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RE: もしも宇宙に投げ出されたら・If you were hurled off into space

in #japanese6 years ago

I might take this challenge, if it were possible and I could verify all the conditions were true. Not having any sensory input for one minute could possibly completely relax your mind, similar to a floatation tank. You might actually come back in better condition than when you left.

But an actual trip to space isn't like this. You'd be exposed to radiation, face the danger of traveling in a rocket, and all sorts of other perils. No thanks.


Thank you for your comments. you have a fertile imagination, don't you? you might actually come back in better condition than when you left. you might be relax in space without any sensory input. ^^
you are so courageous!

Not courageous. If you have ever experienced a floatation tank, or read about it, they say that when there's no input to your senses it causes a state of deep relaxation.

Is it an isolation tank? I think that no input to our sense causes madness. But It is nice to make us meditate and relax as I read about it.
as far as my config is concerned, only on minute is felt like a decade, so I said ,,,, you are courageous. ^^ so long relaxation for a decade^^

Yeah, same thing. It might cause madness if you were in there for ten years, but most people only spend a couple of hours.

As far as time, with no sensory input I'm not sure how long it would feel like. Our sense of time is largely based on sensory input. But if one minute is guaranteed to feel like ten years, no thanks.

I had the same feeling.

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