Awkward memory.

in #jamaicalast year


Have no idea why this memory popped into my brain this evening, maybe because my knees are hurting? Or maybe because it was just a memory that makes me laugh now, given the clown show that is current reality.

When I lived in Boston for a few years, I used to jog around Jamaica Pond on a fairly frequent basis.

I'm no athlete or experienced runner, but way back then, going to college and working mostly part-time office jobs, (early 30's) I liked to at least try and keep in physical shape. Running was always "a bit of a chore", but Jamaica Pond really is a special place, right inside the city, where nature still thrived.

Most often I just did the one 1.5 mile run around the pond. This particular early evening, I was cheered on by a couple of guys just sitting on the side, and I got that second wind to do another lap around the Pond. Maybe I was showing off? I don't know, but I think probably.

Anyway, as I was rounding the last turn, dusk was settling, no one around, and lots of shrubbery and trees blocking ambient light, and I was feeling quite tired, at this point, just slogging along, after a long day.

Suddenly this dude jumped out in front of me, opened his trench coat and exposed himself, just like in a comedy skit, but I think I made record time the rest of the way. Adrenaline is an amazing thing! I recall that rush like it was yesterday!

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