Top 3 Ridiculous Questions by Friends Back Home (Notes from Under the Tatami Mats–5 … My Adventures in Japan)

in #japan6 years ago

“Hmm. We’re as screwed up as they are.”

After my first year in Japan, I was still in Stage 2. (Y’know … “Damn, this country is pretty screwed up.”)

But the minute I got back to Canada and went to visit friends in the US, my friends and family asked me some pretty absurd questions about China … I mean, about Japan.

Hmmm. We're as screwed up as they are.

As the years went by, and as I grew more accustomed to Japan and the Japanese, the people in North America would ask more and more laughable questions. 

As a result, I eventually segued into Stage 3, “Damn, those westerners are pretty screwed up.”   Apparently my friends and family were as clueless about life on the other side of the world as the Asians were.    

Granted, after the Tiananmen Square Massacre, many expats were scrambling to leave China, which is part of Asia (just like Japan). But anyone with a basic knowledge of geography  … (Oh, never mind).    (Image source)

   Introduction to – “Notes from Under the Tatami Mats”  (right-click on title)

Top 3 Exceedingly Overused Japanese Words
Top 5 Myths re Things Japanese
Top 3 Weird Excuses for Japanese Behavior
Top 4 Disorienting Aspects of the Japanese Language
... and more

Links to my Other Series …

      Introduction – "Intro to Vocab-ability"   (right-click on title)
      Guide – "Guide to Entries"   (right-click on title)
      Index– "Index" to all Chapters and Sections   (right-click on title)

      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"   (right-click on title)
      Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"   (right-click on title)

Images sourced from Google Images, unless otherwise indicated or unless my own.


"Oh, you're in Bangkok? Where's that? China?" <<< Every other time.
"Oh, you're in Bangkok? Get out now, they have coups there."
"Oh, you're in Bangkok? Are you there for sex?" <<< A few times!
"Oh, you're in Bangkok? That must be horrible."

And then every so often:
"Oh, you're in Bangkok? Lucky you, I need to escape from XXX too."

And then there are the people that have been here or are travelers, and then I get to hear their story :)

Exactly, for each one of those comments!!

And there's one other response that kinda makes me smile wryly. When I ask certain people back home about how their life has been going, and they start telling me about this, that, and the other ... and never stop.

I've lived overseas for a few decades now, and some of my friends / acquaintances have rarely, if ever, asked me anything about my experiences overseas. It's like they can hardly see beyond the borders of the country, let alone the borders of their own experience.

Re the question about "there for sex?", as a man, I've had that question asked of me more than once. I used to reply that Thailand is much more than a few well-known "red-light" districts.

Recently, I learned that the sex business in many western cities (NYC, LA, London, and more) is much larger and much darker than in Thailand. It's just that, in the west, it's all "Hush, hush" (except for Amsterdam).

In Thailand, it's a simple fact of life, and for most people, nothing to be overly concerned about or to be ashamed about.

So true! I am always so shocked by how open my Thai friends are on the subject of sex. And yes - no one from back "home" cares what I am doing. It is very freeing. I just sent you an awesome kid from Myanmar - from up north somewhere. He wants to speak English and see the world. I know you will like him and he will work hard. I'm his new mom. Please try to get him to post photos/text about his location. I think he has talent and I think he will get interest.

Re feeling "free" in here in Thailand, Shane McGowan of the Irish band The Pogues has a lyrics that goes ... "Thai Thai Thai Thai Thai! I am free!" (That states the same sentiment pretty clearly, doesn't it? ☺ ) ...

And another fine Pogues song about Siam ...
Summer in Siam

Re the Myanmar guy, please tell me his name / ID, and I'll keep an eye out for him.

His name is @sattpaing. I told him to take local photos and he did it. He is now sending me text in fb messages and it is pretty good. I keep telling him to reach out to you. He is shy. He is passionate, talented, and driven I think. His English is not bad at all. He is trying to write without google translate and doing good with it.

Thanks for the music. I will try to listen, but I am on red alert today. I still have not paid the rent in either country and I finally got interest to my weight loss posts here and I am writing huge posts for this daily now. My website will be down for non-payment in days <<< copying like a madwoman...

I believe this happens because of the way the other side of the world is shown to us. Not all of us travel so extensively to experience different countries.

For e.g :- Being an Indian , I get to hear all kinds of disturbing news about Pakistan all the time from the media. Social media and newspaper is the only source for us to vision other countries. We always get to hear various bad news like bomb blasts, terrorism etc. Very few media people will cover the beauty, culture and food of other countries.

Having said so, the questions asked by your friends are very hilarious. It just goes to show the imagination power of people after reading about a particular subject in some form of media.

Following are some dumb questions asked to me by some foreigners :

  1. How is your English so fluent? It's an official language in my country ...Duh!

  2. Does India have railways and aeroplanes? No, we travel by bullock carts !!!!

  3. How do you know about Hollywood movies? Did not even like responding :(

It is a shame that India is still percieved as a poor country and snake charmers land! Nonetheless, I take pride in putting forward the developed and progressed India to people abroad :)

Maybe you should have picked up that samurai sword and used it on anyone who asked such a question :D

If I'd had an extra million yen (~$10,000) handy, I sure would have done so.

Hilarious question deserves an hilarious answer. I am really catching fun. Lol

wow this is really a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing with us.

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