
tell that to whoever paid for it :) a lot of people would consider this spam you know since i didnt initiate or pay for the upvote (not that its not appreciated) ... thats how steemit first went down with the elite inquisition and flagwars

hmm Really have you taken a look at trending lately ?? things have really changed hands, but i agree the ads are not really wanted or needed becomes spammy after a while :)))

nope, i never do trending, ever since twitter was a thing and facebook something you had to be on the edge of tek

i'll check it out


i dont see any ads tho

(might be adblock) - but if that gets the price up to $7 again

then who am i to complain

if it just gets more-money-for-ned-the-second

then indeed i dont see the point :)

muricans "sci-nfo" sites are starting the propaganda against tiktok

they're really sore losers arent they - noticed how google has a section with dancing girls that's like tiktok for a while now ? (youtube)

cant hack it so they'll carpet bomb it

i dont think much has changed other than the usual entropy in the universe which is just countered less and less due to people who are born with too much plastic in their bodies

an old saying when in rome do as the romans :))) they all sorta do things their way whoami to tell em how to do it eh ... truth is anything for viewer traffic the tv/radio is blah most days the tv advertises on the radio yup times have changed. everything goes into an algorithm a few of my amigos cant go on fb because they pressed the wrong link and now every social-worker in the caribbean wants to talk to them lol :))) you can see it coming wet t-shirts and all and then everything looks the same. spending a lot of time developing testing atm simple things get complicated fast but you know that :)))

i live in several dimensions at once while unstuck in time - rome is just a fleeting point on the way back and forth

i found i dont find satisfaction in "what others want" and salesforce beats me to the pitch so if i do that im left with no money AND no feeling of "you are slightly not meh"

crypto was a door to a future, sadly now we are stuck in the same past again lol

what DOES make it interesting is that the race is actually on

My Phone My Phone 1 hour ago (edited) such a shame the LHC didn eat the humans ... im sure the universe wouldnt miss them ... maybe theres a reason why it could last this long , bc it got born like "under the sink" in a toolshed in the backyard of a distant galaxy in the backyard of the universe itself and no one noticed

or one might say the gods put it here to make sure they cant infect the rest of the place

never to reach the skies again

i mean ... whats the chance of getting FTL (barring the immovable object to get infinite energy into mc²) or an actual colonist-class cruiser built to last generations all the way to proxima centauri (hoping theres something to settle there) BEFORE in 20-30 years the place runs out of necessities to do so and we can all happily live out civilization as neo-amish ?

or getting matter synthesis before that ?

or actually even small stuff like getting to the part of system-wide exploitation

people at the LHC would serve better designing an orbital hangar and factory imo than they are sifting over statistics papers looking for particles , i mean they built the LHC, how hard can an orbital hanger be , its a lot smaller

... and then theres the maglev space elevator


europes not even using the biggest trump card it has (but i hear they gonna get an army)

gud for FN herstal then

i think there's room for debate as to wether it happened before - 120something1000 years of humans, 10000 recorded , according to some a guy in the middle east made it 2000 years ago so thats a lot of time to lose stuff - so before that

there was me in the tree and the thing that lurks in shadows - for quite a bit longer, who's to say nothing went extinct before that ? b/c it hasnt been found - i mean if humans actually evolved instead of outsourcing survival to a third-party entity like technology (which has been evolving and humans havent) they wouldnt leave much behind

and sincere they were

barring systemwide exploitation within 20_50 years (assuming recycling can last a bit longer to have a chance after it runs out and waiting for the next big bang to inject some is probably also not the best idea) id say the best chance is a real killer virus to bring down the population to 2 billion (preferarbly 1 or even less than a billion) at current tek-levels thats all it needs. That would buy some time, but in the end its still a death-race b/c OOM is OOM and you cant launch a rocket on a woodstove

the current timeline projected looks more like cannibalism by 2050 tho

sadly i have to delete these comments before the men in black come

TWELVE MONKEYS !!!! (if someone gave me the button that says : clean removal of most humans by tomorrow but you might be with them it would take me less than a second to push it)

i think it would be a lot more interesting to see pure-evolved species (even monkeys) but preferably something like great cats or spiders , who always seemed to make a lot more sense than something that would die if you drop it and leave it for a day on birth

sounds harsh but so have humans been to us - ( ) cant fact check it b/c i dont have a think tank and a billion but it makes perfect sense as well as being inevitable AND something even the purrzident of amurrica cant fix before breakfast . Small things like "the universe does not borrow an apple from the future to feed the third starving bird" (and so only the first two survive) - barring david deutsch and einstein theories - still not apples tho - so leads us to believe you cant fix that by printing more dollars on wall street

in flemish it goes "op is op" ... so that comes really down to waiting for the next big bang so it stands to reason that the only way (you can caps that) is systemwide-exploitation which, (imo) is technically feasible , given an orbital hanger and factory to work and start outside the gravity well at this very moment it could be done with the tek and knowledge at hand

once you have a supply line it would be like the 1960s are back with a vengeance

but other than that

we can only see cannibalism and mad max movies


JOY to the world !

so , twelve monkeys

the universe wont miss the humans, before they wreck the rest of this exceptional small dot we sit on

(in short : they got about 20 years and some recycling to make it to a sustainable space presence or we can sit out civilization as amish)

so that makes it interesting enough to HAVE to see the end of this and if they'll make it

my money (proverbial wishful thinkmoney) is on "no they cant its fucked" heh heh

steem paid for the domain names but that was about all i could afford from it

and this is still europe and of all place the central cesspit of it, i can assure it doesnt look like tomorrows canada here :)


im in a somewhat plush place that has maslows first step covered, i probably have more chance of dying from fatman syndrome in some years than anything else as long as i buy enough barbed wire

i just HAVE TO SEE how this works out :p

i was years ago last time i tried getting back on fb and it kept saying "you need a foto and your id card and this and that" and then when i did it said that again

so i said well ... its not like i need facebook to see people i dont see anymore i mean

there's a reason why i dont see them anymore,

right ?

steemits gud even without exposure

it would be interesting if they made condenser accessible to everyone again with docs and not python or not just python but otherwise its fine

two or three people talking

i only got two left in my fone since crotter cut off my skype too

i had voices from here to la paz and korea - i guess its all part of the "lets make his world 250m wide" so he thinks like us

which doesnt seem to work either


like the rest of their world

at least there's symmetry

15:43, sweeped the upstairs and some dust - dear diary

so no but yes and thats actually the day but here

blast from the past

TempleOS (formerly J Operating System, LoseThos, and SparrowOS) is a biblical-themed lightweight operating system (OS) designed to be the Third Temple prophesied in the Bible.

not in it for the money :)

sane people dont mutate you know

and the middle of the bell curve is just that

evoluation happens at the fringe

aah the good old days of pas tafari - in afghanistan the OS aint too popular i hear , a bit like abortion in texas

what a wonderful world

... if i saw mary in lourdes id be a saint

but get the blueprint for mundanes from a thing chained to a rock in space

its skizofrenia


never mind reacting to any of this, it just came out

its time anyway

we have to or the ones in down below who never leave the basement get restless



in ireland that would be probably still be blasphemy too b/c real men dont have mental conditions

its all just an excuse

HEY, wanna bet 50 steem on "they wont make it within 20 years" (to settle a minebase in space before too late?"

i intend to last at least that long despite the ongoing onslaught of mundane middle of the bell curve reactions to what they see as a threat because it out-evolved them or is otherwise "strange"

bear in the cave

nothing changed

you're the positive guy, you can bet "they will"

im the realist central european cesspit leftover wreckage of white suburban trash that once was too smart for its own good

i bet "they wont"

put it in a steembag

open it in 2040 :p winner takes the 50 lol

who knows, with the ads it might be GATES-money by then

o lookie there : 16:26

windows repair deleted all files on the desktop, documents and downloads without asking to backup

so i guess we can re-do the sidtune and all the programming on cbmprgstudio and crApps that only work on windows


so we have something to do tomorrow tho i dont know how to recover files from a windows drive thats not even broken a partition

i guess thats what i deserve for doing anything but gaming on a microsoft product


50 steem says they wont make it and 100 years from now its all peaceful amish and we can all have 2 women

(but no trios)

DAM! no trios ....

(yay windows ! im even more motivated to spend half a years money on "a pc that is fit for windows 11 so we can track to see if you is you, for the childrens safety)

as i said , dont bother reacting, im gonna shower and drop

when you see 4million dollars of steem a day movin vs 1.5 hive in the exchanges scratches head how could this be?? its called currency after all :)))

we all know for ten years the bulk-a-day doesnt mean much - ever since they found out its used as an indicator every crypto-creater has been moving their own shit back and forth just to get on top of the cap

but i hope its not gonna turn into a puritan witch hunt like last time, they sure succeeded in bringing down the price from $7 to 15 cents with their enforcement of "gud content"


as if twitter or facebook does "gud content" for a living

you'll have to excuse me, i'll reply to the rest later - im warding off an allergic reaction to light atm

and hm, i'll use this 5 minute window ..

  • i guess movement is better than none, at least it means its alive and someone's actively trying to make money off of it - but WHAT is happening and what that means remains unclear, just like last time, 1-2 people and some top 5-20 might while the rest gets to bring their grandma and some money to feed the whale. I havent seen hive for months but last time the price was higher and stable. No idea on market bulk. I quit watching anything since the basket dumped about 90% in value and sat stuck there thanks to the crusade.
  • people who test you without permission cant be your friend or ally. Even if the excuse is "we have no choice" that means someone is controlling them and you cant trust them. Trust once broken cant be fixed (i think that was Siddharta) and observed particles dont behave (i think that is physics aka the laws of nature).
  • some people are of a level where they actually believe a kid WILL swim when you throw it in a pool and the same ones would tell you to adapt to survive AFTER they put you on the sinking ship they're on in the middle of an ocean of kryptonite and cut off your wings. Maybe some kind of "get an idea fast or else" ...
  • whatever it is : 2023 according to the oracle is the first year where the cracks will show, everything before that was just foreplay - tho it might look calmer on the surface at first.
  • and then ? no idea- the 5 minutes are over

i relly think they're under some kind of influence again which leads to all kinds of "protozoan tests alien" situations

the kid used to be SO polite
he should have known better but kids look up to the people who act as if they know

the kind of folk that, if they had an actual brain going would go looking for aliens in radiowaves with triangles and sines

as if those are alien concepts


i'll owe you the rest of the answers anyway, on a day where you get four hours and of that 30 minutes of clarity 45 minutes of steemit is too much



if they want ads they'll need exposure

that means bulk numbers

look at twitter, twitter had dud, (officially never made a cent) but they sold out on sheer "WE HAVE X MILLION USERS tweeting x million tweets per minute"

dorsey never once said "gud content"

sold out under 48 hours , even the arabs dibbed in arabmoney

otherwise they euhm

are better off going for NGO and asking gov't funds

use lots of woke

(but in the end since its not true decentralized like BTC or LTC there will be just a few dozen who cash in real money off of it)

if they want decentralized

running nodes should be easy

as well as private wallets

and ofcourse making the creation of dapps accessible to not just the incrowd and keeping it a matter of shaking hands more than creative talent and gud coding


that makes it 50 minutes today lol


im gonna try and use the remaining hour to clear some of the pent up red-zone from the sapient-proximity alert augmented by daylight

say what you will but its my reality

i have to deal with this

and most of it got fucked by people with good intentions whose idea of helping is normalizing the anomaly by hitting it with maslows hammer until its flat as a pancake

or in my case broken into little shards

44 minutes of uplifting karma - at least they'll all be on their ship since they didnt bother

sadly they chained me to it and this life i wont get out

stay canada ! (build a wall around it or something they'll flood you too)


Here now after second cycle, days are getting smaller Twas a bit better and stable after months of home alone and no humans but in the last ten days or so someone must have had an idea that "YOU GET UP AT" ... so that takes two months to recover back into a pseudo state.

Slept from nine to midnight:30 and but thats cuz in bed by 6, getup a few times for cat and strange people who found the addams dog ("thing") on the street someone left the fence open. Then at 5 get ready by seven and just woke up at 12:30 ... this gets me gud until 5pm or so when the yawning starts - it doesnt exist in this country but all the ones researching it in places (that must have bad schools) agree : if you cant get it fixed in the first two years it never leaves you

so getting stuck here in hole was about the worst idea ever someone ever had - but one of the best in ruining my life for good

that said what i wanted to add : its almost like a hollywood scenario for a movie where the pruzident of the divided states gives a speech in the last 15 minutes that lasts 10 minutes, in 10 minutes they take the world back (which is new york), and then neo gives a kiss and love saves the planet.

Imagine :

a world where gen-Z++ grew up , born with plastic in their veins and a smartphone spliced to their palms where there's no lithium for everyone or none at all for plebs

but plenty of uranium left heh heh heh

good morning , belgium

dit is je wekkerradio

i seem to have a lot of cables too but all the stuff i was gonna use for the solar direct seems to have broken while i was waiting for the cables

a strange house this is

but we had the days before it broke


and then it broke us trying to fix it

imagine that world

no lithium for gen Z++


1:50 now, just ate - probably get heavy for 15 - 30 minutes but since i slept thats resistible

since we are in what they call doom mode (but its realism, not just a doompatrol metafor) :

the way they are doing things atm is no different from the coal days of JP Morgan , gaining lithium from seawater creates a crapton² of wastewater (thats probably unfit for fish unless they're plastic fodder for the next-gen humans) and others, mining it speeds erosion as all surface mines do.
talking "just lithium" and not the one for medical use, greta thunberg puts her best foor forward to help create a li-on pile thats hard to dispose of and by 2030 will be significant, by 2040 impossible to deny


so "its the new coal" actually , but it DOES have totally bio-degradable and renewable african kids while oil workers in texas refuse to take their places and wanna frack open the place down to the iron core

so what they're doing right now

is actually creating a 2nd stockpile of toxic garbage just so after x years they'll have to revert to fossils anyway

from all sides its a death race and they're sitting on the sidelines doing what they're used to do

and thats "just lithium" (0,00007% of the earts crust or something)

it doesnt look like there will be system-wide exploitation, not even mining moon or asteroid belts before 20-50 years atm

so without use of an A.I. just taking human behaviour and (real)supply and demand (i wonder what "renewable" actually means in their dictionary b/c it doesnt until the next big bang) and nothing else we get a 95% accurate prediction of the world by 2050-2100

that makes me at least glad i never clobbered me a mate to dance and spawn more toxic filth onto the planet


so you see, thats also probably why they dont like my wutang-writing style

its something you cant fix by printing dollars

and its more like a

YES WE CAN smile at a moving train scenario

until it hits you , you REALLY can

nationalist flags are popping up at windows and in cars


memes are turning


"they dont wanna hear it"

so ... why dont they leave me alone then i was just about stable and ready to get wired into my borg cube ?????


"nice piece of fiction huh? ofcourse humans wont let it get that far, they ALWAYS prevail"

with a smile


here you better go for euro-smile


no one is special enough to get their own pronouns

i mean its un-equal if some have them and others dont

so everyone's "YO"



dear diary

its 14:20 now, the food has been eaten, i took good care it didnt get burned b/c sometimes they put the stove too hard, the dishes are done, the kitchen and counter is cleaned, i assembled the laundry rack for old lady addams and i have me now , ... at least one of us - if i'm lucky the yawning starts in about two hours (otherwise sooner, sometimes after an hour of waking up and a BIG shot of coffee) , then i can go another to shower and clean what room needs to be cleaned, if i drag it any longer i get reactions akin to someone producing too much adrenaline, resulting in mental lashing and eventually pay the price afterwards and it wears me out even more, which needs extra recovery. By six im lying down at the very last, slowly calming the inside as long as nothing from the outside peeks in. I found balance within a black hole here but its hard to maintain.

If all that works im fairly good and stable and able to nod and smile.


so thats what they call lazy b/c it doesnt exist

you see ?

how this leaves little time for creating ideas that get stolen by crotter to cash in on ?

half of the remaining hours i spend walking up and down blurring out of focus in the daylight and standing at the fridge like "i was getting something down/up here"

the night is better, no stray alpha waves

thats MY reality


the rest is fiction ofcourse

they coulda let me do and i would have moved out of the central hole and cured myself, i give that an 80% chance but we'll never find out

it wasnt too late back then


and THEN

there's people who think THIS

is a depression

so wait until the recession (hahahahahhahaAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

tho i dont think the last homely home will have a real one but your merchant guilds are run by humans so they will definitely claim there is one which isnt one because in the dictionary it says vegetables are spelt

(with a V)

hey at least we got demoz !

and a c64 thats 40 years old tho

from what i picked up from electronics so far i think

you cant store electrolytic capacitors indefinitely

so you would need a shell and the raw materials

the chips will probably last when taken care of

so we has a hunch they might start a hoarding rush anytime soon (meaning within 5-10-20 when its already too late, b/c at current course and settings it already is) which will start the REAL resource war

which might solve a lot of problems too

with a planetary winter

There we have it, its not like i can do much atm b/c i only have cables and no repair mats or money for parts

and certainly not a programhead by daylight

theres probably some cleaning

vur af te wasse zemmen nog goed aja

your 1 page essay for the day

i call it


haa, dear diary

see ? 30 minutes on steemit - got about an hour left before the yawning starts b/c we slept well

we hunch that b/c most of those things have been around since "somewhat after the planck era" (give or take some hundred million , there's a margin there on a cosmic scale) so they could probably last in storage until processed

but the same thing applies b/c there will be no planck era until the next one, and for that the universe will have to breathe in first

its fairly undeniable


to think crypto could have actually gotten us out of here until they fixed that

i dont think about it, b/c i usually dont get depressed but hostile

something in the early years pushed into the nationalist movement as a kid probably broke the flight reaction to get ready to jump at orders by the time of come of age

but they killed the VMO and looking back, that was just a bunch of loudmouths trading guns for a hobby

so here i am

not left not right

not left ENOUGH to get in HERE not RIGHT enough to fit in THERE

me myself chosen to be a servant of my lady, the cat sits on the roof and sees i exist in three dimensions spatially but several at once at all times and unstuck in time (i think the last part is something i didnt cause b/C i remember it was different, vaguely) so every day is yesterday when its the past

and since mundanes only have so many conversations i had them in the future


by now i get funny looks and the pitchforks come out


and SO, even if it will hurt us just as much

we're halfway looking forward to the recession

b/c THEY cant handle it

its karma


dont let that spoil your appetite , if you were born in the cesspit im sure you woudlnt think canadian either

so dont lose that smile (yet)


well its 3pm

i should do some floorsweeping or something

so you wanna laugh or cry :)))

how does that saying go again

yeah it was from back then when it became almost a reality we all believed in but imagine 40 somthing years or so there was a dream...

Star Wars Memorial Day Opening Weekend May 25 1977 -  Left to Right-Han Solo-Darth Vader- Chewbacca- Princess Leia= Luke Skywalker R2-D2.jpg

were getting there dont forget the computers then were the size of large fridges i remember a 286
was a whole console with 512kb 4.25 floppy backups and that was the 80's and they were doing lightspeed :)))


Fords atomic age project the Levacar Mach I hover car somewhere in time they went the wrong way eh ... we could all have electric hover cars by now
Fords atomic age project the Levacar Mach I.jpg

Someone paid to upvote that post... So if it wasnt you dont be upset about it it's just money.

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