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RE: Healing My DNA & Soul Trauma - SWC @jerrybanfield (repost with proper 1st tag)

What a journey! It seems that when we are ready the synchronicity just flows doesn't it? If I make it back to Hawaii any time soon I'll have to see if I can contact your shaman/healer. Could use one! I've finally decided that a long term (20 years) disease I've had is from a blockage in my energetic body/field. I am continually amazed at my own ignorance and that it took so long to figure this out! But, anyway, i'm ready now and I am certain the path to healing will open up. I did enjoy your remarks very much. What a wonder it is to see beyond the illusion. Many blessings.


Thank you very much, unfortunately she fell ill recently. I hope very much that she makes it through this but unfortunately many healers I know have been passing on recently but yes if you make it back to Hawaii feel free to message me on a latest post and I will certainly try to connect you two if she is still available. If you continue to be pray with gratitude and for a path to healing for your highest good it will certainly manifest, though often in unexpected ways. If you can find someone who does hypnotherapy and past life regressions near you it is a wonderful way to dig into your own subconscious and heal your own blockages too. I've had to call on Archangel Michael to take a family demon from my energy field before during a hypnotherapy session as well as healed my past life trauma that I included in this story. I actually read a different story from the Supernatural Writing Contest where the teller accessed 5+ past lives from various times and the healing and awakening that occurred for her present self was immense. I have a calling to do another past life regression soon, especially after reading that. Many blessings to you on your journey too, I hope you find the healer you need!

I appreciate you reaching out and sharing. I was pondering today about the value and purpose of Steemit and one of the reasons I will be persistent is just for this very thing. To connect. To, perhaps make a difference. That's one reason I liked your story, it was more than a story - you gave meaning to it for your readers.

As far as past lives go, I know for certain I've had at least 24 (I seen myself in visions, I've seen "pictures" of myself in my mind. I've even had poems come to me that detailed events from other lifetimes. It's all been very fascinating) but I suspect all of us who are on a more, what shall I say... accelerated path, this life time, have had hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes. The Buddha said he had had at least 100,000. Life really is a continuation, the soul never dies. I am attaching a link to another post I made that may interest you. An experience that lasted over a month. Here 'tis: I've come to understand, finally (like I said I'm usually the last one to figure it out) that disease is an affliction upon our energetic bodies and that is where the healing must be done. Some disease, is imprinted through our DNA from ancestral energy and some is brought over from our own past lives. This disease I carry around with me is from ancestral DNA since my sister had the same thing. You noticed I said "had". It weakened her energetic body and took her. As for me the disease has been a blessing of sorts, for I've learned a great deal from it and frankly it has humbled me. I can't recall if it was the Buddha or the Dali Lama or who, but one of the Masters said that in order for one to be enlightened one must have gone through terrible physical affliction first. I can understand that. Anyway, may you be blessed.

Wow it sounds like you are very in tune with your souls history. That is truly a gift! I'm sorry to hear about your sister. Thankfully you have managed to see the illness in a different way so I hope you find a path to healing that. As I mentioned in the post, when you heal your own DNA you heal the paths in front of you, descended from you as well, that is if you have children. Life is so amazing, discovering our own great mystery. Uncovering layer by layer. Thank you for the share. I will check out your post too. Its really nice to meet so many spiritually connected individuals :-).

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