Japan, my SHAME country - Monthly Cryptocurrency magazine (月刊仮想通貨に見る「日本の女性」)

in #japanese7 years ago

I shame my country, Japan.



This is Monthly Cryptocurrency magazine in Japan.
It has nothing special.
Actually, it doesn't have even about wallets. If you only read it this magazine about crypto, you couldn't know about hardware wallet, cold wallet and hot wallet. Yes, you only know how to make account on exchanges in Japanese. And it only writes about investment. You can't protect your assets by yourself! Are you kidding me?

Steemit を始めている皆さんにとって、何も得る情報がないムック本だと言えるでしょう。


Crypto Girl.
This team is called Crypto Girl.


Can you read "B, W, H"?
It means Bust, Waist and Hip. Their BWH measurements. WTF!! It is completely NOTHING to do with cryptocurrency, isn't it?


It write about what kind of boys she likes, what she likes and what she likes to do.
I'm not interested.


Girls said " I'd like to stand on my own feet", "I'd like to make a society in which all women shine".
It sounds great.
OK, if you want to do that, you had to say "NO" about these shit questions.
Because some Japanese men (especially middle age men) don't look you as human. They look you as woman. It means pet, doll or slavery.
Some Japanese girls want to be that. And take money from them. But you don't want to do that, right?

確かに、パパ活などをしている日本人女性もいますが、そうなりたくはないのですよね? 自立したいのですよね?

And you know, I think it is sexual harassment. I think it can never be done in Western culture now.
This is my shame Japan.


I'm sorry for almost Japanese men. You are kind and gentle.







Steemit の #MeToo ですね。連帯!

言われてみれば #MeToo ですね、連帯ありがとうございます!

Thank you for the English text and I agree and support your thought as a middle-aged man from Korea which is way worse than Japan in almost every aspect. (By the way, I'm married with Japanese for 12 years and have lived in Fukuoka since last summer. So, now I can tell with confidence that Japan is better than Korea in terms of the quality of society.)

Since a woman was killed by a man at a public bathroom in the downtown of Seoul with no specific reason 2 years ago, the feminism has been one of biggest social issues in Korean, but I guess there is no significant progress, yet.

However, these days it seems to be possible to make a big step forward with the #MeToo movement and I wish those efforts will make a meaningful change on people's recognition about gender equality.

Of course, it was not my choice to be a Korean man, but I must confess that I took an advantage of the status as a man and hurt women in various way with or without intention.

Therefore, the things that I have to do until I leave this unfair world, are nothing but giving up the supremacy as a man and supporting the efforts to make this shitty world fair and better.

Thank you for sharing a strong mind and have a great day! :)

Thank you for reading! Sorry, I'm still learning English, so I think difficult to read that.
By the way, my heart ache for your telling news...

I agree your thinking. We can make better our world. We have internet also crypto now. I decided to learn English and telling about Japan to the world. And telling world crypto news to Japan.

I think "decentralized" (means crypto) world have to respect each other. Otherwise, someone become King or Queen. Roger Ver says "I'd like to start own country for libertarian". I don't know it will be success or not, but I thought crypto is not only investment but also idea. This idea is important I think.

He start to talk about own country at 10:45

Anyway, you encouraged me strong. Thank you :)

Sorry for my long reply in rough English. T_T But I think your English is already good enough to communicate. 頑張ってください!^^;; 私も日本語の勉強を頑張ります。

It's always nice to know there are people with whom I can share similar ideas. The idea of building own country is very cool and I also have similar vision about what we can do with crypto currencies.

Anyway, it's nice to meet you and I hope to share some good influence in the future, too. Thank you! お休みなさい!:)

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