Goodbye Steem

Irony ..... I just posted my steem story and how well things are going. Then I got flagged by a voting bot that down votes all my posts. The owners of the bot think I am making to much money. It was ok that I posted 9 times and gave away 1 vote per day as long my account was small. Now that it has 8,000 SP worth $24,000 apparently it's to much. Well I am glad this happened now because on the next dip I was going to buy around $500,000 worth of steem and get the ball moving.

What they don't understand is someone has to buy your steem tokens. People buy these crypto coins to make money in some fashion. If $24,000 invested gets flagged then the bar is to low for real investors. How is someone going to put a few million to work in this environment? I was only going to buy another $500k but I know a lot of people with much larger stock accounts than mine. Without bigger investors the price of steem will struggle in the long term. Good luck attracting bigger investors looking to make a nice ROI when a $24K account is large enough to draw a down voting bot. I think as more people run into this wall of resistance they will choose to move on. There is a lot of competition for investor dollars.

They should remove the Earn part from there Blog, Post, Earn meme..... it's a lie!

@patrice is the owner of said bot

I will still be doing the daily giveaway while I power down. The rest of my posts will be me spamming this.

@patrice socialism never wins ....

They don't care if you earn when you have no money but as soon as you have even a small account value every wants to sensor you. I am sorry, I enjoyed the giveaway.


shit dude steemit is gay af. I am building a team to build our own blockchain with a slightly more centralized model which will allow for control of abusive accounts. I dont think paid social media can work without a partially central entity regulating the people who would abuse their power or the system. Decentralization removes one big part of business and that is REPONSIBILITY.

i dont see in black and white so i know there is a soloution that lies between decentralization and centralization.

seriously how can one call this a quality content platform but not lay out what parameters qualify as quality? then they leave the platform to evolve at the mercy of Killer whales and devs solely motivated by money.

sad to see you go but i understand why you wouldleave especially if you are wasting your time

oops, having a little fun with them

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