Titip Rindu Buat Ayah [Indonesia SKA Cover]

in #jahm5 years ago

All of us of course have stories about a father. I remember when we were little, many aspired like each other's profession. In my opinion, it shows how much we are idolized. Yes, of course our father is a hero as well as our own idol figure.

Because of the fact, it was Father who worked hard to meet all our needs from childhood to adulthood.

This song clearly illustrates the sacrifice of a father for his children. Sometimes when I was a teenager, I loved repeating this song many times. It was never bored to always hear the lyrics so touching my feelings.

The lyrics are really able to describe the sacrifice of the figure of Father as a family warrior. The figure who never gave up. Not tired despite working hard in the hot sun. Stay motivated despite so much burden. Never complained.

This song was originally sung by a senior Indonesian musician, Ebiet G Ade.


In your eyes are still stored as events
Collisions and blows carved on your forehead
You look old and tired of sweat pouring out
But you still persevere hm

Although your breath is sometimes short of breath
Carrying increasingly heavy burdens
You stay afloat
You have understood the black and red of this road

Your cheekbones are a struggle
Your shoulders were thick with sunburn
Now thin and bent hm
But the spirit never fades

Even though your steps sometimes tremble
You stay loyal

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Semua kita tentu saja punya cerita tentang seorang Ayah. Saya teringat dulu ketika kita kecil, banyak yang bercita-cita seperti profesi Ayah masing-masing. Menurut saya, itu menujukkan betapa kita sangat mengidolakannya. Ya, tentu saja ayah kita adalah pahlawan sekaligus tokoh idola kita sendiri.

Karena faktanya, Ayah lah yang bekerja keras untuk memenuhi semua kebutuhan kita sejak kecil hingga dewasa.

Lagu ini menggambarkan dengan jelas pengorbanan seorang ayah untuk anak-anaknya. Kadang dulu waktu saya remaja, saya suka mengulang lagu ini berkali-kali. Rasanya tak pernah bosan untuk selalu mendengar liriknya yang begitu menyentuh perasaan saya.


Liriknya memang benar-benar mampu melukiskan tentang pengorbanan sosok Ayah sebagai pejuang keluarga. Sosok yang tak ernah menyerah. Tak lelah meski bekerja keras di tengah teriknya matahari. Tetap bersemangat meski beban begitu banyak. Tak pernah mengeluh.

Lagu ini aslinya dinyanyikan oleh musisi senior Indonesia, Ebiet G Ade.


Dimatamu masih tersimpan selaksa peristiwa
Benturan dan hempasan terpahat dikeningmu
Kau nampak tua dan lelah keringat mengucur deras
Namun kau tetap tabah hm

Meski nafasmu kadang tersengal
Memikul beban yang makin sarat
Kau tetap bertahan
Engkau telah mengerti hitam dan merah jalan ini

Keriput tulang pipimu gambaran perjuangan
Bahumu yang dulu kekar legam terbakar matahari
Kini kurus dan terbungkuk hm
Namun semangat tak pernah pudar

Meski langkahmu kadang gemetar
Kau tetap setia

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded


They really love the ska sound:)

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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