Near death experience(Supernatural Writing Contest)


This experience i want to share was told to me by my mom after I became conscious after a long time comma

My name is Ewuoso Mayowa, born 22 November 1994. I live with my mother in Owode Egba, Ogun State, Nigeria. My dad has two wives, my mother is the second and my dad lives with the first wife in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. On 21st of June 2007, i was 12 years and few months old then. This is a day I will always remember,despite the fact that i only heard the story after my recovery from comma. This day was a Thursday, i woke up that morning healthy and happy. I did my house chores and assisted my mother in doing few things before I took my bath and went to school. I got to school early this day. I was in Junior Secondary School two(J.S.S. 2) then. After our assembly at 7:30am, we all went to our classes to receive lectures for the day. We took the first three lectures for the day and went for short break around 9;30 am, the short break normally lasts for 15 minutes.

My friends and i decided to stay in the class and play door to door board duster football. We used to use chalk board then and make board duster with pieces of cloth, a small piece of cloth will be sewed like a purse but will have an opening on top, pieces of cloths will then be parked inside. The opening on-top opening will then be sewed, this will make it possible for us to kick it from door to door.My class had two doors opposite each other, since the board duster is made with cloth and bringing football to the school is prohibited, we decided to improvise and used our board dusters as football. The rule of the game is that,you can only kick once at a time(so we call it one touch) and when your opponent kicks the board duster, you must prevent it from going through your door without using hands. Once your opponent scores you, you will go out for another person to come in.

I used to be the reigning champion during my days, on this faithful day, I was playing against my best friend Mustapha, he kicked the board duster so high that i had to use my head to prevent it from going through my door, since using hands is prohibited. as i jumped up to prevent it, i hit my head on the frame of the door which was metal,i fell on the concrete ground again,hitting my back head on the floor. That was the last thing i remembered. According to eye witnesses around, i became unconscious. They tried reviving me with first aid treatment but all efforts proved futile,most people thought i was dead. I was rushed to the nearest general hospital, the doctor told them that my heart iwas till beating,which means i might be in a comma. The school had no choice than to call my mother,my mother was called,when she arrived at the hospital, she was already crying. After spending a day at the general hospital and there was no improvement, the doctor advised that i should be transferred to another hospital. I was transferred from Owode general hospital to Olabitan Hospital in Abeokuta.

Immediately we got there ,i was taken to the intensive care unit of the hospital for proper treatment. There, I got extra care and attention from doctors, nurses, and other hospital staff. According to my mother,there was no sign that i will still become conscious, after we spent two days there, she went down on her kneels and started praying. My mother did not t want to involve my dad in the matter but when the cost of treatment became too much for her to afford,she had no choice plus, the doctor insisted in seeing him. She called my dad, my dad was mad at her that why didn't she call him the first day it happened. My dad arrived at the hospital that same day, the doctor insisted on seeing him in his office.

When they got to his office, the doctor advised my dad to take me to another hospital if he wants me to survive and also told him my chances of survival are slim even if i survive it, my brain may not function fully. My dad did not tell my mom this until I became conscious. He was told to take me to the Eko Hospitals Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. This hospital is one of the most expensive hospitals in Nigeria. My dad he really loved me because am his last born from both sides. He wanted me to live. The second day, i was taken to The Eko Hospitals Ikeja. I was also taken to the Intensive Care Unit. I was given fluids, nutrients, and any medicines needed to keep the body as healthy as possible, these are somethings the two previous hospital lacked. They were given to me through a tiny plastic tube inserted in a vein or through a feeding tube that brought fluids and nutrients directly to my stomach.

I was unable to breathe on my own and needed the help of a ventilator, a machine that pumps air into the lungs through a tube placed in the windpipe. The hospital staff also prevented bedsores in me. Bedsores are open sores on the body that come from lying in one place for too long without moving at all. It was very upsetting and frustrating for my family to see someone they love in a coma, and they felt scared and helpless. I was there for three days before my parents began to see improvement. The cost was high for my parents but they needed me to survive. On the fourth day I opened my eyes and became a little bit conscious, according to my mom. I didn't remember anything, I was unable to talk,walk or do any other activity of man.

After i became conscious, I was placed on therapy to relearn basic things like tying my shoes, eating with a fork or spoon, learning to walk all over again. I also had problems with speaking and remembering things. This therapy was also expensive for them, but they did it for, just to save a child. Over time, i began to remember things,and do the activities. I remembered what happened before I went to comma but didn't know everything after i was in comma. Weeks later, i returned back to school and didn't go near door to door football. I will always remember what my parents did to save my life. My mother was with me through my stay in the three hospitals. She hardly ate.

This was the worst moment in my life and am glad i survived it and able to share my experience.

This is my entry to jerrybanfield's contest, if yo also wish to participate, click here

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