How to Start Learning Japanese?! Sharing Some Beginner Useful Books Here!

in #japanese6 years ago

Hello again Dear Steemians!

As promised I'm going to continue sharing tips, resources and material related to learning Japanese.

When I start have my very first contact with learning japanese in back in 2007, it was pretty hard to have access to good materials and there were absolutely none good app (at least none accessible to me). it was a hard start, but things changes technology evolves, and today we literally have uncountable amount of great quality material for free or at least for a very cheap price.

Knowing that the harder part on learning anything, and specially a foreigner language isn't the language thoughtfulness but is to keep ourselves motivate and having access to good quality resources to proceed advancing little by little everyday.

Today I would like to share a folder I have with the PDF of the books I used to study All the beginner module of Japanese, I decided to share it in my Onedrive. here is the link to this folder :

I shall keep sharing more material related to this subject, and depending on the feedback for this kind of material I'm even thinking about starting a project to teach Japanese (and maybe portuguese if people are interested) over Steemit, So your feedback and the feedback of your friends are really important to help building up this project. please share it to your friends too! =)

Thank you and

また今度 (see you !)

Ps: Remember by just clicking in the resteem button you will be giving an amazingly support to great content authors to keep doing his good work. So do not hesitate to resteem or even making a post about a good content you have seen, share it with your Steemit brothers and sisters! ^^

Thank you for reading my post!

I'm @andyluy a Brazilian jobless college student, freshman at cryptocurrencies who live in Rio de Janeiro, love to make new friends , travel around the world, having adventures and believe that steemit can help me to gather 20,000 $ to realize my life dream to study in Japan!

​I intend to post about amazing things I've experienced, and hope soon be able to bring you with me to my new adventures.


I am learning Japanese at the moment, this might be helpful! Thank's a lot!

You're very welcome @hazel420 I might keep sharing more about this subject. ^^

This will be a great idea, I'm really opened to learning foreign languages. I'll make sure I pass these messages down to people that'll be interested in learning this as well. Great post my friend!

thank you very much for you feedback and helping to this project in potential @osigbhemeh

It is my pleasure to help others to have a better access to studying materials. =D

It's my pleasure. Any way I can help to the fulfilment of this project?

I'm still working on the better way to do this here, I might also contact some of my friends who are more experienced into preparing "classes" in order to see how could be a good way to start.

as soon as things are organized I shall post some updates, and possibly create a group or something like this one discord too. =)

Very great initiative, I'll like to be part of it.

thank you for this one! im trying to learn again. ive been inlove with this language since forever lol

ありがとう @andyluy だった今日本語能力試験のために勉強しています。3級!!

Thanks a lot, I will take the JLPT N3 exam next July.

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