Super PETscus

in #janesonderground3 years ago (edited)


looks better at 320x200 i suppose but still

this is what happens when you have to wait because YOU are the paying customer who has the privilege to buy something

dont make it a habit - usually worse stuff happens ...

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20 poke 53280,14
30 poke 53281,6
40 poke 53272,21
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120 for i = 55296 to 55296 + 999
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140 goto 140
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suppose with the basics of c64 asm , ml just poking and looping you could already one-file demoez this using the backrasters in a moving loop and keeping the jogo in place that euhm 40x25 pokes per loop

it "should" be doable but we never did that actually like that

maybe later

first we wait for the goodness of the salesforce to give us what we bought or our money back

(preferably before easter)

dunno, i wouldnt take it to a demoezparty but seeing what gets uploaded on csdb i would upload it on csdb ... its a slight little better than the 1stone imo

not Triad material yet HAHAH

cuz THAT , mister Garibaldi

that's ART -


yean o mean something like


in a very crudimentary manner - but written in code poking away, doing that thing they never explain quite well in school b/c its BORING , but actually its not once you get sinful ?


this is NOT "what we would do"

we cant because we cant exist here so whatever we do is not "what we would do"

in reality we would not be here and in this case already at the door of that store asking where dafuk ma shit or ma money is

but they stuck us here

so its this

not that we dont like this

we just wouldnt be doing it NOW



you can go zuipen met de meisjes

en vechten voor de baas !

corona is cured

the world is back to normal :)

enjoy it


well yea , what YOU said ... EVERYTHING you said ...


so you could like easily with the superbasic asm


but since its definitely not no coding its for the selected few

(this is an animated gif btw , just as an example, for instance ZD could sit here six hours copy pasting it into a 32768-frame gif and it would "look like a demo" lol

but if you code it it would probably be a LOT smaller

and thus

no mails huh


50 euros is 50 euros mate ...

even if i were a musk

actually if i were a musk id already have called a lawyer over 50 euros by now :)

sure thing

and here we thought you would have stuff to do now with corona being over and the world being totally fixed

instead of bugger us up the bumZ0r .



we meant super-basic asm

not BASIC/asm ... like compiled you wouldnt need too much but a few opcodes here me thinks

read if you get a dataset ready otherwise more if you need math

nothing too fancy

anyhoo, "why is everything so hard these days"

thats because everything's so easy

"no need to think"

the A.I. will code that for you

no demoez a.i. yet though

no dark souls coding a.i. either

probably "in the making" since now there's lots of time since the world is back to normal


... (but wur da money?)

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