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RE: My Awakening (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago

that's a great story..and one that I have personally had the privilege of hearing from the source, first hand. It's actually quite difficult to imagine what that experience must have been like but I can kind of see the colours; pink, violet, yellow intense ! It's a Wonderful Life


Thanks for stopping by brother......I love your idea of colors/aura......When do you want to schedule some time to talk? Shoot me a FB message when you want to schedule....Blessings

Hey Dude, sometime next week would be good. I've got a busy schedule but I'd really like to have another chat. perhaps we can do a bit of a dry run with some narrative highlights. I'll msg you on fb next week. Have a Great Weekend

Sounds good bro! Have a great weekend!

Hey bro thought you might appreciate my new blog...I will be posting about the 40 days and my writings.....Check out this one

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