Miracle of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández. Supernatural writing contest of @jerrybanfield (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

My grandmother, Maria, was only 45 years old, when a small ball appeared in the upper part of her left eye that grew gradually, causing a pain that increased every day. She was always a very affectionate woman, very cheerful, hard-working and faithful Catholic believer, with three (03) young children my mother and my two (02) uncles Juan and Antonio and her lovely husband, my grandfather, who was always a man who He took good care of his family.

At that time, the economic situation was very difficult within the home, since my grandfather had a small business and at first it was very difficult, he spent all his savings to establish that place that after a while, it was worth it.

My grandmother to help with the expenses of the house, began to embroider with a factory of uniforms, whose work, although it was at home, was exhausting. Working day and night without rest. As always, he said nothing, and endured his pain, as he feared he would not continue working, which caused a serious problem with the help of household expenses.

One day, my grandfather Manuel, came home from work at night and saw my grandmother cry and complain about the pain caused by that ball in her eye, so she decided to take her to the hospital without delay to be examined.

Doctors at that time, could not determine what was that bulge in the eye and because it caused so much pain, sending medical prescriptions, which did not alleviate their discomfort.

As a last resort, they went to visit Dr. Ascanio, a doctor who had recommended a client of my grandfather, at the General Hospital "Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño", whom he said was very good and accurate in their diagnoses.


It was like a sad day in September, after many studies and painful exams, Dr. Ascanio told my grandmother that he had a malignant tumor and that they had to perform a complete extraction of the eyeball to the point of being able to fight against any evil What could I have.

In my grandparents' house, everything was sad because of the news, my grandmother María, in dismay, was crying about how she could continue working in that situation because she sewed the buttonholes of the shirts and pants, which needed her complete visual field, since their bosses were very strict in the details.

My grandmother was always very devout, until these days already in her ninety (90) years with the divine child and with Dr. José Gregorio Hernández, to whom she always prays and lights her candles.

One day before surgery, my grandmother prayed that she would not let anything bad happen and asked God and José Gregorio Hernández to take care of her.

That's when the day of November 1973 arrived, my grandparents left their three (3) children with an aunt who lived in the same building, telling them: "Everything will be fine, and soon your mother will be healthy at home with the favor of Guess". Child and Dr. José Gregorio Hernández ".

Upon entering the General Hospital "Dr. Miguel Pérez Carreño", they saw with concern that everything was completely alone and silent and that there was no one, a fact that caused much suspicion and fear of my grandfather. But when they were about to turn around, they were greeted by two (2) young nurses with a doctor of approximately 1.60 meters tall, white, with dark eyes that inspired extreme confidence, when he approached my grandmother. He said: "Come Maria, we will prepare you for your operation."

My worried grandfather told the doctor: "Excuse me doctor, I've never seen him, because you know the name and what my wife has, what's her name?"

The doctor looked and with a gesture of affection expressed "Manuel, do not worry, wait for your wife in that room"

My grandfather, worried about what they could do to his wife, gave in to calm down and wait, as the friendly doctor had said.

This is how my grandmother entered the operating room, she says, a bit stunned to hear when the doctor said: "María, count to ten (10), when you get up you go home healthy, you believe in the miracles that exist".
After three (03) endless hours of waiting for my grandfather, he saw how the Doctor brought Maria in a wheelchair, her face bandaged.

When the doctor approached him, he said: "Manuel, here is Maria, you do not need to give her anything, just give her a lot of liquid and soup, María remove the bandage as indicated in seven (07) days".

My anguished grandfather used to tell her: "But how can I take her if it is such a delicate operation and I do not have anyone to take care of her?"

And the doctor replied "Trust God because everything will be fine"

My grandfather took my grandmother to the house, with his beautiful family, who cared for that dear woman affectionately every day, with the nerves of removing those bandages, seeing how my grandmother felt no pain and was always that happy woman.

When the day arrived, my grandmother took off the bandages, as the doctor had indicated, to surprise, the eye was completely healthy and intact. I did not even have scars or traces of that malignant tumor that caused so much pain to my grandmother.

Grateful my grandmother, made a delicious cake and with my grandfather went to the hospital, to thank that wonderful doctor who miraculously cured her.

Upon entering, the hospital was as usual, and they found the doctor who was going to operate, who expressed his discomfort because the week of the operation the hospital was closed, but that did not justify that his scheduled operation had been lost.

It was there when my grandfather explained everything that happened to Dr. Ascanio, who immediately gave my grandmother rigorous exams. Surprised that the disease had completely disappeared and that there were no signs of scarring.

Astonished, he ran out to talk with other doctors of the Institution who wanted to re-operate my grandmother to see how that tumor disappeared inexplicably.

While my grandparents waited in the hospital ward, a nurse approached them and asked how the doctor who had operated on her was, and when she heard the characteristics, she said: "That was Dr. José Gregorio Hernández who cured the lady , in that week we did not work, we heard two stories similar to yours, I recommend you go to your house, there was a miracle".


My grandparents left as fast as they could and gave the cake to that kind nurse, and from there my grandmother never suffered an eye disease or any other.

A miracle of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández
Reflecting on everything that happened, my grandmother said: "I never lost faith in Dr. José Gregorio or in my Divine Son, our family had very difficult times, but God helped us and sent us to his saint to be healed." Now that it's okay, everyone in the family believes in miracles and that God is always at our side to protect and help us. "


Jose Gregorio Hernandez "Milagroso"

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