An Unbelievable Tale: Supernatural Writing Contest @jerrybanfield

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

I've always been an energetic person, so full of life. Almost always happy. Had nothing to worry about. I had my parents do everything for me. I can say for sure that I had an almost perfect life.

I didn't have any issues, be it physical, psychological, social, emotional, and otherwise. In fact, I always bragged about the fact that I've never been to the hospital for any health related issues.

I was born into a Christian home, my mom being our pillar. I believe in God but don't like most of the churches around. I always said they were out for their members money.

So I woke up one day and realized I couldn't laugh properly, I couldn't shout or do anything that involves increasing the intra abdominal pressure without feeling so much pain. I was feeling this pain around my right flank. It was really intense.

Initially I thought it was a joke. I told my sister, and she asked me not to bother that it would subside.

The next day, the pain was still there. It was even increasing, I didn't know what to do. Then I decided to tell my mom. So I talked to my mom, letting her know that it started the previous day. She asked me not to bother so much that we'll go to the hospital.

So we went to the hospital. We saw the doctor and I was given some pain relievers. I used them for like three days and yet no change.

It really bothered my parents. So my mom suggested we try another hospital. So my mom took me to Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital in old GRA, Port Harcourt.

It was not easy, not for me nor my parents. My mom would wake me up very early in the morning so that we'll be able to get there on time. We got there on the first day, we met the doctor, told him about everything that had happened; how it started, the medications I've had and all.

Then the doctor asked us to come back the following Monday. My mom agreed, we left the hospital, got back home and told my dad all that happened. He said no problem, that by Monday we'll go back there and hear what the doctor had to say.

Monday came, as usual, my mom woke me up really early. We did all we had to, and left the house. Leaving the house was really scary, everywhere was dark and quiet.
So we got to the hospital and took a number. I don't exactly remember the number but I know it was above 100. We waited till 4pm, and it was still not our turn. Then later one of the nurses came to the waiting room and told us that the doctors won't be able see any of us that its past working hours.

It was so frustrating cause at that point we didn't even know what was causing the pain. Instantly my mom broke into tears, I didn't know what to do, I was also crying, seeing my mom cry. We left the hospital, got home and told my dad. He was so pissed, then he said we shouldn't go back there, seeing how they run the hospital.

So he asked us to go to University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, my mom was OK with the idea.

So the next day we woke up and left the house early as usual. My mom wanted us to get there early so that we'd get a good number. It was actually my first time there, the hospital was big, with a lot of doctors and a lot of patients as well.

We got to the general out patients department, got a folder and took a number.
Things were going well and about few minutes past noon we got to see the doctor.
The doctor asked a lot of questions, he wrote down the tests we were supposed to carryout. And then prescribed some drugs for me. For once we had good news.
The tests we had to run were many, no doubt, and quite expensive too. We paid for everything and left for the house.

We got home, my mom told my dad all we went through that day. It was not so bad after all. My dad knew one of the matrons there, so he called, told her a few things about the situation. He also asked her to look out for my test results and let him know when they were ready. Things were looking okay at the time, I didn't have to worry so much since I had a doctor on my case.

After a few days my dad got a call from the matron, telling him that the results were ready. Thank God!!! At least I can now get a precise diagnosis.
The next day we went back to the hospital and saw the doctor. While we were on our way to the hospital, my heart was racing. I didn't know what to expect. But I just tried to put myself together.
We got to the hospital, asked the nurse to get the doctor.
He came out and walked us to his office. I was really scared, the doctor's face didn't look like it was just pain that'd pass soon.
He looked at my mom and started saying things I didn't understand. I was young and didn't understand what they were saying.

Later I asked my mom and she said the doctor told her that I have issues with my right kidney.
I was so sad. I didn't know what to say. I was just crying.
When we got home I was just telling my dad that I was too young to have kidney issues.
So treatment commenced. I was given a lot of drugs along side a lot of injections. That period was very bad for me. I didn't like anything, I stopped smiling or even talking to people. I became a really bitter person during that period.


Things were getting worse, the pain was now very crazy. So the doctors advised my parents to send me to India for transplant. My parent started making moves, contacted people they were supposed to.

After everything, they were able to come up with a good sum of money but the only problem they had was getting the new kidney. Well, the doctors told them that when we get there that my name will be on the transplant list. That didn't sound good at all. They wanted the surgery done as soon as possible, so the doctors advised my parents to get a family member that was willing to donate. Though they gave an age range. My parents talked to my elder sister about it. She was so scared that she left the house without my parent's notice.

My parents told the doctors to help get a donor for me. The doctors didn't get anyone. I was already giving up. At that point, I thought to myself that being dead was way better than the pain I was passing through and the problems my situation was causing at home.
Things were really bad. I was experiencing excruciating pain.

My parents concluded plans of sending me to India. Booked for out tickets and all. It was on a Friday and we'd be leaving on Monday. Then pastors from my church came around to see me. They got to the hospital, they prayed and left.

The next morning, by the grace of God, I was not feeling any pain. When I told my dad he told me I was just frightened about the whole travel thing. My mom for some reasons believed me. I also told the doctors when they came around. Then they ordered for some tests, the results showed that my kidneys were in perfect shape. Instantly my mom broke into tears, it was nothing we had ever seen or heard before. After a few days, I was discharged and up till today I have never had any health challenges.

This is me now looking all good and healthy...


I want to say a very big THANK YOU to @jerrybanfield for such an opportunity to share my story.

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