This post was inspired by @jerrybanfield. This memorable event took place November 2015, it started out as every normal day but ended supernatural. I woke up that morning full of the spirit and energised. I spent an hour fellowshipping with the Holy spirit, it was such an awesome time of fellowship. The atmosphere was charged as His presence filled my room,it was so beautiful. I can still remember vividly because that day was special, i didn't know the Holy spirit was preparing me for the battle ahead of me(lol).

After an hour of being with the Holy spirit, i decided to get down to doing other things for the day. I picked up my phone,plugged in my earpiece and i listened to a powerful message by my man of God, Rev(dr) Chris Oyakhilome titled Power for change. I listened to this message as i did my chores, i was so stirred as i listened to the message, occasionally bursting out in tongues.

Once i was done with my house chores, i went to the gymnasium to work out. The day was just going smoothly and i was loving the fact that i was energised from my spirit. I still listened to the message repeatedly, i had put it on repeat. I finished at the gym and went back home. I had just finished taking my bathe and i was preparing breakfast when i was interrupted by a phone call. I picked and it was my cell leader,we conversed for awhile and then he hung up. My cell leader just rented a new apartment,he needed help in cleaning the place so he could move in the next day and so he asked if i could come over to help, i told him i would.
My message played aloud on the mp4 speaker as i ate my breakfast voraciously preparing my body for the work ahead(smiles). I finished,dressed up and then headed to my cell leader's new place.

I got there by 1pm , i met him moping the floor. We exchanged pleasantries and i joined him in the work. We worked dilligently for hours, i wouldn't want to bore my readers with the details of our discussions while working. He played worship songs aloud from his mobile phones and we worshipped while working. We rounded up our work by 4pm and truly we were tired.Personally, i was physically exhausted and was glad that we were done working. My cell leader then suggested that we go to school,so we can eat at one of the canteens. His new apartment was very close to school and so we just strolled there.

On getting to school, we chose to eat noodles at a noodles stand. We got into the place,sat down and placed our orders. My cell leader then volunteered to get us soft drinks from the snacks shop beside the shop we were in. After he had left, i decided to take out my phone so i could go online and chat on WhatsApp but i couldn't find my phone. I then remembered i had left it by the window at my cell leader's apartment, out of impulse,i suddenly bolted out of the shop i was in so i could tell him in the next shop where he was buying us soft drink. At that instance, i ran into the midst of three guys. I would love to give you a detailed sequence of the conversation that ensued between i and them but it won't be profitable to all as it took place mostly in pidgin English. These guys had the dangerous appearance that spelt cultists. Two of them were dark and tall,one bore a scar on his face that ran from his left eye to the right side of his nose(this scar obviously came from a knife fight). They look all rough and wild. The third guy was also tall but fair,carried a dreadlock on his head,with a earring at his left ear. They started shouting at me as one pushed me. They asked if i was mad, how dare i run into their middle. This was my first ever encounter with cultists since i began studies at University of Uyo and as i learnt later on,they were members of a dreaded cult and they were the senoir guys at that. I was scared at first because i had heard stories of students murdered in broad day light by cultists. At that point, my cell leader came out of the shop he was in due to the noise. Most students around there at scampered to hiding spots and watched the scenario from a distance before they were equally victimized by the cultists. As my cell leader joined us and tried intervening on my behalf. One of the guys pulled out a gun from under his clothes ,pointed it at us. They asked us to bring out every money on us and our phones.
Something happened, suddenly i couldn't feel that fear that i had felt at first again. All i felt at that point, was a kind of anger i couldn't phantom or explain. Today i call it Holy anger. They threatened to shoot us if we hesitated or delayed. While looking intently on them,i took out the only money i had on me then which was #200 and gave it to them. My cell leader had given them his phone and money to them already. I was raging on the inside, i was already speaking in tongues under breath unconsciously. As i handed them the money, i just walked into the noodles stand and sat down. I heard talking behind me but i just ignored them. Suddenly i was speaking in tongues loudly, i was so loud, the owners of the stand started to plead with me to stop before u infuriated the cultists further and they decide to hurt me. I ignored them, i grew louder with increased intensity, i was shaking all over as the power of God filled the place and suddenly the people became subdued and quiet. Suddenly, the cultists ran into the shop,fell on their knees and started pleading with me to take back the monies and phone, they had taken from us. I ignored them and spoke some more,they cried as they pleaded with me,telling me they were sorry. It was my cell leader who collected the stuffs and the guys ran away. Praises to God erupted in the shop from everyone at the turn around of things. These guys were known cultists who killed anyone who stood in their way.
Wow....whenever i remember the experience, i become stirred. You know, in that message i was listening to: Pastor talked about when we have encounters with kidnappers, he said "Don't beg!.......speak in tongues" That message produced in me what it was talking about. Whenever those guys see me in school, they treat me with great respect and reverence.

Note: To readers, don't think "oh he must be a pastor" . No i ain't, dear. I am just a young christian. This is an experience everyone of us can enjoy as a believer if we give ourselves to spending time with the Holy Spirit. Know this also,this experience is exclusive to believers , yes, only those born again. If you are out there and Jesus is not your Lord and Savior, this is your chance today.Don't wait any longer, there's no time. Jesus is coming soon,these are the last days, Friends.

A big thank you to @jerrybanfield for giving me the opportunity to share this experience here. After this contest, i will share another. Bye for now.


I remember this day... lol!

Thanks for dropping by.

Oh my God. Wow. I don't even have words to say. I am just in awe.

The Holy Spirit is power personified... God be praised for your testimony.

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Wow - what a story!


I totally wish I had seen that. THANK YOU

Yeah....thats what i tag what i felt at that point. Thank you for coming by.

What an awesome experience that was.
I'm glad the cultist surrendered in the end was God's power in display. They gat no choice.