MY MEETING WITH DEATH Supernatural Writing Contest (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago


About thirteen years ago I was in Caracas, my hometown. I lived with Maria Teresa, my wife and my two-years-old son, Luis Felipe, in the paternal house in an annex. My life was normal.

I must tell you that I firmly believe in the existence of God and the Spiritual World. I mean that my religion is Marialioncero Spiritism. It is my faith, the one that I live with much love for thirty-nine years.


All my life I believed in spiritualism, but the true one, the one that is not mixed with practices of Palerismo or Santería, religions that I deeply respect but that are very different from mine.

Oops, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Orlando Aristigueta. Pleasure. I hope this story interests you.

One night I had dinner with my family, everything went normally. That night I went to bed a little late for my habit: About ten o'clock.

I slept until three o'clock in the morning, when I woke up and I could not go back to sleep.

I got up and went up the stairs that led to the level where my mother lived. I went to her kitchen to have a glass of cold water since at that time we did not have a refrigerator. In the kitchen was my sister Neria who could not sleep either, so we talked for a while and then I went down to the annex in which I lived. I smoked a cigarette and at 3:45 a.m. I went to bed again.

Suddenly I felt very sleepy, but it was strange. However, I did not pay much attention to this. I started to fall asleep but I felt my heart beat more and more slowly. I tried to stay awake. My heart tooks its normal rhythm and then began to weaken again until I perceiving its heartbeat stopped completely.

Not only did my heart stop working, I did not breathe either. A total silence made me notice that I was not listening either. It was as if I was disconnected. This feeling was too unpleasant.

I tried to fight with all this, I tried to get out of bed, but I could not move my body anymore.
With much effort I could move a leg a bit and tried to touch my wife for to wake up her but I could not.

I thought scared:

"My God, I'm dying!"

Suddenly I found myself standing in the center of the room, I felt light, I realized then that I was out of my body. I looked towards the bed, saw my wife and my son asleep and at the edge of the bed my lifeless body.

What an impact it produced on me to see that scene!

I felt a lot of sadness and pain to separate myself from my son so small, to think that I would not be with him or Maria Teresa anymore. I felt a lot of regret.

Suddenly scenes of my life and people I had caused some pain began to pass through my mind. I experienced that pain but in a much more intense way. This produced deep agony to my spirit.

Suddenly in my mind my
funeral was projected. I observed people who were going to see my corpse and they felt love for me and pain for my unexpected departure. That love and pain was also felt more intensely, but it was a different pain than when I saw the first scenes. Now I felt very good. I felt the gratitude of many people I had helped and this feeling brought me resignation. I stopped feeling pain and regret in my soul for having to separate myself from my family.
Suddenly I began to rise gradually approaching the ceiling of the room. I was ready to leave.

At that moment, light spirits appeared from three different Courts: from the Court of the Venezuelan Indian Leader (Caciques), the Court of the Virgins and the African Court.


It was wonderful to be able to see those spirits with whom I had spoken so many times in matter, that is, in the body of a spiritist medium. Seeing them as they really were was too big for me.


The spirits arrived just at the moment in which I was rising and a strong indian chieftain (which I presume was the Great Guaicaipuro), with a rough face and who shone with many lights, told me that they would help me but that I behaved well. Then the African, with a red cape and a crown on his head (who also shone with many colored lights and whose cloak shone with golden light) went to where my body was and made some passes with his hands in my legs, arms and, finally, in my head.


In a matter of seconds I felt again inside my body, I came back to life thanks to these spirits of light that helped me. I stayed in bed reflecting and looking at the other spirits of light that were surrounded me. The cacique and the African withdrew leaving only four Vikings (Normans) two older and two young.

It was a wonderful encounter with the spirits of light. The Vikings had fur suits with some metal parts and helmets. The elders had long orange beards, the young ones had shorter and red beards. They were very tall and of strong build. They shone with a golden light.

They stayed for a while as if watching me or waiting for me to recover well. After a while I felt perfectly. They noticed it so they blessed me and they left. I got up. All this happened in fractions of seconds even though I had the feeling that a long time had passed. I woke up my wife and told her what happened. She hugged me and said: - Oh, honey, you were dying.

But in reality it was not that "I was dying" but that I really died and those spirits, with the power that God has given them, brought me back to life. Today my son is 15 years old, I have been able to enjoy each stage of his growth and the company of my wife in these "extra" years that the Spiritual World gave me. I lead a quieter life and I behave better than before, at least I strive to achieve it.

I believe that the greatest proof that these Spiritual Cortes come from God is the fact that they can revive someone, because only God or his envoys can do it. I hope this story strengthens the faith of those who read it and in this world so given to the search only of the material we know that the material passes, it is corrupted, it ends and that the most important things are the spiritual because it remains forever.

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