My biggest secret, a story for the contest of @jerrybanfield (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago

Note: I had to repost this as i messed up the tags by not correctly reading the instructions, i'm sorry for that. Thanks for all the support and votes for my previous post.

I was not planning to share this ever in my life, but i'm going to use @jerrybanfield 's contest to share this.

Some information first:

This is something that has happened to me years ago and which also kept happening to me for years. I have been doing my best to forget most of it, so i will not be able to tell you guys about the exact dates this happened on.

I'm a Turkish person living in Holland, i am born and raised here but me and my family go to Turkey every year to visit our family members. At the time this happened i was around 15 years old and we were in Turkey once again to visit our family members. Like always, we would all be in one house and sleep with lots of people in 1 house. All the rooms would be full.

(picture from

The story:

We normally would sleep at my grandpa's house but my oldest uncle decided to invite everyone for dinner at his house. After dinner he insisted on everyone staying at his house, sleeping there and having breakfast the next morning. Me, my little brother and 3 cousins were sleeping in the living room. As my uncle is not that rich to have a bed for everyone, we were sleeping on the ground on top of blankets. After a couple hours of sleep i woke up, i felt a cool breeze and realized that was what woke me up. I looked around me to see if any windows were open causing the cool breeze. At that moment i saw a girl, she had long black hair, a white skin and death in her eyes. I guess, she was a typical "dead girl". She was standing next to the curtains at the window and she was touching them, making them move. After realizing, she was not someone i knew, i immedeatly woke up my cousin who was sleeping right next to me. I said, wake up, wake up! Do you see her? He replied: See what? I said: The girl, the girl at the window! He looked at the window and said, are you kidding me? Did you wake me up to show me a window? I said, NO, don't you see her? He said: See who? I said, the girl??
He clearly did not see her, so i asked something else. Do you atleast see the curtains moving? He said: Yes, so what? Leave me alone i'm gonna sleep!

At that moment i froze, i realized i was the only one seeing her. While talking to my cousin i did not realize she moved and was sitting on the couch in front of me. She was just looking at me, not talking, not moving. Just sitting and watching me directly. I thought i was either going to die or i was having a nightmare. I don't know how i did it, but someway i forced myself to go back to sleep and ignore her completely.

The next morning i woke up and the first thing that happened was my cousin being angry at me. He kept asking why i woke him up asking him if he can see a girl. You have to realize, when you're 15 years old and you tell another boy of your age that you're seeing dead girls, that's not going to make you look cool. He would just say that i was crazy and make fun of me, eventually turning all other teenagers against me. So i just said, i'm sorry. I had a nightmare it was crazy, sorry for disturbing you buddy.

This did not make things go away, i had to tell someone because i know the difference between reality and fantasy. This was real, i felt the breeze and i saw the curtains move. I told my grandma and mother about it. They thought i got scared from watching movies and calmed me down. They said it was probably just a nightmare.

A couple hours later, we were still in the house. Having fun with our family members and since the house was so full there was someone in almost every room except for one. I went to the toilet and the toilet was next to the " emtpy room" . After exiting the toilet i saw her again, sitting in the empty room. Watching me. But this time, i was not sleepy and it was not night time, i decided to walk into the room. Almost every room has this raising in front of the doors which you have to step over, it's not that high. I would say it's as high as your foot is. I was walking towards the room while watching her, making sure she didn't move. In some way, my foot came against the raising and my toe nail was broken causing alot of pain. I fel down and when i looked up she was gone. At the same time my family members rushed towards me asking me if i was ok. After that we went to the hospital and they removed the nail from my toe.

After this experience, my mother and grandma still thought i was influenced by a scary movie or a nightmare. I accepted this again but i did not tell them the following. Everytime i went to the shower, every night that i went to sleep and every time that i was alone somewhere where it was dark, i would see her. She would always "just stare" at me and nothing else. I was having classical movie scenes like cleaning the mirror in the bathroom and seeing her behind me, waking up at night and see her watching me. I decided to tell my grandma and mother about it again since i couldn't live like this without being afraid that i might get hurt. This time they believed me, they started telling me their own theory's about the story. One of them was my grandma's story, telling me that generations ago we had "holy" people in the family who are now watching us. I did not believe it, but to be honest from all other theories i heard, this was the most realistic one. You just imagine what else they told me.

They decided to take me to a hoca (a muslim preacher). He would read verse's of the koran and someway "ban" this ghost from my life. You can say it was something like an excorcism, which did not work at all. I told them it didn't work and all they came up with was " lets go to another one and let him try" . So i did, i went to 2 others and it didn't help, so i decided to tell them i would not listen to them anymore and i'd figure out my own way to live with this.

The day came that we would go back to Holland, i was happy and excited because i thought Turkey might have been influencing me in a wrong way. I might have missed my home and this might have caused me to have these moments. Unfortunately once we were back in Holland, nothing changed. I would still see her every night, every shower and everytime in the dark. This caused me to never look in the mirror after taking a shower and never be somewhere without light. I would never sleep without the lights on.

The moment i realized, i was alone in this fight

One day, i was outside with a good friend of me. There was a cat near us but i could feel she was inside the cat. I know this sounds strange and that i sound like a freak, but after some time i could also feel her presence. I told my friend to stay away from that cat and that we should walk a bit, stand somewhere else. He said, "ok" with a "wtf is up with you" voice. So we went for a walk and i kept feeling her presence, the cat was actually following us. Realizing she couldn't do anything while other people were around i told my friend we should sit down at a bench which was close to us. We sat down and the cat came in front of us. My friend was laughing, saying what's up with this cat following us man. You got some fish or something in your pocket? I said no, it's a ghost following me. He laughed and looked at me, that's when he saw i was not laughing. He looked back at the cat(which i was staring at at that moment). At that moment, the cat miauwed (the noise they make) and 1 drop of tear dropped from it's eye. It was not just a tear, it was a completely red blood tear which dropped from it's eye. Since i was the only one seeing these things, i looked at my friend thinking that he would still be laughing. No, he was not laughing. He was so scared that he stood up and said: " Lets get the F out of here". He actually started running and i chased him, asking myself if something happened to him while he was so freaked out. Once we ran for about 100 meters he stopped at another bench. He said he saw the tear and he felt a cold breeze. I was excited, happy. It was the first time someone saw/felt what i saw and felt for such a long time now. He actually said this after that:
Sorry bro, my family has a history with stories like these. I can feel what that is and i don't want it to be near me ever again. Please don't understand this wrongly, it's not your fault. But i have to go home, and we won't hang out anymore, i cant handle this. He walked off after saying that, leaving me speechless while the cat was watching me from a distance.

The accident

I was 17 at the time this happened. I had saved some money and with the help of my parents we bought a scooter. It was limited to 50 KM/H but like every other teenager i had to tune it up causing it to go around 110 KM/H. One day i went to a shopping center because i had to buy some stuff. I was alone and untill that day nothing ever happened to me on the scooter. I would never see her while driving, thats probably why i was driving around on my scooter most of the time. I was at the last lights before the shopping center. Waiting for it to turn green. After it would go green, i would drive right across the street to reach the shopping center, where i also could park my scooter. The light went green, i used full throttle (like every does on a scooter). That moment, i saw her. About 20-30 meters right in front of me, this time she was not staring. She was calling me, she was making movements with her hands telling me to come to her. She was standing in the middle of the street, but no one but me could see her. This was my moment, i kept my hands on full throttle and i was planning to hit her. I didn't care what could happen to me, all i knew was she might get hurt from it. If she was a ghost, i would go right through her anyway and there was nothing but a road behind her. At the moment of "impact" i reached around 70 KM/H. The next moment, i was laying on the ground with my scooter next to me. Surrounded by 50-100 people calling the cops and amblunces. I passed out at that moment and woke up again when the ambulance had arrived. They said: "Whatever you do, don't move. We think that your neck is broken so DONT MOVE" . They used my phone to call my dad and informed him that i had a heavy accident. He passed that information to other family members and they rushed to the hospital.

The miracle

In the hospital, they took me to the emergency room right away. I was in a big room with alot of doctors around me, all i remember is them getting the necklace i wore from my neck and passing it to my dad. After passing my necklace, they closed the big iron door leaving that door behind me and my family members. At that moment, i passed out again. After a while, i woke up again. I was in a standard hospital room surrounded by my friends & family. Some of them crying, some of them laughing. Then the doctor came, checked me up and told me my status: It's a miracle, the report just came in and you collided with a bus poller (something that comes out of the ground preventing anyone else to use that road except for busses). It came out of the ground at the moment i was nearing it, causing the perfect angle to fly as far as possible. I drove right over it, instead of a little bit to the sides i drove right over the middle of it. This caused me to land 33 meters from the spot that i touched the poller. He continued, it's a miracle. You should have not survived that, the ambulance employees thought your neck was broken because they realised how bad the accident was. I'm glad to tell you, you have exactly 0 broken bones. "You do have bruises all around your body and you will feel the pain of that. But nothing is broken, you'll be fine miracle kid".

Note: This story ended up in the local news papers and also online. We had a picture of me laying on the ground after the accident when the ambulance arrived. I can't find it right now, if i can i'll upload it.

The closure

After the accident, i never saw her again. Untill the day of today, she has never shown herself anymore. Ofcourse, i still got trouble with dark places and with "what if's". But she's not here anymore. I don't know why she came, i don't know what she wanted. Did she want to hurt me? Did she want to kill me? Did she save me? Did she push me in a direction in life without me not noticing? All i know is, these stories that people tell are real. I'm a much stronger person now, i understand that people sometimes just need some understanding and nothing more. That's all the help they need. Feeling alone is the worst thing in life, never make anyone feel that. I'm sure i forgot alot of other things that happened, but these are the most important moments. I did my best to erase as much as i can from my memories. I hope you read this, but forget it right away, don't let if have any influence on you. These things are real yes, but it didn't kill me. It only made me stronger.


Maybe she was just a really crap guardian angel. Honestly, based on a lot of ancient accounts, angles looked terrifying rather than beautiful. People struggled to describe what angels looked like. Some were depicted as humanoid and some looked like something out of Neon Genesis Evangelion (which I think was intentional) .

That's very interesting. The "guardian angel" theory got me told several times by the people who know this. I guess it's possible as she never really hurt me, my own actions hurt me. I'll think about this. Thanks for your read and reply.

I really enjoyed reading this story. As you describe it, it seems that she was a guardian angel and when her mission was completed she disappeared! I sent 14 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the SWC.

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