Oyster Mushrooms for health
Oyster Mushrooms are fungi from the Basidiomycota and includes class Homobasidiomycetes by general body characteristics of the fruit are white to creamy and 11 semicircular.
With such circumstances it is not surprising if many people glance and learn like which way the cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms though only for at home only. But those who will start this oyster mushroom cultivation venture it well before starting the cultivation of first knowing whether that should be done and how their preparation, so that by the time later did stage the way oyster mushroom cultivation can be minimize failure of harvest, even though the words of people who have already done the way of cultivation of Oyster Mushrooms
Choose Seeds Cultivated Oyster Mushrooms For quality should be
For the selection of the seeds of jangn is considered easy for granted, because in choosing seeds should not be discouraged-origin, should be correct – incorrect have good quality in order to later cultivation will be maximum. Many of the fungi farmer yg made a mistake because no meticulous in choosing seeds ultimately caused the mycelium does not grow as expected, in the harvest was not maximal. To avoid seedling quality not good wrote there are two ways we can do, we create your own pure breeds up to membibitkan get the F1 seeds, berkualiitas seeds, buy a second on an honest or mushroom farmers buy seed provider agencies can trusted.