Get Thee Behind Me Satan! [Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower - Introduction - Part 1

in #jehovahs-witnesses6 years ago (edited)


Before you join the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses [the Society], carefully consider what the implications are!

I wish I had done so before I joined in 1987, when I was just 17 years old. I could have avoided a lot of unnecessary hardship.

My uncle D.'s decision to join the Society had eventually cost him the life of his son, N.. In 2005, at the age of 26, N. committed suicide.

I had tried to warn my uncle D. to get out of the Society in 1995, just before I got excommunicated for 'apostasy'. But he wouldn't listen to me.

Then, when I did get excommunicated, it was too late. All communication, henceforth, with Uncle D. or with his family, came to an abrubt end.

The Society's strict policy of shunning all excommunicated members - especially apostates - prevented me from communicating with Uncle D. ever again.

It was10 years later, when I attended N.'s funeral, where I had approached Uncle D. merely to express my condolensces, that I realized just how brainwashed he had become: Instead of accepting my condolensces, Uncle D. loudly yelled at me, in front of everyone in attendance,


But he messed that up. It's "Get Thee behind me, Satan!"



Find More 'Cracks in the Walls of the Watchtower': Table of Contents


Highly rEsteemed!

Some have said, Satan is Behind ME... Some.

Bacon Fright Power.png

Does he have your back then? ;)




Not possible! Because, Mr. Bacon, I reckon YOU are behind Him! LOL....

This is a religious satire. One really needs to be careful when joining religious societies.

Indeed, one does. And satirizing the truth is one of the most effective ways, in my opinion, of communicating it. Thanks for your comment.

I agree completely being a satirist myself.

I agree completely, 10000% (satire) Jk

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