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RE: James Corbett Interview - Social Engineering & The American Mind

in #jamescorbett7 years ago

Great discussion Ryan and you hit the nail on the head with pointing out the divide and conquer agenda always looming in the background.

I also strongly agree with James that events like these could try to undermine the independent media using some of the staples of the community like 'crisis actors' and 'false flags'. The Co-opting of actual grievances and 'steering' them in different directions that serve the interests of the media/gov/tbtb/etc.

Another way this can be accomplished is by polluting alt media. Flooding the alt media space with so many conspiracies to help mask the ones that are an actual threat to the establishment. Flat Earth comes to mind here. Getting people to invest their time and energy in topics such as these, at least imho, are done for the purposes of misdirection, distraction and to discredit people who unfortunately are gullible enough to be taken in by these psy-ops.

Great interview, fascinating conversation.



Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. There are just so many ways that any of us can fall victim to the intense programming always under way. We just have to always be open to another's perspective, even if they do not return the favor, and question all that comes our way without fail. The good thing is we have outlets such as Steemit that allow us to pull away from it to some degree. We have a good thing building here. I truly think this is the future, and people are beginning to see that. We also must protect it from those who would turn it into yet another CIAFacebook.

"We also must protect it from those who would turn it into yet another CIAFacebook."

I couldn't agree more. I am currently involved in enduring flags from a 'professional flagger' whose wallet seems to verify they are funded off chain. I reckon this smacks of exactly the kind of mechanism by which such subversion of Steemit can occur.

Can't say this particular party is being funded thereby, but neither can I rule it out. The details of their interests clearly seem aligned with such parties, but that's merely speculative. It's the mechanism that alarms me.

Thoughts on how to deal with such accounts? I just have been calling them out on their BS and enduring the flags. Actually, reveling in the flags LOL. Every flag just proves my point that they are intent on censoring information they want less known.

Thanks for another great post!

Good points. I've long been convinced the UFO thing, and FE too, are used as 'dither beasts' ( a concept from ancient MMOs) to distract truthers who must try and set folks straight, thus dithering away their time.

I was struck by Corbett's consideration of how disparate communities can work together for limited purposes, such as against war. This is something I reckon we can all work harder to achieve.

Even with Code Pink.


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