The Treasures for My True Healing (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield6 years ago

2010 was the climax of my journey on war against cysts, after about two years, insisting on using alternative medicine. At that time my parents were hospitalized in Jakarta. When I visited my parents, I said to my husband, "If in this hospital, I want surgery."

I was back and forth from one alternative treatment to another treatment, in Bandung and surrounding areas. I learned breathing, undergoing pranic medicine, drinking herbs. In between the extraordinary pain that sometimes arises, a book, suddenly seizes my attention.

You Can Heal Your Life written by Louise L. Hay. Chapter Fifteen made my eyes froze. Meanwhile I started learning to write from one of my neighbor. She teaches how to make mind mapping. I make a mind mapping about the negative emotions I feel, my current condition, translations of Qur'anic verses that could strengthen me, etc.

Without realizing it, I am angry at everything and everyone. Mindmapping, created a significant distance between myself and the problem. I began to see problems from different angles.

One affirmation that I used to say at the time, I took the essence of Louise L Hay's book. I love and agree with myself. I Iove and agree with myself. It's a phrase that I keep saying every time I remember it.

The complexity of my mind began to unravel. Happiness, prosperity, my personal responsibility. It is a new paradigm in everyday life. Having incredible results, slowly anger and dependence I was not aware of around, began to fade.

This awareness creates freedom as well as responsibility. Freedom from demanding others to be happy, fun and fulfilling all my needs and expectations. Responsibility, to get what we want, need, and dream with our own efforts.

When the tremendous pain comes, often makes me unable to sleep. My stomach felt like a stoned knife. The pain is more severe thorn the pain from childbirth. Usually start from 1 am or 2 am. About 4 am, when the pain began to disappear, I could just fall asleep. Strangely, Allahuakbar, I could do my routine as usual afterwards. Like a healthy person. Just like a sleep-deprived person.

The pain becames more frequent and long. After the last two weeks, only a few nights I can sleep at night. That too in a matter of hours. Surgery becomes the only option.

Upon arriving at the hospital, my husband and I stood in front of the doctor's schedule information board. I didn’t stop praying. We weren’t looking for information on who is a cold-handed obstetrician at the hospital. There were several names of obstetricians who are practicing that day.

"Usually a male doctor is better," said Husband when choosing a name. As we entered, a sweet face smiled.

"I think the doctor is a man," my husband said automatically. "If you want to change doctor, it’s ok," said the doctor was friendly.

I immediately fell in love with this doctor. After the conversation, Doctor A, examined all the results of my examination for the past two years.

"It's high ca, there's a chance of cancer," Doctor A watched my face for a moment. She smiled, "But if see your face, I think it’s not cancer. The patient of cancer is dull .... Your body also looks healthy. "

My limp body leaned against the white wall of the patient's waiting room, after exiting the practice room. It feels like crying. Cancer?

During the final examination, I told Doctor A, "Please don’t make it painful, after the surgery." Doctor A smiled, "Want ordinary painkillers or patents?" "Just the usual, Doc." I ask local anesthetized. "Why?" Asked Doctor A. "I want to dhikr."

The cold room welcomed me in front of the operation room door. When anesthesiologist introduced himself, I didn’t forget to say, "Don’t make it painful, the injection." What I hear is that the injection of anesthesia on the back is more dangerous and painful than a total anesthetic. "Well, you said so, I'm so confused," said Doctor Anastesi, again with a friendly face and voice. Although not fully conscious, I heard he talk around. "Ma’am ... Ma’am is still awake," said Dr. Anastesi's voice. "... keep zikir, ma'am."

The planned operation that should havewould last only an hour, falling back to three hours. It turns out my cyst is more severe and big, than seen in ultrasound. My surgery is considered two major surgeries. Due to the long and a lot of blood coming out, my hb is on the bottom threshold. Again I was with Doctor A saying, "Don’t transfuse first ... see the progress." Thank goodness I didn’t have a blood transfusion.

The next day, when Doctor A visited, I asked, "Doc, why I didn’t feel pain after surgery?" "Don’t you ask there in no pain," she replied with a big smile.

I don’t know what she did to me, but after the surgery, there was no pain at all, after the anesthetic had expired. In third grade, the bathroom is in the room. Hot and cold water available. Incredible goodness of Allah to me.

The way I had to get to the operating table changed my life forever. I become more independent emotionally, financially, spiritual.

Mindmapping is faithful to be one of mapping the problem more objectively. Increasing anger, began to be replaced by gratitude. A sense of confidence and trust is increasing in Allah, through continuous coincidences, throughout my healing process.

Finding a book that became one of my life changers, mindmapping, getting to know the Qur'an, good hospital, great cold-handed doctors, no pain after surgery, etc.

New awareness, became my real healing milestone. Because the cyst is removed from the ovary, the most stubborn cyst. Brown Cyst. To combat it completely, in addition to undergoing injection treatment for six consecutive months without being late, changes in mindset, lifestyle, and emotional choices are perceived to be one of the decisive factors.

These cysts get here or grow again sometime again. The last one, of course, is not my choice.


Thank you very much @cicisw for writing this amazing story and submitting it to SWC. I sent 10 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the contest.

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