My grandparents departure & communications after death "SWC"

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)


I would like to start off by saying my Great Grandmother experienced life on the Oregon Trail in the early 1900's. Ethel was a strong Irish woman who used to tell the tales of her family traveling on the rugged trail to get to the Seattle area. Her daughter Ethel, my grandmother was one of five children. My grandmother was one of two of the siblings that was given to the local orphanage here in the Northwest because my Great Grandmother could not afford to take care of all of them. Ethel M, my grandmother was courted by her lifelong husband George on his coveted Indian motorcycle and they ended up raising a family of four girls. Ethel M. was a very religious woman, a die hard Catholic at heart and professed her love for God till her last days. I took care of Ethel every day for about 3 months prior to her passing after finding out of her terminal cancer. My mother Elaine was very close to both her parents and she was devastated when her father George and most recently her mother passed on. There are 4 significant instances of what we believe to be communications from both of my grandparents to both my mother and I. The first occurred approximately 15 years ago very shortly after my grandfathers passing when my mother was cleaning the house and she noticed a picture in one of her cabinets displayed in plain site. Elaine looked at the picture and it was her father. She had never seen the picture of her father in her life and stands by it to this day. My mother is very animate about never have seeing this before in her life. She is a very meticulous person, one would say she has a touch of OCD so I believe her. She also is a stringent non believer due to her Catholic education and upbringing so this also reinforces my belief as well. The second occurrence happened about 3 months ago shortly after my grandmothers passing when I was in the middle of texting my friend on Facebook Messenger and i was about to speak another entry into the messenger app to him when I noticed there were already what looked to be sentences but somewhat random words placed within. It was very strange since I was alone in my car and the the stereo was not playing, just complete silence. I looked at the message and I was amazed at what they said. They were nothing that were in my head nor that I was about to write. I had just got done having a conversation with my mother about how she missed my grandmother so much and she was very upset she wasn't able to be there when she passed on. The words said "Thank or he i meant i miss you love you miss earth I miss her you want to treat her what's r". I immediately got the feeling it was my grandmother wanting me to communicate to her daughter that she loves her and for me to take care of her. There was a bit more to the message but I had started erasing it because I thought is was some technical mishap. I wish I had actually looked at what the rest of message said but It was too late and I had partially erased some of it. I was completely freaked out at that moment. "How could these words get on the message I was just about to use voice to speech to send a message to my friend?", I said to myself. There was no other possibility and the fact that I had just dealt with my mother being very upset about not being there for her mother told me that it had to be a message from my grandmother. I literally got chills down the spine. The last experience just happened a few days ago when my mother had just taken a shower and she had her curling iron on and was putting curls in her hair and she noticed her hair was all in ringlets. All of a sudden she had this memory of when she was a little girl about 5 years old sitting on the toilet next to her mothers bedroom. She had a memory of her mom having a hair brush and she was whipping her hair around making little curls and ringlets in her hair. My mother had no idea why this memory had just popped into her head and at that moment she said she felt my grandmother pass right through her and she felt this chill as she passed through. She was perplexed as to why that thought would all of a sudden just come into her head. She was convinced that it was her mother. I am myself a believer in God but my mother I can say is definitely not and the fact that she keeps having these experiences and believing they are real is a very good indication to me that there is an afterlife and her parents are watching over her. I have a strong feeling my mother has an ability to communicate with the other side regardless of her beliefs. She also had a run in with an entity at a home we were renting when I was just out of high school. Mom didn't mention this to me until all these things started happening pertaining her parents but whenever she was alone at night in this house something would scream and or whistle loudly in her ear just as she was about to fall asleep! She said it terrified her and she would stay awake until I or my brother got home because it would not happen while we were there. I could not believe that she never mentioned this to me considering how freaky it was. She told me she could not wait until the lease was up at that place. She believed it was the ghost of the mother of the couple that rented the home to her. Apparently she had passed away in that home but neglected to inform her at time of rental, imagine that. There you have it, these are my experiences thus far with what I believe to be the supernatural.....


Did you receive some reward for this writing story?i want to participate in contest like this but i forget to do entry @jerrybanfield

No, I did not. I posted on the page and followed the parameters. I should check back with the page and see who won. I literally wrote this in like 15 minutes. I was bored and had a few spare moments on my hands. I really should have put some time into it :)

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