in #jamaica6 years ago (edited)

Jamaica Economic Assassination!

Some say it was about the production and distribution of banana
Some say it was about the production and distribution of orange...

...some say it was all because of aluminum-availability of Jamaica' Bauxite
The quality-quantity of 'Best Ganja in the World'

But some have written books on parts' of Jamaica demised economically
And when ..moment in time.. 'Prime Minister'.. traveled to seek answers
All was given were just inflated lies and deceptions...

..'Head of State'...screwed Jamaica
'Central Banks'...screwed Jamaica
'IMF'..screwed Jamaica
'Illuminati' ...screwed Jamaica...

..Jamaican Generations'Nexts!
Need to be re'educated on the facts of the happenings August 5th 1962.
Queen Elizabeth II did not grant Authentic-Rightful Freedom...

...Jamaica Independence Infraudments'


Liberty for the people, legislation for the legislators.

Let those who would rule, rule over each other.

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