
I believe you. I forgot to mention the part about picking the bones up with chopsticks after the cremation and putting them in a wooden box that gets an ornamental cover.

It sounds strange, but it really completes the closure of the ceremony and the process.

ok. so does the family picks up and clean the cremation site after? Some of your best writing. It touched me. You really got me with the symbolism, tradition and weather. When my father passed and it was a similar day on his funeral. Rain and sun, back and forth all morning. My cousin was suppose to give the eulogy. Right before he had to go up he told me he couldn't do it. He was too emotional distraught. My father passed with a massive heart attack at age 56. So, very unexpected to everyone. Anyways, I was forced to go up and I did the best eulogy I could. I don't remember much of what I said but I do remember crying and seeing my mom and sister's faces in the front pew. I talked about how it was raining and it was such a sad day but the sun will shine again and that my dad will always be with us. When we got to the burial site. It was still sprinkling during the car ride over to the cemetery. When we got there the sun was out and I remember it being really bright, like sunglasses bright. I was crying too so my eyes were also probably sensitive. When the priest was giving the last prayers a bird or hawk made a loud call. It was circling right above us. Everyone knew that my dad was an avid bird lover. When the call came out everyone looked up and stared to cry. It was a tough day. Still is to remember it.

Wow! That must have been really intense!

The Japanese also have a belief that the spirit of a person doesn't leave the Earth for 49 days. I've been told the details about this, but don't remember them very well. I think the idea, though, is that you can still have contact with them during this time and that this is all related to interpreting the weather and what kind of feelings they will have a spirit walking the Earth for 49 days.

I've only been involved in the one ceremony twice, once with a person and this time with an animal. It may very from crematorium to crematorium, but in my experience, the bones are presented to you on a try as they have come to settle. With the human, the tray was on top of a roller that is used to slide it in and out of the furnace. I don't think this was the case with Miu, the cat.

At any rate, the family isn't responsible for cleaning the site. That is all a part of the service of the funeral center.

That is close to what I was taught as a Catholics. 40 days the soul wanders the earth. We do prayers and family get-togethers during that time. thanks for reading my dump on your post : ) your writing hit a soft spot with me. I probably got all this estrogen in me from taking care of the baby all day. hahaha. See ya.

I didn't realize that there was a parallel with Catholic belief. I was never really taught any of that when I was younger so I'm not even sure if I had a Catholic upbringing or a Christian upbringing.

I'm sure you've got your hands full. Being a stay at home dad can't be easy. You're getting some great portraits out of your daughter's first year so far. Keep it up! I really enjoyed the dream-like one that you made recently.

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