Singleton classes
- For any java class if we are allowed to create only one object then it is called singleton class.
- Runtime, BusinessDelegate, ServiceLoactor, etc.
- If several people have same requirement then it is not recommended to create a separate object for every requirement.
- We have to create one object and we can reuse same object for every similar requirement so that performance and memory utilisation will be improved.
- This is the central idea of singleton classes.
How to create our own single classes
- We can create our own singleton classes, for this we have to use private constructor and private static variable and public factory method.

- Runtime class is internally implemented by using this approach.
- Approach 2 (Recommended approach)

- At any point of time for SingletonDemo class we can create only one object hence SingletonDemo class is a singleton class.
Another concept
- Suppose class is not final but we are not allowed to create child classes, how it is possible?
- Simple, declare every constructor as private.
- By using private constructors we can restrict child class creation
- Example
- class P {
- private P() {}
- }
- For the above implementation of class P, it is impossible to create child class.