just to show

in #janesondergrond2 years ago (edited)

what goes into "just this so far" ?

some shots for yow-ass

mountainbytes is ongoing and apparently they host the most presitgious event of the year : meteoriks

you might as well call that the oscars of scene b/c it kinda is, the only danger with things getting too established is people settling into repeating set patterns and losing their fresh eye getting caught in the "this is how things are done" trap - but so far they seem to have gud eye still ... and actually not surprising the most prestigious awards event is held in moneyland heh ... i bet there be scouting too tho i doubt crotter will have much luck even if the money's right - creative people of this level tend to work bad with rigid authority and crotter tends to be that and those people usually dont need to sell themselves either. If they wanna then the boss will be lining up heh ..

thats just how the worlds divided, the thing is not to get too cocky about it i suppose

so we been at our therapy all night and since no one or nothing found it necessary to try and push or poke the night has been really quiet from here to thirdspace

we'll check out meteoriks later, thats stuff we wanna see on the couch, all entries, not just the winners, just like the stereotype geek guy who does the scene roundups on youtube (hes probably less stereotype if you get past the look , thats no offense btw mate - ... we're not into that unless its soviet europe politics sucking american balls as if this were still 1946 and biting off their own leg in the process b/c that means more expensive rice, and WE LIKE RICE ...)

some shots for yow ass ... maybe you see why "groups" consist of sometimes 50 people around the place or continet, each with years of "i do this cuz i do this cuz its what i do and i like doing it" and the urge and itch to do it and then STILL release only one to max two big prods per year

no one wants the marvel trap (... no comment on what that means if you dont get it right away) and mass produce until you get an african thor in a midgard and an asgard thats a ghetto b/c you need to

... nothing wrong with being black ... African norse thundergods living in a divine ghetto on the other hand

maybe we're too old but thats just too much dystopia

(mind you : no one in their right mind, espeically normal people with an ego and an iq and all that would ever present anything at this stage , not like dem is youtube where 500 attempts get distilled into one vid on "i did this in five minutes" , its just that this is not presentible and so one wouldnt but the shots show a little bit of what all goes into "just this" , and ofcourse since we are royal plural having 10pcs wouldnt help much either - your average psycho-skitzo-alpha-catstar alien who once was whole but isnt ... the first logo on the 64 palette came out fine (in proto) but the colours just didnt shout "bubblegum" (having the 16colours of tramiel without the bleeding scanlines just doesnt have that pink your girlfriend wants) so the second uses a palette called "bubblegum16) convenient ! aseprite aint free but its not expensive either and usually a logo on a c64 would be subject to more rules since you cant just use every 16 colours on every pixel without trickery, we have some windows exe that emulates the whole thing and exports c64 usable formats but forgot the name (its been a while) and .... euh #stuff i guess, its time for 2nd cycle anyway)

as p.s. : the logo is pixeld in aseprite (which is actually for pixarT sprite devs but as they say : use what you got) , then imported in GIMP and there filtered out to create the white outline which moves on top , the music program is lmms
all free xept AGK and aseprite ... but AGK just happens to be our fav lightweight afternoon tea coding thing ... and tho in this case bubblegum galaxy started with "doasothers" checking out how that starfield goes (but we actually had one somewhere back when html5 was "a thing" to check so this is not a particle system from AGK but drawellipse , it might work just as well on a tic-80 using the same code translated back to javascript (and then using drawellipse in TIC) the font is from 1001 fonts credited in the intro (if we have to draw a whole font for a small "introstyle" program then there wont be much else to do this year probably but feel free to make one and send it if you cant stand the fact that its not original JoG-mat - tho we see plenty of credits to in demos (quick onefilers attributing fonts to other groups or scenoids so maybe this time we are not THAT weird)

as well as : picking an example in javascript (which is REAL code!) converting it to basic (whic is NOT!) and then moving it to a TIC-80 to write it back in javascript and use the same drawellipse call (which would make it real again)

.. we cant get to that point of view lol but it itches to see tic-80 draw it and we could boil it down to 1024agk bytes (script before compilation ofcourse in basic) just the bubblestar field

the samples are synth voice actors and some cuts from an ACE cracktro , the music (we think) from masters of the universe sid for the game back when - so lets say that part has a long way to go - the "just introstyle doesnt need much snazzy the field is probably already overkill here but HEY - who cares - heres hoping some kind of noise still comes out thats acceptable - - - compared to 1995 to 2002 it seriously feels like braindamage b/c the beats just fell out without thinking, thinking is bad, once the thinking starts its usually game over)

and such and so - - - - - - fyi et al etc ... we got the vocore screen right, apparently it needs a 2block offset and now its only mirrored so we just have to find the mips command and memory location that stands for "flip screen" and bobs yor daddy

(not , b/c then theres still /dev/input/event0 to peek the touch screen which doesnt seem to work with cat (the linux cat) but that is for another castle, mario, my legs hurt) (no never sit down , if we do that arthrose for 80 year olds which the local gods have been so kind to grant us at the age of probably 30 when that started but took a while to feel gradually cuts off the blood to the head as it all starts sinking into each other and we end up 10cm shorter from sitting down still)

all fun and games ! good thing we are mentally stable otherwise it would get difficult on top of that

and so and such

WELL, i dont tell you to not talk about soccer, football or your local politician for who you beat up everyone who has their local politician somewhere else. This is good for us. ... if they let it be it would have been something b/c the kid was not meh at it - - - but thats all zougen now ...

not representative of the finished product

but you can buy in early access for only €59.99 IF YOU PRE ORDER NOW ! ... Malice has a bit of a bump with the flow of the cutup samples there, but as we always do "the way of the universe" it will somehow fall into place .. and since nothing will be released and we cant sell (tho you're free to send us a small billion in crypto since donations arent illegal as long as we dont actively sell or ask for money, GO BONKERS ! if you cant do steem we'll create any wallet you like as long as its a small billion we will try very hard to accomodate - unless it comes with strings attached)

lulz yes

bem TIME


... it will probably get some kind of finished and end up on the site as an example of "potential submission styles for galmeetsdemo"

now - try to make sure you dont kill the world before 2050 if you dont mind, we have no intention of toppling over yet


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you have no idea how wholesome this is

shoulda let the kid do

he might have been someone and maybe done something


our innerman ZeroDesign has a bit to go until Sarge but its slightly not meh

  • there is no design
  • dont tell us how to b/c that might lead to volatile situations
  • nothing to prove, its too late anyway
  • we just wanted independence and a life in a place thats livable for us, love is a bonus, and crypto could have been that

sadly the suits ruled otherwise and so we're gonna rot here in hole

thats it

no chatGPT

just us who once was i

the OS is linux mint (free) which is actually not "what you see", what you see is the Cinnamon Desktop environment, running on linux mint, with about 10 (or 12 forget) desktops at a flick (but if you want you can probably have 24) - if you dont have room for a cube with 50inch screens rotating ... well its our fav atm - we started with ubunut long ago, and before that had an old p60 running just terminal, which actually got admind by a friend from where he lived but thats how we got to it, must have been around windows 95 or something

Cinnamon just works best for us and mintflavour happens to come with it (among others like xfce for older machines and mate for less older but less new machines) compared to the med-to-low rig this runs on (which is a board+cpu+mem we got for free from the guy from the local store who didnt know what to do with it as someone left it there who didnt know what to do with it after buying an upgrade ... as you can see, it works just fine)

OH YEA SURE ! send us your (working motherboards, cpus, memory, amigas neo-geos and atari jaguars - but we'll take a ZX and an Acorn without complaining too - NO PROBLEM ! )

(and money ofcourse , just send it overhere - at least we wont buy bullets or twitter with it - but we might just buy a new identity and disappear - - - cant promise that wouldnt happen frankly speaking)


.... RIIIIIGHT ....

yea dream on little dreamer

cant say we neer tried bub

in a place where ambition means "a house by the bank and a loan for a car to pay alimony for your two previous wives while divorcing you latest composite family" until you're old enough to spend the rest on meds and go demented

we tried a LOT

but there's no escaping a black hole in the swamp of mordor, of that we are almost certain now


bring da demoez

o, forogt

have a scenedemo

not found on meteoriks but we give points for avantgarde64 and creative use of pet in a "what am i looking at but i like it" kinda way :p

the bubbles is cool too , POINTS !

no you cant, you have to do this on a 64 in asm , tic-80 cloning is forbidden unless you intentionally state it, b/c its gonna be very different to do

and SO ... talk is cheap huh

LUCKY b/c we're poor !

aint that symmetry

either way

bad for Zathrass aaaaand


hoooo ?

yes but sure we already showed the state of our stalled onefiler since after "lonelyraster" (see on almorkat.art)


no reason but ooh stringy probably and b/c the scroller is supposed to move within the sprites so its not just a question of shifting to the left in this case - BECAUSE we thought that part would come in handy for the game

and then something came up i guess

so thats also not representative, the stars are random (as random gets on an 8 bit in asm) its mostly pet but


PET is made by the PETgod for people who PET

and 40 years later it still comes out fresh




mmmm yea

JUST SHOULDA LET US DO MATE, up until you stuck us back here last time you could have done just that, we were doing just fine getting out and ready to get out of here

we actually werent even HERE

but close enough b/c everything aroudn here is here, eventually this will all be a black hole

just like all business will be crotter

and they will give you UBI or else no one can pay crotters stuff, by then the A.I. will be running it an like la Mara in el salvador

no one actually knows what it does or whos the boss anymore :)


right cut DOUBLE and sleep

jeezes ...

heeeh, no dearie thats no animation frames and the bounce is a preset string of data in memory (which is mostly how its done for speed instead of cos.math(atan(sin(sqrt(log(x)))) in asm) on a 40 yo 8bit machine as we gathered - its pointing to the same block which has some rolling or rorring or asl-ing going on (cant remember its been months) so that gives the mini-dustdevil pixels) - what your average l33t scenoid would do mostly is "Oh, i'll have to look at that" , download the .d64 or .prg and disect it


so when its finished the .d64 file will be up (we kinda still like floppies with PET directories as we are just THAT old) and you can have a go but we doubt there will be anything there for decade-yo scenazoids to get aha-erlebnis from :)


see what happens when we start talking about football now ?

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