Clairaudience: My Near-Death Warning (SWC)

in #jerrybanfield7 years ago (edited)

What is more terrible than a failure? Dealing with death.

Normally, death is an unpredictable and unpreventable thing. But what if you can predict it and maybe you can also prevent it? What will you do?


Here is the story of mine. An ordinary girl with strange ability of hearing the voice of future destiny. This girl should be proud to be born as a clairaudience. But unfortunately, instead of being able to listen to a good series of destiny of the future, she is more often predict the failure moment or dangerous things that will be happened. Even knowing the chance of somebody mortality. She thought that her ability is not cool at all. Even worse, she sometimes feels the excess of it as a curse.

Having a clair might sound cool to many people except, perhaps, for those who own these abilities. As the she once thought, "Being a Clairaudience feels terrific and terrible at the same time. It may also feels kind of creepy."

Being Clairaudience, the ability to receive intuitive information from the spiritual team via hearing, often make her feel confused, surprised, even worse, it might feel scary for knowing condition that might be happened after receiving the message. She got that kind of ability since she was young. The first prediction moment that came true was when she was at the age of 6. When growing up, she did not remember about it anymore, until her parents told her about the story of her prediction that become 100% true in the future. She was like, "Uh, how could that become real? It must be a mere coincidence." Her mother replied, "if once it could have been a coincidence, but if twice or more, it was deliberate."

Then, her mom told the full story. The story was about baby gender prediction in the womb that her little girl was predicted. At that time, when her daughter was six, her mom was pregnant the third child. Although not necessarily, her parents hope that this third child would be a male. Especially after failing to assume that the second child born should be a boy. Several days later, she came to her mom and told, "Mom, the baby in your womb is a girl but don't worry the next baby will be a boy." Her mother was laughing and did not take much notice. She labeled the words as a joke from a kid. Her mom was thought, her little girl words were the act of merely jealousy for having additional sibling. How could a little girl predict while the mother hadn't even done any pregnancy ultrasound (USG). Moreover, to predict the gender of a baby that has not even been conceived. That was hilarious moment for a while. Until, all of her little girls predictions turned true several months ahead. "That is kinda 'wow' to believe the fact that your predictions were true", her mom said one day. Luckily, the ending was a happy moment as the second prediction became true as well. Her mom gave birth to a baby boy in the next pregnancy.

Since then, the clairaudience effect has become increasingly clear for her. Before her mom told that story, she had heard the other prediction announcement that appear from nowhere. However, she tried to ignore it. She thought, it might be a satanic whisper that wanted to confuse her feelings. She did not even believe for having the ability to hear the spiritual message.

It is not easy to receive the future message prediction in the present situation, especially related to bad news. She knew but could not tell, had no power to change but, at the end, the worst part was that the prediction happened for real. Like knowing the end of the story of a novel when just reading the title, but unfortunately not the author. So, she felt like not having ability to change the story but watching. It was too scary to tell the people about the future story when she couldn't even sure about herself. That's why sometimes she felt really weird about herself.

Can you imagine, if one day your friend happily show you a picture of a couple who are already engaged, and those two people are his/her family or best friend. Suddenly, after seeing that picture, you hear the whisper in your head saying that couple will hardly ever have a happy married, and will be divorced just in couple of years. What would you do? How will you react to that kind of message? Would you ruin your friendship by saying illogical message that may hurt your friend's feeling? Or you let it be, because you are not 100% sure that whisper would really happen? What were you gonna choose?

That was one of the real examples happened to her. Taking decision and waiting for a long time proof about whispering prediction message. That kind of sign do not only happen once, but many time. The problem is that she cannot provide any scientific proof, she just knows.

Thinking of which, in that case, finally she chose to remain silent. Unfortunately, the divorce really happened. Knowing such thing is kinda frustrating, huh? That's why, sometimes she intentionally dims her ability in order to live a little more normal life like most of people.

However, even though her clairaudience often predicted bad events, but this power also proved to be its own protection. She was survive after drowning in the sea, got chance to run away from tsunami and rescue herself from an accident of falling from a tree's height due to detached the steel rope hooks while having outbound training. Those three near-death experiences of her had been warned before by her clairaudience ability.

After that, she realized that clairaudience message not only came from whisper during the conscious condition but also through a dream. However, frankly said, hardly ever she got a dream while sleeping. Nevertheless, once appear, usually do the dream was contained with message or omen.

Here is an example. Before tsunami was happened in Indonesia, she got a very weird dream. She saw herself sitting on the top of mountain. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the water filled the entire island until it almost reaches the mountain where she sat. She was very afraid but could not move. The water did not reach her but stop. Fortunately, the water only touched the sole of her foot. In the morning, she woke up with tears. The dream seems so real.

In fact, several month later after the dream appeared, in the end of 2004, tsunami (sea water that drowns the land) was happened for real. During the tsunami, all the things she had were destroyed and drown. Water chased her in the back, very close. Fortunately, just like the signal of her dream, her family and she were saved from the tragedy. Her near-death warning was telling her to reach the higher place during the disaster. So, the water would not drown her.

Since that moment, she has learnt to accept her clairaudience ability wholeheartedly. Surprisingly, the other form of clair abilities unintentionally have been grown as well. She feels that clairsentience and a bit of claircognizance have also been awake together with her clairaudience abilities. Those three abilities make her even more weird but still happy.

Even though at the first time, she did ignore the clair because she was uncertain about it. At the end, she realized that those three claires had been helping her going through her 3 near-death experiences. She thought of using the grace for helping other people. She stated that as long as the clair ability used for goodness, then it is blessed and getting stronger. On the other hand, if the power was used for the bad deed and the one who receive it never hone her/his inner sensitivity then this ability will dim.

That's all my story of clairaudience: my near-death warning experiences. Actually, I used the third person's perspective to make it easier to expressing my feeling in writing the story. I am satisfied that I have courage to share my own spiritual experiences. Hopefully, you enjoy the story and get something as lesson learn from it. Thank you for reading.

~Being different doesn't mean less, as long as you can do your best and accept your true self.~

Additional information:
There are 6 kinds of clair

The ability in which the third eye can be used to see more than what normal eye can see.

The ability to listen beyond ordinary hearing.

The ability to recognize smells beyond what is in the physical world.

The ability to taste food as well as to know the mood of the chef while cooking.

The ability to empathize and feel the emotion of a person's soul or condition without having to meet face to face.

The ability to know an event or disaster that will happen.

Thank you @jerrybanfield for this awesome Supernatural Writing Contest
For the @betterperson
See you next time~


Good writing. I read all of them, but many word that I don't understand. May be you should bilingual post, In other that people understood.

Thank you for visiting and reading my post. :)

Thank you @betterperson for writing this story that was interesting to read. Honestly, I didn't know about clairgustance, clairsentience, claircognizance, clairalience.
I sent 12 STEEM directly to your account for your participation in the SWC.

Dear @gmichelbkk,
It's a pleasure to receive the gift. I am so glad. Thank you for spending your precious time reading my story.

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