in #jannie7 years ago

Supporting Scriptures: Mathew 16:1-4, Luke 12:54-57

Introduction: Do you think there is a correlation between the current events and what the Bible calls the “End Time”? Understanding the times means accurately interpreting events in the light of the scriptures and understanding God’s programme or agenda for our time.
King David was privileged to have few men in his kingdom who had understanding of the times and that was the turning point for his kingdom. The Scripture reveals that God’s people are often blind to what He is doing or about to do; Israel as a nation was blind and ignorant of the sent Messiah (Jesus Christ) and till date they are still expecting the coming of their Messiah.
The Issachar’s became significant because they understood the time and discerned what God was doing in bringing David to the throne. The discernment of God’s time and seasons is necessary in order to cooperate with God in purposeful action and to embrace and sustain a God given vision during the time of change. However, every event no matter how familiar covers all aspects of life, Socially, Politically, Environmentally, and spiritually and points to what the Bible calls this present “Evil Age”.

  1. Socially, the events happening around us is pointing to unusual emphasis on pleasure (2nd Tim3:4) there is repudiation of authority and growth in lawlessness. Violence is flourishing and is celebrated, also Immorality of every kind as prophesied in the Bible. Family life will break up and there will be conflict between social groups. The result of this will bring global fear (Luke 21:24-26).Recently, Same Sex Bill has been signed in Australia; also Germany has endorsed Incest and Adultery, i.e. It is no longer crime for relatives to marry or make Love. What a wicked generation? This is a reminiscent of what William Shakespeare described as “Foul is fair and fair is foul”.

  2. Spiritually, the last days will be characterized with compromise and weakness. Some Ministers of the gospel have become deceivers and false prophets preaching heresies and false doctrines. Love of God is waxing cold among believers. Some preachers are members of various occult groups. There is famine of sound word of God as prophesied by the prophets Amos and Micah (Amos 8:11-12 & Micah 7:1). It has become old School for preachers to preach the Second coming of Jesus Christ, rather they teach about how to make money. They have become motivational speakers instead of revivalist or Soul winners. How many times did your pastor make Altar call for Sinners after preaching, Altar call are gradually becoming old fashion. Some preachers have become professional fund raisers. All these points towards the “End of Time”.

  3. Environmentally, natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, famines and pestilences will testify to the delicate relationship between man and the physical world he inhabits. Without doubt, there seem to be a psychosomatic between man and nature. When man is disordered nature is disordered too. Ultimately, the Sun, Moon and Stars will be affected.( Mathew24:7-8) Over the last fifteen years, global warming and climate change have become recurrent issue among World Leaders. We should be sensitive to understand what this portends for the human race.

  4. Economically, globally there is economic problem which has lingered without solution. Nigeria is currently battling recession without corresponding economic policies to come out of it. Decline in currency value, inflation, job losses and high UN employment figures will drive governments to the brink of collapse resulting in riots and agitations. Are you sensitive of what it is pointing towards?

  5. Politically, there is a decline of democracy and democratic values and increase in dictatorship has frightened people everywhere. Rumors of wars and wars all over the globe. In Nigeria, Boko Haram insurgency, Fulani Herdsmen Saga, IPOB Biafra agitation versus the Federal Government ,Niger Delta Avengers, “Operation Python Dance/ Crocodile Smiles by the Army”, Obama Health Care Policy: placing chips on the fore-head and palm to access health care, several declarations of sovereign states( Mathew 24:7a). Do you think it is normal? Brethren, the ‘End is here”.

Similarly, United Nations has supported the Palestine as the rightful owners of Jerusalem and it is only America, United Kingdom and few countries that supported Israel. All these are pointing to the end; are you sure you can make Heaven if the Trumpet sounds today? Examine yourself if you are still in the faith.
There is Seven Dispensation in the Bible namely: The dispensation of innocence, dispensation of conscience, dispensation of human government, dispensation of promise, dispensation of law, dispensation of grace and the dispensation of the millennial kingdom. We are currently in the dispensation of grace which is the last dispensation before the second coming of Jesus Christ. The dispensation of grace started from the day of Pentecost and will end with rapture.
Some call it the era of the Holy Spirit, after this period the Holy Spirit will be withdrawn from the earth and the door of repentance will be closed. How ready are you children of God?
The Lord spoked to me, informs my people that my agenda for now is to cause a global Revival for the purification of the church and for the last Harvest (Mathew24:14 & Joel 2:1-17). God is recruiting the Army for the global last Harvest; are you part of this Army?
Are you in the Lords Army? , Are you in the Lords Army? “Yes or No”. The answer is yours.


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