My past life and spiritual awakenings- Entry for supernatural writing contest by jerrybanfield

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

This is my entry for the Supernatural Writing Contest(SWC) by @jerrybanfield.
Hi Steemians i'm Debby by name and my steemit Id @ladywayne
I thought you might be interested my experience in life so far. My past life has been full of miseries, miracle surprises and at the same time has been tragedic. A lot has happened in time past but I will be sharing with you a dream I had some years back. I think that really, really vivid dream that I felt pretty sure was a past life fragment.

I thought I'd tell you about what my past life was, but if anyone is interested I'm more than happy to answer any questions you might have about what happened , how it was structured and all that stuff.

In my past life fragment dream I had a year ago, it was somewhere around January 2017,
and I was someone's mistress. It was a bit depressing, and I expected this to be the same, but it wasn't. It was Pompeii.
I've got a Masters in history so I know that not everything that I will describe is necessarily historically accurate, but to be honest it was the feelings that were stirred up which felt the most real. The other stuff felt like icing on the cake which I could take or leave.
She asked me to walk down some stairs, into a garden, and then open a door in the garden wall and that I'd be in my past life. She asked me to describe what I was wearing, and it was some kind of white robe with sandals.
I had long, brown curly hair and a huge, ugly chunky gold ring on my left hand with a flat green stone. (Maybe marble, or something. it wasn't like a modern, clear faceted stone, it was more like a bit of polished rock.)

She asked me to describe what I saw, and what I saw was Pompeii as I have visited it in my waking life -- but without any tourists. It was completely, utterly empty, no rooves on the houses, just me and the stone floor, stone buildings. She asked me to walk down the road and I was drawn to what I felt must have been a cafe on the right hand side.
It was empty, but I was able to imagine what it had been like -- full of people and bustle and so on. It felt like a modern coffee shop, to be honest, a place where people could sit and gossip and just chill. I know coffee wasn't introduced until much later, but that's the only way I can think of to describe what it had been like.
It was a beautiful, sunny day and I was happy, just sitting there in the sun, with nothing to really do, completely alone. I saw a man running down the road, wearing a short green thing, and I couldn't quite understand what he was running about.
I strongly got the impression that this was the point at which I died. I didn't see what killed me, but I felt that it was sudden, and instant. I didn't have time to think, worry, run, or anything like that. I was just gone, and to be honest, I was kind of fine with that. I could have run and chose to stay.
Here's where things actually got more interesting. The instant the black washed over me, I was 'met' by a man who kissed me and held me and was so passionate that I had to assume he was my husband. She asked me if he was the one who had given me the ring, and I remember laughing, because yes, he'd given me this ugly piece of jewellery, and he thought it was so pretty and even though I thought it was kind of hideous, I loved it because it was something he would do, and it made me think of him when I was wearing it. I felt how much he loved me in that moment and I honestly missed him as if he were a real person.

I'm pretty sure he'd passed before me. We were both young and had this good life, and it had been cut short. I don't think I lived more than 10 years after his death. She asked me to see if he had any messages for me or if I wanted to say anything to him and I felt like I should tell him I was sorry, even though his death wasn't my fault. I felt like maybe, I'd nagged him to get some kind of medical treatment and he'd died from it, or whatever had happened, I hadn't had a chance to be there or tell him how I felt. He said he knew that it wasn't my fault, which you know was nice of him.
She asked me as well to ask him if he was coming back in this life, and if so, how I would recognise him.
And he said yes "I am coming back".
He repeated that he was coming back a few times. The weird thing was, I could feel him around me, feel him holding me against him, but I couldn't see his face, just the feel of his body and I was really kind of overwhelmed with how much I missed him. That made me angry too, the feeling that I'd been waiting through many, many lives -- maybe all the ones since then, and that he'd not come back.
I felt like through life after life I'd been making bad decisions or maybe forced into making them (like the mistress fragment) because he hadn't ever appeared. Like fuck, I've been waiting since for this douchebag to turn up, and I've really fucking missed him. Not to mention, what the fuck.

He said I'd know when I saw it -- but this is the guy that hasn't come back into my life for like, 2000 years. I wasn't expecting this to happen, but I actually cried at this point. After allowing my 'grief to wash over me' and so on, she said she'd slowly bring me back out.
You go back through the garden, and before I went up the stairs to wakefulness, she said that this man or my spirit guides or whatever mumbo jumbo would have left a gift for me to take into my waking life, and asked how I could absorb it into myself to use it as a way to heal from my past experiences.
It was the ring, and he told me I needed to put it back on where it had been.

She then brought me back out and then said to look out for signs in the next three days that might tie in to the ring.

My second memory
My second memory took me, unexpectedly during a deep meditation session, into a past life as a Nigerian with the soul that I recognise to be my current main spirit guide. He took me to a cave in a mountain overlooking a valley. He instructed me to shout into the valley, and hear the echo. ‘Your voice is like your thoughts, and life is like that echo,’ he said. ‘The only real thing is your thoughts. Like the echoes reflect your voice so too does your life echo what you are thinking.’ This was a total ‘WOAH, FAR OUT’ moment for me because at that time I had been studying ‘The Secret’ and researching individuals that purport that our thoughts literally become our biology and our reality. It was an intense time and oh, so, so beautiful! I deeply connect with my beautiful spirit guide in this lifetime and am so grateful to have this memory of a shared physical incarnation where he had so much to teach me in human form.

I’ve also had other memories of exisiting in spiritual form in, discovering my ‘spirit’ name and more – unless you’ve read a lot of Brian Weiss or Michael Newton you will think I’ve gone bonkers! They blow me away and have given me deep understanding for some issues I’ve had ‘being human’ giving me greater sympathy for myself and my idiosyncrasies. We are all wonderful, incredible beings of light who are capable of more than we could ever have fathomed, really and truly, namaste to you all.

Thanks to my mentor @jerrybanfield for this opportunity to share my past experiences here with people on steemit community. I really appreciate it.... Thank you


Namaste, @ladywayne1 Thank you so much for this. I was drawn to read it and it contained a very important reminder that I needed. Yes, we are beings of light. I was regressed by a Michael Newton practitioner a few years ago and perceived that I'd died in the Great Flu in 1918. Amazing Universe, isn't it?

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