LoveByte party 2023 stream is open

in #janesondergrond2 years ago (edited)

you can join the twitch channel : "//" (steemit says the full url is "misconfigured" but that sounds like something steemit would do) you can just go to twitch and slash lovebytedemoparty, if you're the chatting kind theres folks in there atm (time of writing)

its streaming artworks from before today atm - we seen some great "what you can do with 128 bytes (or 256)" again so far ...

to us this is footy, so be woke and respect it (or check it out)

Join us in a celebration of the smallest with a dedicated sizecoding demoparty/event, held on the weekend of 10-12th February 2023 on Discord and Twitch
This year we will take it to the next level with intro competitions in different size categories from 16 bytes to 1024 bytes. From our Tiny Executable Graphics and Nanogame competitions to Tiny CGA Pixel Graphics and Bytebeat Music competitions.
Or what about cool size-coded related seminars to get you started, Bytejam, Introshows, DJ Sets and the many other events we have lined up for you.
We welcome everyone from newcomers to veterans and are open to all platforms. From oldschool Atari, Commodore, Amstrad & ZX Spectrum to High-end and Fantasy Console platforms.
This is the one event where size does matter! Don't miss it!

hm yes , right "science without filosofy (is) ..."

Well looking at stuff like "gyroid" it just convinces us more the universe is fractal, not a box of quantum legoblocks ... you could probably fit the universe in 64kb before executing it and then after a billion or ten years get this (ofcourse "years" is probably not inthere at the start)

WE dont know the exact number ofcourse b/c we lost touch with the others and Alice before they could enlighten us more but

we're pretty sure the formula fits in a very small space

"before executed"

so there you have "not THAT old men in new cars" then ... the best example i can think off at 64 level would be a mind is born

but what the guy says (also about how coding for browsers isnt fun anymore) is probably not far off the mark get a TIC-80 or something (pico something) fantasy console thats gonna be easier to start out with (and you probably dont have to worry about chatGPT or BARD or Ernie stealing your code either to make Crotter rich)

Personally the last idea we had was the php2css for the site-"loaders" screens which is actually 128/256/512/1024/2048bytes of php ... (the scripting language - youd think like HUH but you can actually get something on screen with 128bytes of php too) which does NOT use javascript, hmtl/css only and the size is taken before execution so since oyu have loops the page itself after execution might have megabytes of html to it but as we found already, pushing 4k of php into one webpage with animated CSS kills the celeron ...

browsers arent the greatest virtual machines, the telemetry comes first, as the new google go implementation shows - or wind-OS wants you to "buy a new pc so it can run windows 11" but then you look at it and what the REQUIRE is a tracking chip no more no less, its a tracking chip "that provides a unique id" (for your safety!) so they know its YOU (and then push ads into explorer- which they already proposed)

... SO

the thing that kept us from a tic-80 so far ?

well we bought a c64 ... somehow b/c we had to find out if a sid tune sounded on real hw (and we havent had one since the kid)

to us thats a lot of money since we are not devs or pros but crotter is equalizing the playfield by sacking ... what will probably end up in the 100.000s across the board in the first wave (you only get news coverage on the layoffs that have earthquake level casualties in one go - add the small ones together you would see things are really bad - and chatGPT is only a lvl 3 engineer atm - since crotter doesnt need good coding, it need repetitive crApplication coding , nothing shiney or witty - that thing is like flippy the robot)

mind you there : the superdev-guy speaks on emulators there too and as we did : we "finally got to it" and did with VICE - which is fine b/v VICE is awesome software (tho it could use a bit more work on linux but sadly we dont have sponsor billions to motivate people) - after 30 years, picked up the ASM (but actually thats "again" since the kid was tinkering in code with the KCS power cartridge before he had hair on his balls) which took about 30 days more or less if memory serves to get the info together (the rest is von neuman logic : statement / jump / iteration / condition ... that ALWAYS works (tho maybe not for quantum-Johnny tho if we understand they use standard computing to extrapolate the superposition of the qubits - which again makes us wonder ... why doesnt IBM give US "just one billion" to #dostuff ? they seem to have enough if they can spend it on superfrozen atoms to find out how to solve problems that solve nothing and dont really answer any issues in the world but ITS OKEY , research is important, tho it would be better spent on "how to get more space metal before we run out of spacemetal" or there will be no qubit-cryogenics anymore either") and then after 3 minidemos sized 1k and 2k each got to goattracker and THEN found out if we played it on sidplayer IT SOUNDED DIFFERENTLY ... if we ran it in vice from the demo code ... IT SOUNDED DIFFERENTLY AGAIN - that was when we felt we might best spend our €1500 savings before the euro completely collapsed (back when there would be no electriticy for everyone by january) so we found a c64 , a hard one, and got it ... we always wanted one ... and it sounds okay on the real one ... (confusing i guess but ppl buy these bobble statues and hummels and rims .. and "cars to put in the garage next to the other one so we dont feel like anyone gets to say anything - .... the infrared panels were a win tho, the solar panels somewhat less b/c in soviet belgium you cant put them where you want so we're left with something that gets 80 watts but thats okay, once the divided states start the shooting war with china surely rules will loosen, if not that then they will by the time it turns into a narco state here, as always we see the positive side)

BUT YOU CAN JUST USE VICE IF YOU WANNA THERE - if you read the last propaganda magazine even old men in new cars some dont have the real machine anymore and hardly anyone will do the actual coding on a hard c64 either b/c compared to something as simple as cbmprogstudio (or whatever the l33t use) thats torture ... not to mention wrecking your wrists on the breadbox b/c the angle is a bit less ergonomic than it should be)

BUT to us ... a wild thing coded in basic is just as good b/c someone took the time and effort to do it, ofcourse

not everyone is fairlight

not everyone is farbrausch

not everyone is ASD ...

(or others)

... they like to win but its usually very friendly


not sure if there's still as much booze to the scene and ofcourse

"there are no pills in the building, sir"

that would be bad

but ...its really good to see its still all kicking

no chatGPT allowed, only creativity and to NOT do it how its done

evolution of the third kind

but you let it happen so must agree with it

and then if you have 4 hours a day of clarity and awake left and only 2 arms to a head with 60 shards getting to that tic-80 takes a while

but the 3 demos we did for the c64 (after 30 years finally since the kid always wanted to) are 1024bytes and 2048 bytes (exactly) for starters

ofcourse, thats another thing

we dont compete (not interested - told you we're not human)

and a tic-80 is more money again, and we got SO MUCH STUFF TO DO

seeing that AWK-demo last year and now found out about /dev/fb0 and a vocore having it

... it seems only natural to do a fractal in !bash first lol (well thats ash on openWRT)

but not sure if shell scripting can handle 30fps

so a still would be nice, at least we got to the point where the screen works !

thats progress
now, if you dont mind, sitting here typing is nice but actually it isnt

its schroedingers typing

they DO , i remember seeing even Triad (the ancient ones, the "boring company" as they say since the message) do demos for those things ...

its a scene-thing i suppose

(no you dont get money heheh - some people do it to have a name across one scene, but most probably cant help themselves and if theres something with buttons in the room they HAVE to find out what the combinations do)

ah no no, for php2css the css has to be IN the 256b (128 is really small for php since its scripted and just the syntax takes up most of the space) or 512b you cant have includes and you cant use javascript its just something that fell off the table while watching someone run out of inspo to do new stuff (but i bet php is old hahah) tho its not

str_contains() is l33t !

so far we dont have anything that holds exactly 4096b btw (4k) its just too much for the browsers to handle all that moving CSS (with no javascript) and we dont have ryzen but to do it for ryzen would pass by the purpose - in general we would consider "can a celeron handle it" - like the babyitx combo here that has "a celeron and onboard intel" its like 15cm in size board and fits all into it, like a home-slugged intel nuc for rich kids from disneyland (with less power ofcourse)

and thinking about "64k" of php ...

you need to know that in most servers the standard execution time is limited (thats because as with most multitasking in reality what you get is a congested tunnel where your cars are waiting in line to get through one by one) to 30 seconds, executing 4k of actual code that doesnt just print html will very likely not stick within 30 seconds tho its possible, havent tried yet and would be for

best to generate mostly stills b/c probably even an i9 or like will lag out your browser if you have 64kb of php generating megabyates and megabytes of moving, transparent colourcycling bouncing easing css


this for instance


    font-family: c64p;
    animation:bounce 3s ease-in-out 2 alternate;
@keyframes bounce{from{top:-10%}to{top:30%}}

    $a="If anything annoys its because of Crotter,EU or other-rules, we try to avoid and bypass where possible within THEIR LAW so there shouldnt be too many poppers.";
    echo '<span class=bounce style="top:-100px;left:'.(($x)*0.63).'%;animation-delay:'.($x/10).'s;">'.$a[$x].'</span>';}

is from the rootpage of the main site , is 540 bytes, ofcourse its not packed or optimized since this is not a loader as a concept its a msg to prevent popus (those annoying ones) on "how there are no cookies on the site" (there shouldnt be, if there are its a session cookie that holds nothing but the session id and wouldnt unless you log in and even then wouldnt afterwards unless you choose actively to keep settings over sessions - BC we dont want popups to fuck up the flow"

you can drop that to 512b easy, if the string is irrelevant probably 256, if you cram the css and remove something very likely thats the giste of it, its scripted so you cant compare it with what these guys talk about since 256 opcodes is a whole different thing than 256bytes of text that has to be parsed (even if technically php gets compiled by zend into opcodes that run in the virtual machine the browser is (hot enough for ya) but its the concept that counts, right?)
for instance, every newline here is a byte :)
which you dont get in ASM/ML coding ofcourse since thats a stream of codes uninterrupted
and so on ... for the fact that since the kid wrote hello world we always liked doing it


todays loader happens to be one


which is mostly filled with 0123456789 b/c the amount of "bytes free" within 4K limits

the php used for these probably wont land you a job as lvl 4 at crotter b/C it might blow up your browser since thats not how its done but it works

thats the thing ...

nothing to prove

just " a thing "

so thats where the night went ?

yea well - since we been expecting the end of the world (but not the planet) for some years now it doesnt really matter where the night goes , as long as there's clarity and stability

"javascript" aka "newskool" ... demos ...

not brandnew but a fine example (obviously not 128b here) and FOR THE INDUSTRY (ofcourse that was before the chatbots replaced you heh)

good luck there, professionals

we never wanted to

we only wanted to "anything computers" as our own business because voor een baas would kill the joy

and leave it a dull occupation

and take all the air out of it

but we did a lot of chaingang factory jobs ...

and deskjobs and callcenters and horeca and

look what all that got us ?


it got us "not just a doompatrol metafor" which is not a joke if you have to live it


maybe in ten years after we finish a few things we wanna do we try our hand on 256 bytes of tic-80 "the quantumfantasy" console
how do you write hello world in 256 qubits ?

woops there went the night, got caught on steemit again (this is getting silly but we hope to see some cool stuff from lovebyte)

like you there jump up from the couch and shout gooooooaaaal

something like that

aannnnd HEP, 6am

... where did that go - so if anyone watched the stream (assuming all those pople in chat werent GPT lol)

ive seen a lot of aliens and mutants who are probably weird to mundanes - nerds-with-kids (THEYRE BREEDING, BEWARE THE A.I. ISNT SAFE FROM THEM) but you're wrong they're geeks not nerds (as Kid Koala would sample) , guys doing dj sets in the bedroom that would make a lot of tweeners i was in basements or small parties pale and blush there - but the thing there

one thing id like to add : why you dont see it much on the c64? b/c the c64 relies a lot on hash tables (we would like to think the main reason) which take up space , strings for scrollers take up LOTS of space, sid tunes take up HELLA-space ... but also and maybe most of all : the palette , you get 16 colors and whoever back then decided the order to make sure every color paired is not next to each other made that hard, see on pc (and probably fantasy consoles, you can inc/dec (thats a one-byte opcode = 1 out of your 128/256 available to cycle throuh and you get a gradient (whatever register, on the 64 you have inc / inx / iny each take 2 cycles probably (maybe 3 not sure) when used on the register and one or two more depending on addressing mode) but you can cycle rgb on a pc or later machine , 16bit is a bit different b/c you get more in the green spectrum if we understood that correctly but you can still inc/dec

you cant do that on a 64 because light red is not next to red

(for one example) maybe after 40 years someone found the crazy math behind the palette to order it by hue and brightness mathematically in the 3 magic opcodes of Moore but since we havent been on it more than the 3 little demos we havent and thats maybe why you dont see too many graphical wonders in 128 or 256b on a c64, for your color cycling you actually need a hashtable too (as far as we lamers understand it)


heeh )

but the guys who were talking right now, all very enthusiast get it but heres the thing : and already read some guy with an iq and a degree state that : if moores law breaks we'll have to code more efficiently

(never heard of the guy again, they probably hung him from a tree or something) but he's right, if moores law breaks creative coding : to bring something down to its mathematical minimum is the only way to go faster

... DES YO


as we said #ourstuff ... no more of #theirstuff

its too exhausting and pointless anyway





but if you can start with basic thats just fine

and these things certainly arent 128 bytes but they might be 64kb ...

and we ?

never released anything

we are slightly above average talentless broke bums with not even a high school degree and no money

hence we must be lazy b/c real men dont crazy


enthusiast aliens who got stuck in a hole

c'mon lovebyte (what happended to revision btw why havent i seen any mega LEEEEET prods coming from there or is it too early ?

Well then, if they didnt do like jail and wake it up every hour sleep might mean something and we wouldnt have slipped into a rythm where it needs twice a day and still is tired

Notice how most of it still revolves around the north-west Euro Drecklands and Frozen wastes, seems to be the origin of the l33t coder gene, even at crotter level, the guys who did google wave (DONT MENTION THE WAVE) which i bet is partly responsible for bard and spun off to google+ while the guys who did it have been sacked and buried under NDA's by now

in political statistics thats already supremacy

Since they seem to be asking for scrapware :

we (still) wouldnt mind

  • a flashcart
  • an amiga (we'll even take a 500)
  • an atari ST (doesnt even have to be an E)
  • a Falcon as a fashion statement (last one we saw was €1700 ??!?)
  • a neo-geo (not the cd- and
  • a real hard 1541 drive, maybe not known to non commodore scenoids : the drive itself has programmable memory, thats how they store the irq loader code (well at least the example we use(d) use(!) for the game we would like to one of these decades. So on most machines one will go DAFK an irq-loader ... but its a thing and most modern demos use it but the SD-drive (cool stuff, nice engineering) that came with the breadbox is great, you can fit like 10000 disks on it and read them all without swapping but IT DOESNT HAVE THE MEM the 1541 has or emulate it SO , thus far no demo that uses an irq loader works with it (it does in vice ofc, and we assume in the present day actually most (smaller) prods are done by ppl who dont own a hard box anymore (its not like they grow on trees and you dont get to call an fpga with a 6502 at 100mhz an actual 64 or a freak-synth with glass tubes and room for two (stereo) later version sids aint either)

so since they're asking

we might just ask as well, we'll be stuck here in the hole for life clearly - the only thing now left is the lottery, the americans seem to make sure crypto will never be an enabler so barring barb-wire, landmines and anti-garbage pail kid spray met een bakkes thats what we want

we can probably eat b/c we dont mind shooting homeless for the meat and there be plenty of those in the decades to come


ah no, if memory serves: the css need the whitespaces but not the newlines, but php doesnt, you need a delimiter like you need in python tho, only here its a semicolon and there its a tab or a newline (or two or three tabs/bytes, what a waste :))))) (heh heh))

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