Not Another Year-End Review "My Daily Panda" - A little wrap up of the B&W Photochallenge ・ 僕のパンダ ー 白黒写真チャレンジのレビュー
I thought I spare you another year-end review but rather came up with some light-hearted post which hopefully will bring big smiles upon many faces. At the end aren’t we all looking for some encouragement?
After finishing the Steemit Black&White Photo-Challenge I thought I really want to introduce some of the places where I toke those pictures. Since they rules said no explanation I will do this with this post. And I'm having a try at writing it in Japanese too, it is challenging but also quite fun.
It looks the most popular contribution is the photo of the panda display. I love the picture too, actually I really love the display itself.
I don’t know the background story of that display nor the people who put it out but for me it is one of the most stimulating and uplifting things I can see in my daily life.
I only came across it quite recently about 2 months ago when I was cycling back from work. I took a little different street than usual and there it was in all it’s beauty.
First I saw the panda on top of that TV box and the mother dog nursing her puppies. You really need to pay attention to catch all the details, all the different animals the panda is surrounded by, do you see the mouse, the hamster and the canary?
The atmosphere is somewhat of nostalgic that I couldn’t help but stop immediately and get out my camera to take a picture.
At the same moment a mother just passed by carrying her little child which might had been about a year. While passing the pandas she was waving her hand and saying “Bye Bye Panda” to cheer up and amuse her little one. I’m quite sure for them the sight of the panda must be already familiar.
Then I discovered there were even more panda just around the corner, a panda mother with 8 cubs, and to dear sitting in front of them. How nice is that?
The Japanese Kanji on that little yellow emblems say
EKI-NAN TENJINO ICHINONI MINNA NAKAJOSHI = South of the station in Tenjino, all are good friends
This place became some important anchor in my daily routine now. When I return from my Tuesday evening job, now on purpose I take that new route in order to see the pandas. Every time I walk or cycle through this little alley my mood suddenly lifts up and I feel much lighter and freer.
A lot of my sorrows and thoughts will just disappear while I pass by and I can’t help to say it too.
"Bye Bye Panda!”
I hope all of you have found some uplifting place in your life. What is your’s?
“Bye Bye Panda!”
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Love and Respect!!
You can always use so more Panda's - There is no 'too much'. Just like ice cream - it's always a good time for ice cream :)
Nice and resteemed :-)
Thanks a lot!!