Just Before You Die (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

I share on an ongoing basis people's moments just before they die. They wake up looking through my eyes.

This is my entry to the @jerrybanfield Supernatural Writing experience.

I have died about 25 times and I will probably die again, maybe tonight.

I drove my car off a bridge into a river. I was shot with some lady telling me I was going to okay as I was being taken to the ambulance. I was clearly dead. I've been in more than one plane crash. I was in a train wreck and somehow manage to go hurling head first right over the ties boom boom boom one after another. A bus I was in rolled down the side of a mountain.

My earliest death was in an earthquake. The most memorable death was when I went down with the twin towers. I will never forget 911. They told us we were all going to be evacuated but the lights were out and it was dusty and the whole building was rumbling and there was the loud noise. All we had time to do was stare wide-eyed at each other then boom. A huge load of grey debris piled over us. I don't remember falling we were gone way before that. The surreal part was walking around the wreckage after and actually thinking we had survived. Just wandering around kind of stunned and speechless. If we were to try to talk we would have realized we no longer had a voice.

5 Benefits of Decalcifying Your Pineal Gland

• Increases Awareness
• Improves Intuition
• Frees up Synchronic Flow
• Astral Projection Capabilites
• Soul Collection

Hold up? What!!!

Okay, I might need to back up a little bit here.

I started taking MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), 1000 mgs, 3 times a day with Vitamin C. MSM is a really amazing supplement good for all kinds of energizing, anti-aging benefits but the one benefit that everyone notices almost right off the bat is they start to have really clear vivid often lucid dreams. Your dreamscape becomes far more grounded, you will tend to follow through storylines without flitting all over the place in and out of context. You will also be able to create circumstances, places, even time periods that you can return to in future dreams.

I learned later this was because taking MSM regularly with Vitamin C will start to decalcify our Pineal Gland which is also known as our third eye.

So all that was great and everything. The one side effect is all I wanted to do was to take naps all the time because my dream life became far more interesting than anything on Netflix. And then it happened.

I started to have dreams that I was dying. I would be in different scenarios, places I had never before been to, and I might be around people I have never seen before. Another factor is that the deaths are always sudden and tragic. When I explain the circumstance to other people they wonder if it's terrifying? It's not. Its almost like there is no time for my brain to register what is going on and by the time I do it's over.

In my earlier dreams, I would stick around. Hang around the death scene with no idea that I am dead. If it's a car, I made it out am looking for help. A plane, I somehow landed safely in the water and I'm walking up on shore. And of course, as I mentioned 911, we were all just walking around somehow believing that the fall was not bad. About the time it all sinks in is when I wake. I know when I wake I am not alone. I am still carrying the soul of the person who has died. They are connected to me but without having any control. Sometimes they help me. They may be more energetic than me and like to exercise, or they may be more social, or tidier. These are the things that come through. How long they stay with me or if they ever leave I have no idea.

So as I was saying these were my earlier dreams. My latest dreams I wake up instantly upon death. My eyes fly awake and it almost feels as though I am landing. I am relieved. I am safe. Then I think about the person that just died and the moments before their death. I try to imagine who they were or what their life was like. Whether they were old or young, male or female. I don't get that long to pick up clues.

I do not mind having these dreams. I cherish them actually. I try to remember them and I go over their details to keep them alive in my mind. There is a very special feeling when you realize you are dead. A feeling of acceptance and also a feeling of anticipation as though you are ready for what comes next. I think it may be disappointing to many that we just go into an energy field and get dispersed around to other living vessels. You do not feel like you need to possess nor do I feel that anything bad or unwanted has attached itself to me. I wonder how much of our makeup is the life experience and how much is the soul and where do they separate? I also wonder what will happen when my physical body dies. Will there be someone to be there for me as I am for others and will I know if they are there?

This is my supernatural experience. I have told a few people but it's not really something that just anyone would be open to. I looked it up on the internet but I have not found anyone who has similar experiences. I'm not spiritual. There is nothing special about me. I am just a regular person. Yet this happens.

Learn more about MSM: http://www.organicsulfur-msm.ca/reported-health-benefits.html
Learn more about your pineal gland: http://upliftconnect.com/detoxify-your-pineal-gland/


Thanks. Are you sleeping?

I dreamt about I was dying many times,too....good post keep going!

Is your experience like mine? How do you die?

In so many ways.

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