to continue the statement

in #janesonderground3 years ago (edited)

p.s.-edit : aww - it recorded the vids upscaled ... sigh well thats too bad , not gonna do it over just to get the 30 cents sorry for that it shows how the blurring is quite easy to handle in gimp

the finals



watch here :

20211221063938_1 (copy).jpg



20211226133115_1 (copy).jpg

20211226133115_1 (another copy).jpg


Screenshot (49).png

Screenshot (50).png

Screenshot (51).png

yaw see ?

this is "a quickie" on a low-end system with a one-hand freemouse, no 4k 50inch drawing screen for josh , its JO , Janes Onderground) but its the statement and it says :

"it doesnt matter"

(so actually : "its not about artistry , creation or creativity, its about network and marketing, the state (even the state) expects you to do it but it is actually almost a physical contradiction b/c chaos lives in the hearts and minds just like new life comes from the jungle, not the test-tube)

as are the other posts , see, a picture of a fried egg ... 2 hours of editing , a quick writ on quantum philosophy

if you know the you know who you'll get 50 for all of it (which is still not enough to pay the bills lol), if you dont, you get a dollar, por qualche dollare in piu)

AND SO, we do what we do anyway, that never gets boring

it never gets old and we get nothing for it anyway so its never disappointing, but it IS if you spend months trying, working coding , creating and it gets wrecked in five by someone who simply can b/c they have more money

the way of doing business today : harassment suits , good old edison tradition ... i probably sound like a musk groupie but i think hes one of the few creating of the toplevel psychopaths

the rest is just sueing and patenting, owning and buying

... and we ?

we'll never get a job in town so unless crypto rises and that means the not-rich-kid coins

we'll never start up

which is okay, life was screwed anyway long before we met steemit

but it would be better if it got unscrewed

the vids say "WE DID THAT" the other thing says "LOOK ITS ELDEN RING, WAITING TO BE PLAYED" .. and the other says : if WE dont need a deep fake to make your screenshot look like kiddie pr0n ...

then haxxers need it less :)

imagine that, screenshots as evidence LAWL, might as well use IP-addresses for trolling

thats the trick, kid

dont go at it like "im gonna quit the dayjob and do my homework and write the 500 WORDS THAT EVERYONE LOOKS FOR and make a ton"

go at it like : im a bum, i have nothing anyway: this is what i do, ... with a bit of luck when i cash out i can see venice one more time before i die


something about artists and paint

beware he who calls himself an artist
he's probably trying to sell you something

and nothing i want is possible

𝖆𝖙 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖑𝖉 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖕𝖘𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖗𝖚𝖒𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖆 𝖋𝖊𝖜 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖜 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖆𝖇𝖑𝖊 𝖋𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊 𝖆 𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑

a flash of fame burns out and leaves you unable to return to the sea of being, your tits sag like mamie van doren and there's nothing left until you die in a puddle of shit after rapping like dmx ...

fame ?


lol ...

the original metaverse was NOT something faceberg came up with and so, there's no vid or code for the weekly sunday post - some lost youbles by cmdr Gato

we tried creating a @janesonderground account but as it turns out account creation has been disabled and is now for the rich only so we'll have to stick with this one and put it all on one feed

"*I don't know that i ever wanted greatness on its own. It seems rather like wanting to be an engineer, rather than wanting to design something - or wanting to be a writer, rather than wanting to write. It should be a by-product, not a thing in itself. Otherwise it's just an ego-trip"

Roger Zelazny

yea thats it - - - well

  • giving up is something life will do anyway
  • keep busy
  • dont get caught in one box : they will profile you
  • and #stuff


*don't mess with my art , you dont get it anyway* AlleyCat well tis true, even without the fontuscation quite likely


okee dan

(you know : if someone submits stuff like this for the #freestyle section for the site it would be taken under consideration for the "get a steem" and certainly put in the transit section and stay there until it rolls out after max entries ROR and ROL it) but HEY

we aint selling ... we dont provide any kind of service since we're not criminal taxorists making money so we aint advertising

heeh haaaahh

ah playing this

got it on a bargain, THOROUGHLY liked the story and the setting, the immersion , we thinks Don Lawrence (comic book artist , STORM a.o. would have loved the world setting) ... turns out its an Amsterdam studio that's not funded by penose ... but by Yakuza instead (hahah) : Sony ... which also (again) proves : plenty of talent in the northsea-eurotrash zone, even in poland lots now but if you wanna hit and you wanna decent : you have to open up your arse-hole to Crotter Inc for injection ... which to us is a mortal sin and so

playing that

always wanted to check it but broke bums cant have time like hard workers do to finish all AAA games in a row before monday , since we found out epicTim is wrecking the indiemarket by removing the need to buy games there have been a few

we went back to deciding on a flipcoin and the dice

something started pushing so we need to make sure we're not manipulated

YOU think its funny

we think its the result of YEARS and decades of cumulative damage that ended up twisting us so bad we dont know where we are inside ourselves most of the time

trying to abuse that dopamine

trying to slice off the usable bits and discard the rest : mold the uncut into a proper cube that can be spread (like that proverbial arse-hole) in a sheet for categorization but

you can't have Jane without the underground

slice it off and you're left with a bloody mess or more like

we are

and you're gone

and not even liable SO

we dont play

but still competitive psychopaths come dancing like


so ?

yea you did and then they go


i won

and we go like yea thats fine we werent playing anyway where did you crawl under from and what are you doing up our ass , are you like a gay privacy rapist competitive psychopath ?

american ? dutch ?

and then they go


i won

and out comes the metal bat and guess who has to pay the bill



join my harem

together we can do it

oh , well more like you me ... call it symbiosis


1 million cases a day huh ?

"ey ! but its omikron, so thats a good thing!"

(i never understand these people)


What's that software your using for editing the pics?


100% free and runs on both windows and linux as a free install, just like blender, unzip 'n run

has tons of plugins and cc0 brushes available too

Oh my that was gimp! I played around with it I think back in the late 90s, pretty useful tool thanks for the reminder.

just like blender it came a long way , compared to the hundreds of dollars/euros/pounds you pay for adobe or something i think its certainly worth the price. Stuff like blender and linux have billionnaires sponsoring them these days its no longer attic otaku coders after their slave-time hours.

and you're welcome ofcourse :)

i hear its going great there, like in the rest of europe, FABULOUS even , everythings coming back in place and we won ... all across the place our great leaders keep racking up the good karma

hang in there :)


Yes your right I used gimp the other day and it's so much more powerful from what I remember and it definitely saves on the crazy high prices of adobe.
It's not the first time the military as been called and honestly they should be spending their time somewhere else defending the country, haha well the prime minister confirmed he knew nothing about such payments until immediately prior to the media reports of course.

not knowing anything about anything seems to be a global common trait of alpha-politicians, it must be in the job description lol. Here they seem to be well in the money since there's not only enough for more afghans, they even buy new stuff for the army so it can gather dust ... its booming

if you do some editing from time i could recommend gimp , obstudio, kdenlive and lmms

i think all have an appimage for linux too , saves the trouble of installing and makes them portable, those four should cover about all multimedia unless you have a youtube feed thats your daily bread and even then you could probbaly manaage with it

(no affiliation to btw lol)

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