrustful of their stability.

I approached my friend who would drive to the beach and ask him if he could drive the whole trip without problems, to which he firmly answered yes.

In view of my doubts and my distrust my group of friends tried to reassure me, but they were blunt when they told me that the decision to go to the beach was taken, that I had to calm down and enjoy the trip, which I did with suspicion, but finally accept .

Once on the beach I must accept that everything was going very well, we share healthily. We had drinks, there was music and we all talked pleasantly, until almost dawn, before the first rays of the sun came up, I suggested that we should go, I was enduring my discomfort during all the time I was there, internally I felt remorse as it ended up dawning in a Beach with friends instead of going to the meeting with my family, because my health would not allow it. Later I would discover that this was the biggest mistake of my life until that moment.

During the return we drew many curves on the road, in one of the sections another vehicle blocked the passage going slower, we tried to pass it increasing speed in a curve, serious error, not measuring the danger of overtaking another vehicle in a curve appeared in front of us a cargo truck that came in the opposite direction, we tried to dodge it, the driver did everything possible to avoid us but it was too late, the speed we had taken to pass the car that was ahead took time to maneuver, the truck hit the car on one side pushing it to the edge of the road, the car went out of the way, being on a track that borders a mountain, the car overturned and rolled downhill, from inside the car could see everything as if it were on camera slow, the car falling apart, turning, the sound of the iron grinding, beating, all the things flying through the air, the faces of horror of my friends, until the car reached the bottom. The last thing I remember from that moment is to see my hands full of blood, feel the glass in my face, kick hard one of the doors to get out, when I manage to get the head out of the car to cry for help, I lost consciousness completely, everything went dark and I left my body for the moment.

When I managed to regain consciousness I did not know how much time had passed, I was confused, I did not know where I was, I woke up in a bed covered with cables and tubes, I could not move, images of the accident came immediately to my mind, and seeing me covered in cables in a place I did not know caused a strong shock in me, I began to scream as I could and move strongly, which merited the intervention of several nurses to hold me, when suddenly, my mother entered the room, I hug to calm down They injected me with a sedative that slowly worked until I was completely asleep again.

When I awoke and the tubes that covered my mouth were not what I could talk about, immediately the first thing I did was ask for my friends, how they were, where they were, my mother reassured me by letting me know they were okay, then she told me that had happened, as they restrained me, told me that during my time of unconsciousness I had undergone surgery and had blood transfusions, had broken my collarbone and pelvis.

The doctor gave him the most terrible news that a woman can receive, due to the bill of my pelvis, never again could I have children.

My injuries and the time I spent in the hospital made me reflect, I thought a lot about the gap that existed between my family and me, seeing me in those conditions only they were with me living my pain as if it were their own, I really felt guilty of all the time I could have shared with them and the wonderful things I would have obtained and wasted, that must change.

Time after I left the hospital, I felt that I had been given a new opportunity, a new opportunity to live, reflect, and not disobey again.

Today my wounds have healed, I managed to be the mother of 3 children, to whom my wounds give faithful testimony of the consequences of disobedience.


Really touching.God actually gave you another chance.

Thank you very much for writing this story @roseri and submitting it to SWC. That was a terrible accident and we are glad you survived it. I sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

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