Dangers that Lurks from the Dark Force..@jerrybanfield's Supernatural Contest-SWC

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

image source:@www.pixabay.com

image source:@ www.quotessea.com


Have you made enemies? Be careful of your enemies they might do "Barang" or malignant sorcery upon you.
In our place that is known to many and feared by most people. It is only common that most people feared the people of Cordova because of its reputation about "Barang". Barang is a Cebuano term taken to mean all forms of malignant magic or sorcery.

We had a neighbor named Kaloy not the usual friendly neighbor. Manong Kaloy was very strict in terms of his properties, he didn't want anyone to trespass his territory. He would always scold children who get inside their backyard. Almost all children were attracted to trespass the house of Mang Kaloy because of the many fruit bearing trees like mangoes, guavas, star apple, and lots of green leafy vegetables. Every now and then, people coming from neighboring barangay would visit his house due to its remarkable backyard.

One day a mysterious old woman came and asked for some fruits from the backyard of Mang Kaloy. This old woman asked for the ripe mangoes but Mang Kaloy feeling annoyed of the woman said something that should not be said: Go Home you Old dirty woman! Your very disgusting, you smell like rotten eggs!

Upon seeing the incident my grandmother called my attention to get inside the house, she just made the warning sign that a great danger was about to happened. Being a young child I didn't know what my grandmother meant. As I was about to get inside I was able to heard some kind of Latin words recited by the old lady with a grim smile upon me. I just don't know but suddenly felt a cold breeze in the air like coming from the deeps of the earth. That night I caught a terrible fever that lasted for almost a week. My parents didn't know what to do, we have consulted various doctors but nothing works. When my grandmother heard the news that I was ill she immediately rushed to our house bringing with her an "Albularyo" a folk healer. The folk healer did some ritual and after a few hours I felt something left inside my body that makes me very weak. I suddenly recover all sweating and grasping for breath.

Just one month after my incident, we heard the news that Mang Kaloy died and according to his family members there were maggots going out of his body. That time when I got the mysterious fever, Mang Kaloy have been bed ridden and rumors said that every time Mang Kaloy would speak flies, bees, and beetles would go out. Until now, it gives me the creepy feeling of meeting strangers.

The Black Lady In The Chapel

image source:@www.rebloggy.com
If there is one place that I will not spend my night that is in our chapel. This supernatural incident happenned when I was just 11 years old that was "All Souls Day". We had to spend the night in the chapel so that we can pay tribute to my great great grandmother Segundina. The lot of the chapel was donated by my great great mother Segundina. This lot was used to be planted with mahogany trees and fruit bearing trees. Many people claimed that they had seen a black woman running at the center of the lot and at night they would hear strange voices of a woman. Since the lot was donated to build a chapel all the trees have been cut down. Most people believed that the black lady haunted the chapel because her home was destroyed during the construction of the chapel. Now, going back with that mysterious incident when I actually seen the black lady floating and suddenly gone into thin air. It was around midnight when the call of nature wake me up, so I need to go to the comfort room. As I was about to enter the comfort room a flash dark shadow suddenly came by. I was like a statue freeze to death not knowing what to do but one thing was sure that black lady was not friendly her face was full of anger. I gather up my courage and move my body as if it was the last I can do, then I remember to recite the Our Father. At that moment the black lady suddenly vanished. I hurriedly went outside the chapel running with all my hearts and never looking back. The next morning I was very exhausted and my parents asked me "Why I left the chapel and went home"? So I told them what had happened, until now I don't have the courage to go inside the chapel.

The Sigbin Anomaly-Killing Chickens

image source:@www.walyou.com

A sigbin is a creature that sucks the heart of children but in this case its not children but chickens. It has become an anomaly because at the same time this sigbin attack was accompanied by lost of various fighting cocks. They only killed the hens many didn't believed that this was the doing of a sigbin but just a diversionary tactic by thieves. But that night when my father was being awaken of the noise he saw a very mysterious animal that attack his fighting cocks. According to his description it look like a goat/a cat/or somehow a very unfamiliar creature.

Our School is Haunted

image source:@www.monsterland

Our school is definitely haunted by various ghost and other supernatural beings. From doppelganger to ghost of all sorts, duwendi and kapre. I have a colleague who possessed a third eye, she can see all super natural beings that is lurking inside our school campus. One incident that really freaks me out, was the incident when a doppelganger copied my figure and did the class discussion. I was really freak out because my advisory class said that I was doing a lecture about the Law of Supply and Demand, however, that day I was not around because I need to a attend a Mass Training of Teachers. From that time I would as my class if when was the last time I check inside the room just to know I was not being copied anymore. Plus, now I strongly asked for God's protection. Another incident was a child running around the campus at night, the playing of the piano, the huge footsteps in our library. A lot of supernatural incident had happened but one of the worst was the death of our maintenance employee who suddenly died after cutting the branch of the "Talisay" tree. According to my colleague this tree is there castle. I wanted to took a picture but the feeling of darkness overwhelmed me as I was about to take a picture. If you loved ghost hunting then this school is highly recommended but BEWARE of THE DANGERS THAT LURKS FROM THE DARK FORCE!




Thank you for writing this story and submitting it to SWC. It was quite scary and I don't wish to have a neighbor like that! I just sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

Super thanks for appreciating my supernatural experienced @gmichelbkk and @jerrybanfield! This opportunity helped us a lot that there is more than life beyond human nature!

Thanks bro... Pls resteem bro for the contest!

Whew! I can't afford to read it..Scary 😂

Thanks... Please help guys for better visibility for the contest please resteem and upvote!

..."tao din sila di lng halata" 😁 Hahaha

Upvoted kabayan @nickjon

Hehehe... Please support kabayan... Please resteem for the contest! I will follow you! Thanks

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