¡Resurrections! One more entry for @jerrybanfield's (SWC) pot: "Supernatural Writing Contest"

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

Alright dear steemians. Over here my SPANGLISH version of this arcane mystery, enclosed inside an enigma wrapped into a hermetic puzzle contained in this SWC story next.

"Will we share our most powerful stories together on the Steem blockchain because this is our greatest chance to make a huge difference in this world?

Of course buddies!! and with 'nothing' more to add.. ¡¡Enjoy!! :)

Spiritual Awakenings ¿Huh?

"The Biggest & Most Transcendental Secret In Human Life"

"Mysteries and Enigmas I consider that millions but billions of people born and die without knowing it or having never deciphered it"


History of Glory Days.. ¡FOR THE POSTERITY!

I remember when I was a kid. A very young kid by the way. Around those early days, I used to put forward and ask to myself how awesome it would have been having a huge library at our disposal all the time, or something like that. To which all of us could have been able to have free access at any moment in order to seek, inquire, search, investigate and eventually find information about whatever stuff, thang or idea which came across our mind. No matter how extravagant, strange or far away from the collective common sense it could be. And then, eventually get solid answers in the very same instant we would require it.

At those times, it was only matter of allow me give to my imagination loose rein to try and achieve get reasonable answers right away to my restlessness doubts and questions. No matter how fantastic or pulled by the hairs these questions could have been. And as such and in the exact way like I was perceiving, interpreting and conceived them at a given time.

The key thing was going to be in succeed having access to 'that' information & knowledge 'source' to try convince me by myself, in an intimate and individual way, if the answers found were logical and rational enough to me. And then, have the opportunity to evaluate how close of a dreamer or far away of the reality I was. In the shape such as I was perceiving our world, environment and closest reality. And specially, to try untangle all the logic in the core of my entire idea, product of my imagination, reasoning and intellect in the very same stream and rhythm to which these would appear and arise from my mind in that instant.

I remember to have manifested these restlessness out loud. A lot of times. In front of my seniors, the adults, the family and at last, any human being who having been there, standing close enough to me and able to listen to my questions, also were considered by me, as well, enough informed and reliable as to provide me with some clues about where to start to look out for my quest.

The exceptional environment under which I was always surrounded early.

I always had the fortune of being surrounded by extraordinary beings. With an extreme highly aware and perceptive natural intelligence and infinite curiosity like mine. A capacity of understanding far beyond the conventional. And full of love and humility that overcomes all statistics. Qualities, which fortunately would take a lot to take them into assumptions or willing to take any fanatical stance on anything in life. And obviously, they all totally open to new experiences, possibilities and evangelists of the idea that there are no absolutes in life whatsoever.

Therefore, my good fortune was that they let me always 'be' exactly as I expressed myself naturally and effortlessly. Without obstacles or irrational conditioning as to ways of thinking. Without dogmas or doctrines which blindly have to follow. With an infinite curiosity always shared. Ever eager to learn and teach mutually. And with the wonderful guide of a lucid consciousness and common sense out of this world coupled with very strong and solid ethical, moral, human and rational principles that little abound on this planet.

Obviously they all already harbored, had and maintained their own convictions and principles about certain things in life. Most prolly forged in blood and fire. And especially thru hard beating, smacks and 'clean sticks' thrashing experiences exercised by that generation that preceded my parents. My distinguished and sui generis parents. Which despite to have been exposed and probably been subjected to the rigors of conditioning of the ignorant and superstitious prevailing culture at the time of my grandparents. Fortunately again, always they stood out as formidable offbeat freethinkers and opinionated questioning rebels, mavericks, outsiders and renegades that for my fortune were never bowed.

Well, modesty aside, I must point out that I also met in person three of my four grandparents. And I am and I was also very fortunate to have been able to perceive, witness and confirm been there, that each one of them fully also shone with the same splendor of an exceptional intellect. Clarity and freedom of thought. Relaxed and liberal attitude. Natural wit as opposed to any possible fanaticism. Unlimited unconditional love and innate curiosity. And were also glorious and ruthless rebels like my parents. So, that 'blood and fire' assumption, if ever there was actually some of it sometime in the family, certainly it should have happened long before them and therefore only my speculation.

Alright, I think I've exceeded crossing the line on the length of the preamble of this article. But I must confess that I have been writing this all in one go. In the measure as it was welling in my mind without stop to correct anything in order to not lose track or slow down the fluidity with which flowed the ideas from my head. A procedure that is not common or usual in me. But this time I decided to do it this way. Just as an exercise of pumping my memories in a continuous and delirious streaming way solely for this contest.

Once an opportunity, we began the search.. ¡And suddenly we found the surprising answer!

I have always possessed a privileged memory. Verging almost as eidetic. Which fortunately I still have and maintain. This being indeed, the responsible for the story that today I come to tell you and what is even more important; a story which contains an indispensable knowledge which I believe has been momentous in my life and today I wanted to share it with all of you.

I was about seven or eight years old when this happened and I'll try this time narrating it briefly.


I remember it went for a couple of days. In the first and only time that my sister and I had to pass it out and away from our own home in the house of some good friends of the family. Because my parents would be absent for those two days due a Christendom workshop that both would attend jointly held in a seminar.

Great! I will say that the patriarch of this family that we provisionally were welcomed by, named Antonio, he was a simple man of not very cultivated academic training or educational resources. But who actually stressed notably agility of thought, forceful logic, abstraction ability, experience pure, simple and anecdotal and Andalusian to further signs.

Oh Boy! This brilliant and shining being was responsible for supply me with what for me has been the most transcendental knowledge of my life. Knowledge that for the first time was covered and filled fully with startling clarity one of the many intangible unknowns that my restless mind and curiosity always running wild was dared to ask and consult to someone I trusted completely.

The question was: ¿What is the nothingness?

To which without pause I accompanied immediately my question, also exposing my own view and rationalizing this in an attempt to describe and justify why it was a legitimate question which had not yet been deciphered by me, saying the following:

- Yeah, because if I close my eyes, I see black.. and black is already something, ¿right? and therefore, stops being nothing and then...

Instantly I was interrupted, to be then indelibly lit and blessed with what for me has been, as I said before, the ultimate knowledge that any some highest wisdom ever touched me frontally and so clearly and strongly.

- ¿Did you ever after having sleep, you woke up in the morning without remembering what you dreamed about or if actually you dreamed something at all?

¡¿?!CHACHACHACHAN¡¿?! ¡Amazing! ¡Astounding! ¡Extraordinary! This wise and simple man with just a few words had revealed to me and illustrated so clearly and with absolute eloquent coherence and consistency one of the mysteries and enigmas I consider that millions but billions of people born and die without knowing it or having never deciphered it. And me, since that early instant and at such a young tender age I went to own such a singular knowledge, insight and understanding.

Well, Ok.. it still remains to be seen if also you assign the same importance and significance that I granted to this privileged information with glimpses of godlike confidentiality which seems to contain this query and that by things of random chance was to me gifted selflessly and spontaneously at that so early time. But what I can guarantee you at this stage of my life, in which I count with prodigious and exponentially endless amounts of information and knowledge with which I can evaluate, compare and contrast this premature wisdom. One thing is certain; I firmly believe that without suspecting it, my much appreciated and always remembered Antonio The Andalusian, just at that moment gave me the key to living a life without fear of the death. :)

¡Long Live Internet as the free and desired library of my yearned childhood!

Leave a comment. Share your experiences and feedback. ¡Be part of the conversation!


"Follows, Comments, Resteems & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

Cranky Gandalf

Cheers!! :)


Woow good story👍

Hello @naja. I observe you are from Aceh. So, your native tongue probably is Indonesian or Acehnese. Because most of your posts in your blog are mainly written in that language.

However, I suspect you can read and also understand english pretty well. But I still have some doubts that you also understand Spanglish equally well. }:)

I say this above, because I would love to know what you found so impressive in this post/story that you liked so much and perhaps you would like to elaborate a little bit more your comment to let me know why. Because now I wonder, if you liked it so much till the point of wanting resteem this post to share the Transcendental Knowledge inside it with all your Indonesian countrymen also.

Anyway, I'm grateful for your visit to my blog and I always appreciate comments in my posts. Therefore you can always feel welcome to pass by, say hi and comment on my posts whenever you want buddy.

Cheers!! :)

¡Thank you @por500bolos for writing this amazing story in Spanglish! This was a very interesting read and unique. I sent 15 SBD directly to your account for your participation in the SWC.

Thank you very much my dear @gmichelbkk. I am really pleased that you've enjoyed my story. :)

Actually, highly grateful for your time and very appreciated attention to my request. And above all, for your very welcome comments and generous recognition to my entry within the contest.

Thanks again mate. And you can be sure that it has been a great pleasure for me to know that I have been able to live up to your expectations regarding content quality.

Cheers!! :)

That's my pleasure @por500bolos.

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