The haunted house at the center of the city SWC

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago

The story you are going to read is based on the real experience of mine, the event was happen a few years ago, but all of those extra ordinary experience is still fresh inside my minds. I can still remember each everything until today, sometimes it tends to bother me, when I am alone.

My friend's house lies at the center of the city, we always go there everytime we have a free time or sometimes after the class hour, her family and her friends there are so kind, that's why we easily felt like being at home, when we are there. Everyday is such an ordinary day, when we are there, our routine while being there, was to watch some movies, to have some group studies, to finish and make some of our projects, and a part of our growing, we are having some party like a typical teenager there. Everything seems like a normal and repeated daily.

Until everything had suddenly changed, when some of our friend had noticed something strange and unexplainable, after we done some activity for our school, we cooked something to eat, but while we prepare our food, the electric fan suddenly move without any human presence, some of our friend noticed it too, we all have a goosebumps and try to ignored everything that happened, we finish eating then try to watch movie, but the next thing that happened was really scary and caught all of our attention, the glass in kitchen was fall down to the floor, they have no pet cat and there are no rats living in their home, and the glass is too heavy for a weak force to moved it. The dim light that they are using ads more feel of being scared, the house was too old, yet the light are not too bright, you can feel the heaviness of the entire place.

Everything we can see on the floor is a scattered broken glass. I said "Ops! I don't want to go there", but we have no choice, but to face our fear.

All of us went to the kitchen, to see what really happens, and we all cleaned up the floor, we are all covered with fear, while we are trying to pick up, every little pieces of its debris.

No one, wants to talk about, what is happening. We tried to divert our attention, but never make a loud noise. Maybe, there is someone who wants to shut our mouth.

We are all puzzled and thinking, why that things happens, we are aware that there is living creature that can't be seen in that haunted house. The day turns back to normal again, the fear has gone, the happines around the entire house has been restored.

There was another day, when we are there, one of their friends, open up some issue about the house, it's day time and we are outside, so we aren't scared, so we talk about it. He show us some picture in her cell phone, everything was taken inside that house, we can see it clear, there was a normal child playing around, while there are somethings strange in that picture, there was a black child in the picture, it was looking at the camera.

We all now confirmed that there was a strange creature in that house. That picture gives us more idea, how that house was really haunted.

I haven't seen something strange as that in the picture. Until another event had happen, we are all outside, while her sister and their own family are inside, then there was a sudden power blackout, their family went all outside, they accidentally took a photo inside their house, but all we can see is a body of a girl in the window, her sister is fat, and the body in that picture was evidently thin and sexy.

Woah! There was an another creature inside the house and we've seen it thru the camera.

We are all outside, but we heard a loud footsteps at the second floor of their house, there was no one who left there, and there is no one who will wanted to be there at that moment, no one who will have a guts to be there and tried to scared us, unless it is really a different creature that is hiding our trying to show or to express his pressence.

That was so terrible and so creepy. "No one wants to go there, no one wants to see what is really happening. Please stop this. I don't want this feeling. We are all crippled with great fear"

After all of that strange events, the days went back to normal again, but there are sometimes that we felt the presence of that creature, but we tried to ignored it. Until a few years had passed, their old haunted house was sold out, the entire house was collapse and taken away.

Since their area is at the center of the city, it is good to open up a good business, so the new owner of the land, build an establishment there, it was a karaoke tv bar, the place was filled up with a loud noise everynight, we also hang on there sometimes. We never feel the presence of that strange creature in that place, after its new form. Until, there was a really terrible things that happens, the new owner of that ktv bar, was died. His cause of death, was falling in the stair of that new ktv bar.

What! One life had been taken away now. No one can explain, what is happening. We have no evidence, there is no one who have seen the accident.

No one can explain, what really happens, they said that the owner of that new ktv bar, was died due to a sudden heart attack, while walking at the stair, but some people who have a strange experience in that place, have an idea on who was the responsible to what happened, but many are not going to believe, since there was no clear evidence.

Some people still believe in unseen creature, because they have a real experience or they have feel them sometimes, but some are not going to believe, all we need to do is respect each and every places and never flurry it, because we never knew if we are really alone.


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I don't believe in ghost or whatever scary things or unseen creature... in my opinion they are just living in our imagination. I never seen one of those or has an encounter.

Thank you very much @julieo for writing this scary story and submitting it to SWC. I sent 12 SBD directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

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