My spiritual awakening. "Supernatural Writing Contest" (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

When I was younger I was skeptical about paranormal experiences, I didn’t believe anything more than what I see in my everyday life, but things started to change when I started to pay more attention to my senses. These is not just one story, is a recollection of them to share what has helped me to open my eyes.

There was a time when I was at my brother’s house, I was around 14 years old and I was alone with my brother’s nice, I was his nanny because everyone else went out. The little girl was scared of everything, even her shadow so she was always with me, at some point in the evening I sent her to take a shower, while I watched TV, during this time weird things started to happen, I could heard the cabinets’ door opening and closing in the kitchen, the chairs in the living room moving, the washing machine door opening and closing too, at first I thought someone arrived home, I waited to see someone coming from the hall, but there wasn’t no one there, I called my brother, his wife and my mom, all of them were out, I got scared, after the littler girl finished her shower I called her into the room and we locked up, I never told her what happened, I just knew I needed to protect her.

In that house many things happened, people felt someone sitting in the bed with them, then turning and not seeing anybody. Voices of kids playing around the house at 3 in the morning. People wearing old style clothing watching through the windows and then running out to see nobody.

During my college years, I had a few experiences that helped me understand that I should follow my instinct, one of them happened at college, I had 2 classes that afternoon, I couldn’t miss any of those classes because they were too important, but that day I felt it, I’m not sure how to explain it, but it was like something telling me don’t go, you can’t go today, stay home, it was a powerful feeling that I needed to follow, but at the same time I needed to go, so I made a deal with myself, I could miss the first class, but I had to go to the second class, so I did. I skipped the first class, which ended at 4:00pm and arrived at 4:30pm for the second class, when I got there the university was surrounded by the police, but I didn’t pay much attention, when I got in I saw many people leaving I didn’t understand what was happening until I found a classmate, he explained all to me. A group of 10 armed men got into the campus, started in one of the schools and ended in mine, they were pointing people with guns and stealing their belongings. All this happened between 4:00pm and 4:30pm, the time I ended one class and I sat outside waiting for the next, I would have being a victim of this, if I wasn’t followed my intern voice warning me not to go.

My second college story was when I went out with my friend, we went to a concert in the open air, but after a few hours waiting it was cancelled due to rain, we called 2 taxis and my friends decided to wait in the street instead of the parking lot of the place we were at, this turned my internal voice on, we were standing on the sidewalk and my voice was screaming MOVE! MOVE! MOVE! I freaked out I told my friends to move, but they didn’t want to listen, until I walked away of the place, I walked 10 meters and they followed me, moments later I heard it, it was the sound of car breaks and at this moment I turned to see 2 cars crashing and a huge piece of metal flying to the exact point we were standing, it was big enough to kill us or at least to hurt us pretty badly. People in the parking started to yell telling that moments before there were people standing there to what we replied, yes, we were there. We survived I trusted even more in myself and my friends learned to listen when I feel something is going to happen.

The next event thought me that I’m able of making connections with people. I have a long distance relationship, this is the first time I have a strong emotional connection with someone, he lives in another country, we talk every day and I know him as well as he knows me. One week he went to a music festival, I knew he was not going to be available for a few days and I was ok with that, on Friday night I had this terrible feeling, I was scared, sad and angry, I didn’t know what was happening, I was at home, watching movies alone. On Sunday night I knew what happened, he called me to tell me he was attacked on Friday night in the parking lot of the place he was staying, they took his clothes and his phone, he was physically ok, but it was angry for losing it all, he missed most of the festival and lost his ID, license and cards. That day I knew that even if he is far and we are not together I can still feel when he is having difficulties.

The next story is the strongest one for me and the most personal one, I had a strong conection with my grandmother, she used to babysitting me when I was a kid, she lived next door, so she was always there for me. I loved her so much and she was such a great role model for me and all my family. On October 2015 my grandmother felt sick, eventually she got worse, one day, the night of December 4th I had the feeling, I knew she was going to leave us soon, but I was so scared of seeing her, I didn’t want to see her in the condition she was, I knew I had to say goodbye to her, but I couldn’t do it, that night I went to bed and I couldn’t sleep by the remorse, I couldn’t sleep thinking that I wasn’t there for her, when all my life she has been there for me, I cried all night thinking in her. Finally, at 7:00am I felt asleep, I had this dream where I saw my grandmother, she was walking, she was wearing a purple dress and she told me to stop crying, that she wasn’t mad at me and the she forgives me and that now she was going to rest. My mom woke me up at 7:25am to tell me my grandmother passed away. My grandmother visited me in my sleeps to forgive me, I loved her so much and I will ever will.


This was my grandmother, she always had her eyes closed in pictures.

The final story and the most recent one dated it August, my brother had many months sick, he felt in a strong depression, he stopped eating and everything went downhill. We took him to the hospital, his condition was bad, but he looked cheerful, I saw him, he couldn’t talk much, but he asked me when we were going home and I told him we were going home soon, after saying that I felt it, I felt I told him a lie, I knew he wasn’t leaving the hospital, I knew he was going to die that day. My brother passed away that day on August 17th 2017, it was devastating, he was only 43 years old.

All these stories are too personal and when I starting typing I didn’t believe I was going to write all them down.

Thanks @jerrybanfield for the contest, I hope you like it.

Thanks also to the sponsors @budgets and @gmichelbkk.

Thanks @jerrybanfield for the contest, I hope you like it.

Thanks also to the sponsors @budgets and @gmichelbkk.


Thank you very much @mbell for writing this amazing story of the premonitions you have and submitting it to SWC. I sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

Thank you so much for reading my story!

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Thank you for the wonderful initiative!

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