My Paranormal Experiences (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago (edited)

When I stumbled upon this Supernatural Writing Contest by @jerrybanfield, I actually got really excited because I love reading paranormal stories. They are a thrilling and exciting read for me! I remember when I was in high school, I always buy novels and magazines with this genre. So as much as I love reading the entries for this contest, I would also like to share my own supernatural or paranormal experience with you.

Read on to know more about my own encounter with the paranormal.

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A Dwarf Cursed Me

When I was in 3rd Grade, I was cursed by a dwarf. There was a huge field in my school where we conduct our flag ceremony. It was the day after a storm occurred. Mushrooms suddenly appeared in our field. Since I didn’t know better back then, while I am playing with my friends, I stepped on the mushrooms purposely. No one knew what have I done and I thought there are just “plain mushrooms” so there’s no harm done, right? But I was very wrong.

A day after I stepped on those mushrooms, I suddenly had a fever, cold, headache and chills. My parents thought I only had a regular flu so they took me to our family doctor. The doctor gave me medication but after a day again I developed rashes. It started with my feet then went up until it covers my whole body and face. I literally looked like a witch.

My parents took me to the doctor again which the latter prescribed more medicine for me. After a week, my fever subsided but not the rashes that got worst. I went back to the doctor but he was also confused why my rashes haven't subsided. That was the time my grandmother who believes about supernatural beings suggested for us to seek help from an albularyo (faith healer).

The good news is there was a faith healer in a nearby town but the bad news came when he was done reading my illness. He didn’t ask for anything, he just used an egg and candle to know why I have these rashes. As I can remember, he said a prayer before we started with the reading and ritual. In a bowl with water, he then let the melted wax from a lit candle drip on it. To my surprise, a figure of a man with beard formed by the candle wax. It looked like he was also wearing a hat. The healer then told us that I have destroyed the home of the dwarf who gave me this illness. I can't remember the color of the dwarf but the healer said I should offer an apology and talk to the dwarf. He also made a ritual with an egg and said that when I get home I should break it on a higher ground.

I did what the healer said and after a day, my rashes magically disappeared like that. I woke up and all my rashes are gone. This is a life lesson for me, to never destroy anything because maybe some magical creature lives in it.

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My Miscarried Sibling

My second encounter of paranormal is somehow closed to me. This happened in my past home where I grew up. It was one of my most memorable experience because it is the very first time I saw a ghost.

We had a bungalow home where our two bedrooms are only doors apart to our living room. They are adjacent with each other and our sofa is facing the two doors of our bedrooms. The first bedroom that had abundant sunlight was me and my siblings' bedroom while the second room which was dark as only minimal light can enter it as it is box with our study area was my parents bedroom.

It was an ordinary afternoon, or so I thought. I remember the stereo was on and was tuned to an all-out pop music and I was eating Piattos chips at the sofa while answering my homework. I don't know why but I suddenly had the urged to look around the room. My attention went to the bedroom of my parents. I don’t know why but something is telling me there is someone in their bedroom then suddenly two thighs of a child suddenly walk from the door disappearing to the cabinet near the doorway. Yes, the ghost doesn't have any body, only from feet to its knees was the only form I saw!

I run really fast outside of our house and looked for our house helpers and told them what I saw. They were really scared to the point that they can’t enter our house after I told them what I saw. It turns out our house helpers had their own share of paranormal experience with that ghost. When night time and my parents were home, I narrated again what I saw.

My father was about to shrug it off (I know he will say that my imagination is just running wild) when my mother blurted out that she had a miscarriage before giving birth to our baby brother. It was in our house where the miscarriage happened and so, maybe the ghost is our sibling. Actually, I am quite skeptical with this conclusion however, I think it is more comfortable to know that the ghost in your house is a relative than a stranger.

After my encounter with my “sibling ghost,” we did not do anything about him. We did not try to seek him or remove him from our home. We simply live with knowing he can be beside us.

Thank you for reading my supernatural encounters. Relieving them still give me goosebumps but I am glad I shared my experience with you. Well, I still learned two things from these experiences of mine - don’t destroy the things you’re unfamiliar with and respect the supernatural beings.

With this, I hope to never encounter supernatural again. It was thrilling, fun and exciting reading paranormal stories but not being the main character in the story.

February 11, 2018

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I can relate to this, I have so many stories inside my house.

Omg. I remember when I was a kid, I dreamt of mga engkanto esp. dwarfs ....This one really gave me mag isa ko pa gising dito hehehe...Well done, sis :)

naku! hayan! kasi... Next time, do not touch anything that is not yours! Hehehe... And do not destroy things that are not yours... LOL

uii que asombro,,,

even when there is a deadline?

Thank you very much for writing this story with your two experiences, that I enjoyed reading, and submitting it to SWC. I sent 14 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

Thank you for the Steem and for hosting this contest with @jerrybanfield! :)

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