Jazz Friday #2 "Charlie Parker"

in #jazzfriday6 years ago

Charlie Parker - Jazz saxophonist (1920 – 1955)

Friday is the classic jazz club day and today I would like to introduce the pioneer of Bebob. The popular swing era of the '40s with its large orchestras and predictable tunes led Charlie Parker into a whole new kind of music with his revolutionary style of the Bebob. In his breakneck tonal chords, however, rhythm and harmony always retained, but receive additional impulses by adding previously "unauthorized" notes, such as the raised quart, the trademark of Bebob. At the time of his death he was estimated by the doctor to be 55-64 years old, but in fact he was only 34, the result of his heroin addiction and extreme alcohol consumption. The few film recordings that exist of him I have gathered here: "Music speaks a louder than any words".

Freitag ist der klassische Jazzclub Tag und ich möchte heute den Wegbereter des Bebob vorstellen. Die populäre Swing Ära der 40'er Jahre mit ihren großen Orchestern und vorhersehbaren Melodien führte Charlie Parker mit seinem revolutionären Stil des Bebob in eine völlig neue Art von Musik. In seinen halsbrecherischen Tonkaspaden bleiben aber immer Rhythmus und Harmonie erhalten, bekommen aber zusätzliche Impulse durch Hinzufügung von bisher "unerlaubten" Noten, wie der erhöhten Quart, dem Markenzeichen des Bebob. Bei seinem Tode wurde er von dem Arzt auf 55-64 Jahre geschätzt, in Wirklichkeit war er aber erst 34, Resultat seiner Heroinabhängikeit und seinem extremen Alkoholgenuß. Die wenigen Filmaufnahmen die es von ihm gibt habe ich euch hier versammelt: "Musik spricht lauter als irgendwelche Worte".

1950: Improvisation – Regie: Norman Granz( 5 min).
Charlie Parker and Coleman Hawkins
Personnel: Charlie Parker (as) Coleman Hawkins (ts) Hank Jones (p) Ray Brown (b) Buddy Rich (d)

Jazz History Lesson: Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie (25 min)

Celebrating Bird – The Triumph of Charlie Parker. Dokumentation, USA, 60 Min., 1987, Regie: Gary Giddins und Kendrick Simmons


Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


Another wonderful post by @schamangerbert sir...
Parker was a highly influential jazz soloist and a leading figure in the development of bebop, a form of jazz characterized by fast tempos, virtuosic technique and advanced harmonies. Parker was a blazingly fast virtuoso, and he introduced revolutionary harmonic ideas including rapid passing chords, new variants of altered chords, and chord substitutions. His tone ranged from clean and penetrating to sweet and somber. Parker acquired the nickname "Yardbird" early in his career. This, and the shortened form "Bird", continued to be used for the rest of his life, inspiring the titles of a number of Parker compositions, such as "Yardbird Suite", "Ornithology", "Bird Gets the Worm", and "Bird of Paradise". Parker was an icon for the hipster subculture and later the Beat Generation, personifying the jazz musician as an uncompromising artist and intellectual rather than just an entertainer...
Nicely done sir....

... und es streiten sich die Geister. Wer von Beiden war der Genialere?
Ich möchte nicht der arme Kerl sein, der den beiden Größen folgen muss.
Musik aus der Champions-League. Ganz große Klasse.
Es wird höchste Zeit, dass ich meinen Beitrag zum heutigen JazzFriday zusammenbastele.
Bis später, Wolfram

Always love to listen to the Jazz Music!
Thanks for sharing the great videos.

first time i listen this music,,,,as you say jazz,,,,,,,,,,,,,so melodious music......i always love music and song.........its a very knowledgeable article......thanks for your informative post..........

jazzy weekends are always the best to enjoy :)

Excellent Jazz music video and well explained about Charlie Parker.
Thanks @schamangerbert.

jazz is not my favourite..but i enjoyed these..thanks sir :)

Didn't know about the Charlie Parker.
Thaks for sharing!

Really intresting documentation!Jazz is really great!

it was fun to enjoy the music nice choice

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