Supernatural writing contest "SWC" | ¡Alert before Death!

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

Hello friends of Steemit, this time I am going to tell you a supernatural fact that happened to me at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 7, 2012, I was driving my car through a busy road artery of the city where I live, I was In good spirits listening to Christian music, suddenly a song called "I will miss you" from the group Third heaven, the same one is about the death of a loved one. Many times I have heard it, but that day was different because I was overcome by a great sadness, nostalgia and I began to mourn inconsolable, at first I did not understand the reason for my reaction, I dried my tears and continued to my destiny.


I did my normal errands and prepared to go home quickly to have lunch with my family. When arriving at my apartment, my children were waiting for me to have lunch, except my husband, who was lying down. I woke him up and was very discouraged that he did not want to get up to eat, being very strange in him, since he enjoys lunch with his family and he likes to eat a lot.

That day we had lunch without him and I went to my room to accompany him, in that I asked him: Do you feel good?, Answering immediately that no, that he felt very weak, very sleepy, I began to inquire about the symptoms and the activities of the previous day, to find an answer to that unexpected dream, which even could not even keep his eyes open for a long time.

Suddenly, he told me that he had three days defecating very dark, black and he did not want to tell me anything, so as not to worry. Immediately, I called a doctor friend, to consult her about this situation and he recommended that she take him urgently to the clinic, because her health condition was very delicate.

Quickly, I called my brother-in-law to ask for help, since my husband did not have the strength to get out of bed, but between a friend and I, we managed to pick him up and take him to the car. It was six o´clock, when I went to the nearest doctor's center, he was admitted for emergency and the doctor on duty, he examined him, doing the blood tests, resulting in hemoglobin having it in five which for a man of his contexture and height, normal was between eleven and twelve.  What it meant, that my husband had lost 65% of the body's blood mass, due to esophageal bleeding, because of a pill that was taken without a medical prescription, for a cloth that he had on his face. This pill is very delicate if it is taken more than the prescribed time. The same, stuck and perforated the esophagus, causing internal bleeding. For this reason, my husband defecated black and the response to heavy sleep.

Once they gave the diagnosis, they passed it from to intensive therapy to transfuse blood to see if the body responded, otherwise, it had the risk of dying that night. Meanwhile, my husband was in the room very nervous and crying because he did not want to die so young.


From that moment, began the spiritual struggle for me and above all I understood, the reason for my sadness and tears at noon. God spoke to me through the song "I will miss you", he wanted to warn me about the situation my husband would go through. If perhaps I had paid attention to that warning, I would suddenly have started praying for that moment.

However, for God to be glorified and there are miracles, it is never too late. From that moment, I received the news of the seriousness of my husband, I went to my car to mourn and pray for a miracle for my husband. After ten minutes of crying, I put on my makeup and put on the mask of "Strong Woman", so as not to destabilize my husband or my brother-in-law who accompanied me on that stormy night.

After a few hours, they allowed me to see him and my husband would not stop crying because he felt it was the last time he would see me, while I, without tears in my face, gave him the strength to fight for his life and that he would entrust himself to God for I would heal soon.

The doctor asked us to go home, because nothing would be done while he was in intensive care, so they all left, except for me. Because I understood that my struggle was spiritual and that I had to snatch my husband from the Spirit of death that was in him.


It was a very long night, without sleep, walking through all the corridors of the medical center, praying without ceasing and even praying to the walls of the intensive care room and reprimanding the Spirit of Death that wanted to take him away.

When suddenly I saw some spirits coming out of the room where my husband was, it was a tremendous struggle, for long hours, but I did it with authority, to claim what God had given me that was my sons with my husband.


For six o´clock for morning the Sunday, July 8, I decided to go victorious to give thanks for the second chance of life that God had given him, I went to the apartment to bathe and go to church where I congregated, to give thanks to God and above all to give the testimony of healing.

Many of the brothers in the church asked me if the doctor had confirmed it to me, but for me, it was not necessary, because my FAITH was so great, that I trusted my Heavenly Father that he would do the miracle for me and after seeing those demons leave the room, it was the confirmation that I plucked him from that Spirit of Death. What it symbolized was in Victoria and win the spiritual battle.


After giving thanks for this act of love that God had towards my husband, I went to the clinic, finding my mother-in-law and my brother-in-law happy because the doctor had told them that my husband had responded satisfactorily to blood transfusions. and that his hemoglobin was rising slowly. He also literally added: "This was a miracle," glorifying God's work in my husband. That this terminology is rarely heard in a doctor since they are attached to science and the subject of miracles are not very scientifically verifiable.

After three days, they took him out of the intensive care room and then on Wednesday, July 11, he was discharged and to this day I thank God for this favor received, because my husband was born again.


As a result of what happened in my family, I am alert to the messages that God sends for us to intercede for oneself or for others.


I want to thank @jerrybanfield and @gmichelbkk for this initiative, that sometimes we think that these supernatural facts are seen in the movies, but when you live it up close, you have no choice but to believe it. And it's a pleasure to tell this fact in Steemit.



best regards steemit friend, i will probably trust it and will read your post

Thanks for the support, we all enjoy the free albredium

Thank you very much @lmrey for writing this story about an amazing recovery, and submitting it to SWC. I sent a bid to a bot for your upvote.

Thanks for reading my post and for the support given. It has been a privilege for me that you voted

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