My 4 epic supernatural experiences as a kid!!! Entry for Supernatural Writing Contest by @jerrybanfield (SWC)...

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

Hey there everyone, I'm King Anima. I have been reading all about supernatural experiences this morning via the @jerrybanfield tag and figured I would share the four experiences I remember having. But first, a little bit about me.

I am Jamaican so a very strong spiritual blood courses through my veins. If you should ever visit my country and enter one of the inner cities you will find that they are riddled with folklore, stories of the undead, obeah man and all sorts of out of world things.

One of the craziest things I ever heard of was this woman who fell victim to the obeah man and gave birth to three crocodile babies. At the time of hearing this, I laughed so hard thing myself. I couldn't believe people took these things so seriously. To me, they were absolutely ridiculous. Equally ludacris were stories of duppy man (ghosts) and raging bulls... a devilish kind of cow that went around rampaging and tormenting people int he nights.

No wonder why I gave up on believing in any of these things when I was younger. Yet, I still believed in the supernatural. See, I was always into Anime from I was young as well as Kung Fu movies and anything that had to do with deep meditation. I believed that there was more to me than just human and if I put my mind to it I could bring out more from myself. This brings me to my first supernatural experience.

Death/ Visit to Heaven


One day my dad took me, my older sister and a few of our cousins to the river in my home parish. It was Emancipation day here in Jamaica and it was a traditional thing for everyone to visit this river on this day, salt river it's named. I was no older than six at the time.

So the day was going on fine. We swam, played, ate, drank and were having a rather blissful time until I decided to move away from my family for a while. I wanted to practice my backflips in the water. I was on my own for a while and was doing well. But I was careless. The part of the river I was in had a few extra jagged rocks around and while flipping over I hit my head. The next thing I remember was sinking to the bottom of the water. But apparently, others had seen what had happened and rushed over to me. By this time I was unconscious but I could hear indistinct sounds and see the hazy dark shadows of people over me. I suppose they were trying to get me out of the water.

The next thing that happened was a bit of a blur. The sunlight came piercing through all the shadows, and there was a lot of blue. And it was as if the light was guiding me. I remember desperately wanting to go. I don't know how but I found my place in a vast garden of sorts. I stopped hearing the people around me and it was as if I was alive in a new world. It was like a tropical oasis with the most beautiful species of plants, animals, and humans around that I had ever seen. Shortly after being around n this daze my eyes opened and I was back in this world. I realized that I had nearly drowned and the people around me had just brought me from the grasps of death.



I was around 14 at the time and I saw this anime on tv called Avatar, the last air bender. I had seen animes before with people flying and controlling the elements (wind, water, fire, earth) before but never did I watch an anime that explained these things in such a practical and spiritual way. I thought if I practiced long enough I could move the water with my mind, or place my hand over the stove and not get burnt. I thought maybe I could move a rock a few meters if I could ground myself enough. I even thought that I could fly.

Seriously, I tried all of these things and they all failed time and time again. I burnt myself a few times but nothing too serious. I began meditating on these things as I wouldn't give up. Meditating always left me with a feeling of stillness and oneness within my soul. One day after meditating I went outside and stood under my favorite mango tree. I said to myself, today I will fly or at least stay above the ground for a while. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and I jumped. I tightened every muscle in my body and fixated my mind on not coming down no matter what. I felt my self not going any higher though but I wasn't coming down either. I was there hanging around in the air for about 5 seconds, levitating. My eyes were closed but my mind was opened. Then out of nowhere, my grandma called out to me to come finish my chores and I answered her call. In that moment my consciousness shifted and I fell. I honestly don't know if I was floating around for so long or if it just felt that way because I was so fixated on it but it sure felt real. I haven't had that experience since.

Sleep paralysis


My grandma was a lovely woman but she had reached that age where all of her childhood friends were passing on. She would often be going to funerals for them to pay her respect. One day, it was here and I alone at home when she had to go to a funeral so I thought she was going to leave me but surprisingly she took with her. I had never gone to a funeral before and I didn't even know what it was.

When we got there it was a typical funeral ceremony. I ended up seeing the dead lady in the coffin. This was my first time seeing a dead person n real life. Anyways, the day ended and everything was fine until the sun went down. All my family was back home now and I was in my room. As soon as night fell upon the land I began feeling this intense sensation of being watched. It was like there was this massive mass of negative spirits in the room, no, they were everywhere I went. I was so afraid. I went to stay by my big sister's side but I pretended I was just wanting to play. This carried on all night and so I slept beside my sister that night.

Now in the night I woke up needing to use the bathroom and wow, I don't know how to describe this. I was engulfed in negative energy. I kept remembering the dead woman and I knew it was her spirit that had come over me. I was there not able to do anything. I could not speak nor move at all and I felt like my breath had been taken away from me. I was like this for a few minutes. Then my sister got up and turned on the lights. She must have sensed that something was wrong. I was able to move and talk again and the negative energy was gone. I stayed up all night from there as I was too afraid to sleep again. I haven't been bothered like that since.

My first soccer goal.


Now this one isn't really supernatural but it was still super awesome. I was playing for Glenmuir high at the time and we were the best team in our parish. On this day we had a match against Tatious Golding high. A team which we constantly trash year after year. I had been on the bench for several games before but I never actually played as the team was really good. But this day was different. Our team was not playing well. There was real pressure to on us from the crowd to trash this team like previous years. It was now second half and we were only leading 1:0 and the worst part was that rain was falling all day so the pitch totally sucked. It was all waterlogged and the ball wasn't moving so well on it.

We needed something to come out of this rut and stake our claim as true challenges for the Rural area title this year. So my coach decided to make a change. At first, he put on Luke. Luke was awesome and went on playing well but nothing was changing. To my surprise, my coach turned to me and told me to get ready. Wow, I did and within 5 minutes I was on the field. No one was expecting anything from me because 99% of the crowd had never even seen me before and this was my first game.

But anyways, my captain, Quamy was dribbling with the ball and I was opened so I called him for it and he passed it a bit ahead of me. I positioned myself well and struck it with the side of my foot. It went right into the bottom corner of the goal. This was literally my first touch of the ball since I was on the field and I literally didn't touch the ball for the rest of the game lol.

What was really amazing about this goal was that struck it from about 30 yards out with the side of my feet on a waterlogged field. There was no way it should have been hit so well, no way it should have rolled so well over a muddy field, it should never had scored. Indeed, it was out of this world was out of this word, supernatural indeed.

Well, there it is. My four supernatural experiences and I do hope you enjoed reading them as I did writing them.

If you want to join the contest please check out this link:

Thank you all for reading.

Love for the love.

King Anima.


Thank you very much @kinganima for writing this amazing story about your different experiences, and submitting it to SWC. Well done for your first goal! I sent 12 SBD directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

Thank you man. Much appreciated. Thank you for your support.

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