Pay It Forward Curation Contest (PIFC) - Week 84

in #jahm5 years ago


Pay it Forward Curation Contest - Week 84

This is my first Curation Contest for Pay It Forward. In this curation, I'll be highlighting two quality posts in the Reggae music or Caribbean culture.

1st Post:
"The Sunday Dinner in Jamaica and the Diaspora" by @missaj is a post about a husband, who is Jamaican, and his wife, who is Japanese. I love what he included at the beginning of the post: "Disclaimer: Foodie inside- enter at the risk of getting hungry and leaving overweight"

The day is Sunday, and @missaj asks his wife what's on the menu for dinner. Surprised with her response, he takes what he calls a "teachable moment" this opportunity to familiarize his wife with the custom in his country as it relates to the food that is eaten on Sundays. He begins by explaining to her that Sunday is a special day for all Jamaicans. They eat what is called the "Sunday Dinner". He desires that his wife know the origins of the tradition and why it's important to him.

In his research from, @missaj discovers that Sunday was a communal day for families to gather and eat. Other foods were given to the slaves on Sunday, so they took them and cultivated a tradition. Now their "Sunday Dinner" consists of such foods as fried fish, roast beef, oxtails, barbeque and curried chicken, rice and vegetables.

Below is the picture of his traditional "Sunday Dinner" that @missaj cooked himself. Are you hungry yet?

Image Source provided in owner's post

I think @missaj's post is delightful. Not only does he enlighten his wife about the traditions of the Jamaican people, but also presents a teachable moment for all who may not be familiar with the country or its customs. Myself, I love southern and Jamaican food. But I've never eaten curried goat. I'll have to find a Jamaican restaurant near me and try it. Meanwhile, I recommend checking out @missaj's post here as I think it's a worthwhile read.

2nd Post:
"Combination of Reggae with Celtic Music" by @mariluna (reputation 62), is a post she promotes as a "positive combination of Reggae music and Celtic culture." One of the items I like about this post is the fact she writes in English what she wants to convey, then immediately under it, she provides the Spanish translation. She continues this throughout the post for each paragraph. She begins by explaining the meaning of the word "Celtic". She includes an interesting graphic for her post to represent the Celtic culture.

Image Source provided in owner's post

@mariluna's inspiration for writing this post was to share with Reggae lovers how their music inspired the Celtic culture. Then she elaborates on how Reggae's influence on Celtic music culture is believed to be a spiritual connection. She feels the blend of music that resulted was "good". To showcase how the resulting music was interpreted, she provides, by YouTube video, two songs Freedom and Meditation from the Album Listen to Your Heart by Scottish artist, Paddyrasta.

@mariluna presents an interesting portrayal of how the two cultures blended through music to produce the Celtic music experience. "Combination of Reggae with Celtic Music" is a good read for anyone interested in learning about and listening to the Celtic music produced from the Reggae influence.

I have a fondness for the Caribbean culture, as well as Reggae music. Originally from Louisiana, the influence of the Caribbean culture was seen in every facet of life there, from the food, customs, people, to the music. My family grew up in this influence and enjoy today food adapted to fit the creole and southern style of cooking. The aroma I remember from the herbs and spices, I'll never forget. And the music, well what can you not say about Reggae. For me, this contest highlighting these two posts about Jamaica and Reggae brought back pleasant memories.


Happy rest of the week everyone in your endeavors.

a) JustClickin "Pay It Forward Curation Contest" image created my me in Canva utilizing Canva's free graphics;
b) JustClickin logo created at CoolText.Com;
c) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Galaxy Phone; and (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera;
d) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use;
e) All Tribe logos used with permission of Tribe Discord Channel admins.




Thanks for your entry! Love having new people join the contest. A couple things that will help you out for next time (hope you join again!!!). First make sure to drop a comment on the main contest post so we can find you and you will then get part of the bounty (free steem). Second watch the post age for the posts you feature. Couldn't upvote the second post as it's past 7 days old. We ask that people look for posts that are 3 days or less to allow time for others to visit and upvote.


Thank you for your entry. Both of your bloggers have been upvoted and your entry for Curation Contest:Week 84 is confirmed.

Hi @pifc Thanks so much for your comments on how to complete a correct curation for this project. I have made a note of the requirements and will adhere to them going forward. Thanks for the opportunity. I enjoyed this contest.

Week 85 is live and hope to see you join us.

Just finished my post. This one was fun also. Thanks for your support.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Fab writeup on these two posts @justclickindiva.

Sunday dinner was always a special meal when I was growing up and it’s nice to see that tradition still upheld.

Unless I have company, I don’t usually go all out on Sunday but a nice roast dinner is always a winner here.
I love Celtic music and the combination with Reggae would be awesome. 🎶

Thanks so much. Same at my house.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Well done dear ! Now you can join every Tuesday as we have a new @pifc

Appreciate the support. Already submitted mine for this week.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

@justclickindiva, You've reviewed effective Reggae Posts. Hope that going forward you will going to come up with more Reggae Reviews. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @chireerocks. Thanks for stopping by. Curating writing in this Tribe was enjoyable. I definitely will look more into it and conduct more reviews when I get a chance as it refreshes my memory of Reggae from a young age.

Appreciate your kind words. Have a blessed day yourself, and take care.

Welcome and good to know that. Have a wonderful time ahead and stay blessed.

Thanks for the entry. I've supported both of your bloggers.

Thanks @viking-ventures. I thought the 2 posts were good content. I'm glad you think so to give your support. Appreciate you stopping by and letting me know.

Have a great day.

I am so glad that I caught your post or we would have missed it. Need to make sure that you post the link to your post in the contest post for that week. I put it in and mentioned it to the judges too. I'll review everything in the morning.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Nice catch @tryskele! This would have been missed for sure.

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