
I found Colombo Blockchain Meetup.
Colombo Blockchain Meetup

Oh, I never knew that! Thanks for telling me. Anyway, I have to wait a few years cuz I'm still a school girl :)

Hehe...Thanks for informing me. Btw, are you interested about the Japanese teaching thing here? If you do, then I'm your number one student!

Of course, I am interested. However, I do not know what kind of article to write.

Take your time, Yasu san. If you need any help, I'll be ther for you:)

What kind of article would you be pleased with? I want to know

Maybe like a series of Japanese grammar, daily vocabulary or a Kanji for a day something like that. @crissimoes is teaching Portuguese here on Dsound. Maybe you can get an idea from it. I suggested Shei to teach Japanese a while ago, so maybe she has a plan.

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